39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhishek2409

` if(something here) { <img src="a.jpg" class="image" /> } else if(somthing here) { <img src="b.jpg" class="image" /> } I have something like it But class and events associated with it in jquery does not work for second block. Please help.

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for thilipdilip

I got a product table like this id | name | category 1 | name1 | 2,1,5,8,9 2 | name2 | 2,1 3 | name3 | 5,8 And I got a category table like this id | catname 1 | cat_name1 2 | cat_name2 5 | cat_name3 8 | cat_name3 …

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Member Avatar for melhanz

<select name='brgylist' id='list'> <?php require_once "connection.php"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT `BrgyCode`,`Barangay` FROM `ref Barangay`"); while($rec = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<option value="'.$rec['BrgyCode'].'">'.$rec['Barangay'].'</option>'; } echo 'The Code selected is '.$rec['BrgyCode']; ?> </select> I want to store the selected dropdown list to a variable because i will use it to query to output in …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for nowewiesci

In which **real** situations have you seen C++ usage for web applications wth PHP? I've looked throught the forum, I've asked uncle Google and I know that: - PHP extensions can be written in C/C++ - there is a great amount of C/C++ libraries you can use in PHP projects …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Jibran12345

Hi, I'm creating a website where users can liket things and by liking things you'll see people who have liked the same thing on your home page. Now, currently my code shows people who like ONE same thing as you, but how would I make it so that if anyone …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for showman13

This may sound like a question I shouldn't need to ask, but here I am asking it... In a PHP page I am doing some simple html stuff, where there is a reference in a paragraph to information on another part of the page (rather lengthy document)... in html I …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Morning All, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, whether you celebrate it or not... I have what should be a relatively simple question that I would like to pose that could avoid a very lengthy one... if I create an associative array and place several key>value pairs in the …

Member Avatar for showman13
Member Avatar for GlenRogers

Ok,I havent a clue how to do this. I have a mysql table for products, each has id as the primary key. I have an admin page where I upload products to this table or delet/hide them too. But I want a way where when I'm uploading the products to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kgizo

I would love to know whether this code is the correct manner to send mysql data to a remote database. $host = 'www.domain.tld'; $user = 'remote_user'; $pass = 'remote_password'; $time_end = microtime(true); //grant per;misions to connect to remote host if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect")) die("function ssh2_connect doesn't exist"); // log in at server1.example.com …

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for matutuedwin

Guys help i want to retrieve data using hyperlink. for example when you click location information about that location will be retreived. iam using search fuction its working properly. help me out thanks

Member Avatar for The Diamonds
Member Avatar for noel9
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

$_GET is empty and this is my code. I dont know what to do <?php session_start(); ?> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); $hostname = "localhost"; $username = "xxxxx"; $password = "xxxxx"; $database = "db1104107"; //echo '24'; //connection to the database try { $dbhandle = new PDO("mysql:host={$hostname};database={$database}", $username, $password); } //to handle …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for mattyd

A simple question (One which I do not have the answer to yet). One small yet important aspect of my current project is collecting IP addresses via email registration/email confirmation. I assume seeing an IP is not difficult (User's email header?) **My question is**: *Is this IP the IP of …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Jibran12345

Hi, I'm trying to make a website in which users can post thing. The thing is, is that if it is a photo then I want it to show as a photo. Unfortunately, if the first row in the database that matches my query, all the posts will be echod …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Daniel_18

AGH that was annoying...After typing this whole thing I went to register with Google+ and now I have to type it all again...anyways... I have a registration page on a CMS that I'm building. The first step in attempting to register is to enter an email address. Once it's entered, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for noel9

hiee i want to sort a column on the click of hyperlink of header i m doing it by sql query so how so i write javascript for this so that i can call on onclick of hyperlink and column get sorted

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Ambrish_1
Member Avatar for itsnauman

Hey guys, I just bought a Macbook Pro but I can find a software that works like WAMP for the Mac OSx for managing MySQL & running PHP scripts on local host, can you guys help?

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for s0bigg

I have a website that gives search results of products. I am using page numbering for splitting up search results from 1 to 10. I need to do some work on this search page. First of all, I want to fix the page numbering system. Currently it is showing a …

Member Avatar for kthxdie
Member Avatar for noel9

<td><input type="text" name="c1" value=" <?php if($p_id!="")echo $a? else echo $p_name>" ></td>

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for zelanne74

Hi, I have here a code for saving a pdf file to mysql database as blob. may problem is how can i retrieve pdf blob in php. thank you. <?php if(isset($_POST['add']) && $_FILES['filename']['size'] > 0) { $fileName = $_FILES['filename']['name']; $tmpName = $_FILES['filename']['tmp_name']; $fileSize=$_FILES['filename']['size']; $fileType = $_FILES['filename']['type']; $fileType=(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==0 ? mysql_real_escape_string( $_FILES['filename']['type']) …

Member Avatar for zelanne74
Member Avatar for WebWebbington

Hi, Below is the code I am having difficulty making work: public function showLoginOut() { if (session==null) { return '<li><a href="login.php">Login</a></li>'; } else { return '<li><a href"logout.php">Logout</a></li>'; } } *^ Above is a PHP page, which holds functions I can use in a phtml document* <ul> <li><a href="index.php">Home</a></li> <?php function …

Member Avatar for Mohamed_26
Member Avatar for kgizo

Good day I need help incorporating a progress bar into my code, I first needed to export a query from my database but however the time taken for the query to be exported to a xls file should be shown in a form of a progress bar. if i exit …

Member Avatar for kgizo
Member Avatar for just_program

hi my name is lester page and i have a problem that is displaying links to the owner of the comment. the code is working fine but the thing is the links are being displayesd whether the logged in user is the owner or not. the database i have heading …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Robert Rusu

First things first, the story about this article. Recently I've created an Wordpress Plugin [WordPress - WP - Keywords To Tooltip | CodeCanyon](http://codecanyon.net/item/wp-keywords-to-tooltip/6513598) After a few days, somebody asked me if it's working with Wordpress Multi Site, initially scared, I didn't expect it to be so easy, I've achieved the …

Member Avatar for Robert Rusu
Member Avatar for guyinpv

I'm writing a PHP/MySQL app for myself as both a tool I want to use, and a learning excersie for coding. The app is a very basic finance or budget tool. You can imagine already there will be a type of dated "register" that will list all my bills/debts and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for neha05

Hello I need to create following video kind of admin panel in wordpress,or in wordpress any plugin available to manage and provide such kind of functionality ,please guide me in that,thanks in advance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UnjVoShUno video1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahk-Hvbc9mE video 2

Member Avatar for neha05
Member Avatar for Mohamed_26

I have been getting this error. I have no idea what it is. Any help provided would be awesome. `require "connect.php"; $query = "SELECT DVD ID, Name Of the DVD, Quantity FROM DVD"; $stmt = $dbhandle->prepare( $query ); $stmt->execute();` This is where I am getting my error. I researched about …

Member Avatar for Mohamed_26
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I stored hindi data in my my sql table through Php form. While fetching,it is not coming in hindi but some unusual symbols like गिरधर गोपाल रायतानॠis coming. using below code also [CODE]mysql_query('SET character_set_results=utf8'); mysql_query('SET names=utf8'); mysql_query('SET character_set_client=utf8'); mysql_query('SET character_set_connection=utf8'); mysql_query('SET character_set_results=utf8'); mysql_query('SET collation_connection=utf8_general_ci'); [/CODE] Need help..

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for driazi

Hi, I changed my wodrpress URL manually and after then i saved and loged out from admin panel . now i can't login to my wordpress Admin page after changing The URL 's and whenever i want to log in it redirects to other page that i changed in URL …

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The End.