39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for david.1982

Hello gurus! Hoping someone can help me out. I am building a calendaring program for items with php/mysql. Each item will have an entry into a table, listing a starting unix timestamp and an ending unix timestamp. What I'm trying to do is build a query that will search all …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for rajesh.bl

Hi All, I am using the following code for form validation but i am getting an error saying that unexpected T_variable in line [code=php]<?php include("menu.inc"); include("tiki-setup.php"); ?> <div id="centerContent"> <p class="first-letter">Please fill the following form in for any enquiries that you may have:</p> <p> <?php // if the form has …

Member Avatar for rajesh.bl
Member Avatar for hbmarar

hi, i had got a script from some resource that demonstrasted outlook and php. but i had done perfectly but getting the following error. I request members to help me with this. [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message 'Parameter 0: Type mismatch. ' in C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\outlook\COutlook.php:112 Stack trace: #0 C:\apachefriends\xampp\htdocs\outlook\COutlook.php(112): …

Member Avatar for bharanikumarphp
Member Avatar for Gowthamseeda

Hi 2 all This is Gowtham. I am new to PHP. So could any one please tell me " how to send data to server Using URL with out using AJAX". Please send me some examples. and explain how it works. Thank you

Member Avatar for Gowthamseeda
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hello I am trying to add a poll function to a forum. the adding forum has radio buttons which asks the user whether he wants to add a poll or not. If he chooses yes the questions and the answers will be added to the database. I have included five …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for theimben

Im not sure what Im doing wrong here but basically this script scrapes pages. The array has 3 urls to scrape but it doesnt work. Could someone please show me where Im going wrong. [code=php] <?php $req_url = array('http://www.first.com', 'http://www.second.com', 'http://www.third.com'); function get_head($a,$b,$c){ // Gets a string between 2 strings …

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for theimben

Hello. Ive got this small script which caches a web page. It names the file with a unique ID which is all fine but I need it to name it with the unique ID but with a HTML extention. How would I do this? Heres my script... [code=php]<?php $page = …

Member Avatar for theimben
Member Avatar for squarkman

Happy Holidays! Is it possible for a PHP FORM to send data from say... [email]dog@senddata.com[/email] (form user) to [email]cat@getdata.com[/email] (data recipient) BUT... when [email]cat@getdata.com[/email] gets the email with the data in it, if cat decides to REPLY, [email]dog@senddata.com[/email] WILL NOT be in the TO list at all. This needs to …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for david.1982

Hi everyone, I'm stuck on the best way to handle this. In a nutshell, I'm creating a website that sets up forums between one or several parties. Each participant of a forum can upload file attachments to any message they post. What I want is a way to protect those …

Member Avatar for compdoc
Member Avatar for welbyobeng

I have a table called "users", in the table it contain a column/ field name "reg_date" how would i run an query to say: For all the users, if their feild "reg_date" is blank put "20th December 2008"

Member Avatar for =IceBurn=
Member Avatar for zanzo
Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav

hi all, plz explain diffrence between inc and php like include("menu.inc"); include("menu.php"); every body is invited

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for Deathrains

Hello guys ! i find this place really helpfull for developers (ow really ? lmao) ok here i made an mysql query that looks like this ; [code=php]$result = mysql_query("SELECT id,title,description,data,author,mini_img,view FROM data WHERE data>'$data_begin' AND data<'$data_end'",$db); [/code] i checked for missplaing and nothing ... i have doubs about data(its …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for elbuhleini

I want to create a function, which checks if user has myApp installed and if not, he is being redirected to my landing page. Now, the landing page works as it should, the problem is with function mentioned above. Also, the function has to work for the whole media content …

Member Avatar for queenc

i am using tinymce editor.when i give a data as below.i am getting a lot of unwanted symbols printed.can anyone tell how to get a data as my input [B]input[/B]  Language known : English,Tamil  Nationality : Indian [B]output[/B] * Language known����� :���������� English,Tamil * Nationality���������������� :���������� Indian �����������������������������������������������������������������������

Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello Friends, This is Knr i require calender function, when we click on calender image the calender of this month has to be display and we have to select the date iam placing the image please please friends i have to get the things like that Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends iam having a problem if we want to add a category and subcategory in single page and in a single database in database can we able to please help me in adding category and subcategory in a single page please thank you KNR

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

Dear members, I'm facing a problem using ajax..I ve two files language.php and ajax-language.php. In language.php I have a list of languages with checkbox where if i click a checkbox then a male female option will be shown. now the problem is when i'm going to click gender option then …

Member Avatar for tedobg

Hi guys.I am new to web development and of course I have been experiensing some problems.Most of them are easy to solve and I usually find my way, but there is some thing that is getting on my nerves for some time now. I have been trying to make a …

Member Avatar for ashafaaiz
Member Avatar for dewhickey

I have a table in a database. The primary field is ID Int(11) auto_increment. The public display of the table sorts the table by ID. I have a back-end member area where a member can log in and add a new record to the table. This new record displays on …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for marcmm

I wish to know if there is any way to refear to an empty querry result. I want to implement a safety measure that prevents users from entering duplicate names in a DB. so I colect the value they enter in a textbox, then I create a querry wich checks …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for desiguru

How do i escape a string that includes a lot of ' and " Here is my sql inser query's some part [code] VALUES ('','$_POST[FileID]','$_POST[FileAddress]','$_POST[Name]','$_POST[Requirements]','$_POST[DateAdded]','$_POST[Size]','$_POST[Changes]')"; [/code]

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i just have a general question that if I registered for a domain with space to put up my files. can i use that space to store my database? such as connecting php myadmin to the domain. can anyone explain a bit on how to do this?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for marcmm

ok, I have a form that submits data to a database. data that is colected from things like dropdown boxes, textboxes, checkboxes etc. I want to put some conditions that prevent the user from submitting something that is missing important data. I found a little tutorial that dose that, but …

Member Avatar for manish.s
Member Avatar for Modo

hi guys how r u doing .. i am using a website to help me install the three components through the tutorial on the website everything seems to be working except the MySql part .. the tutorial says i should go to DOS and there i should run mysqld-nt --console …

Member Avatar for Modo
Member Avatar for desiguru

I have a table that is something like this: (table name: sites) ID----FileName-----FileAddress----About 1----website1-------google.com----Seach engine How can I make a code in such a way that it can be like: Display all of the FileName in an alphabetical order on file.php that links to their further information page. i.e FileName=[COLOR="red"]website1 …

Member Avatar for =IceBurn=
Member Avatar for Aamit

In my variable $time=2008-12-19 14:12:10 [COLOR="Green"] this value is in database [/COLOR] and duration to find next date is 21157 in seconds $event_length=21157 [COLOR="Red"]Suppose today's date is 2008-12-21[/COLOR] How to find [COLOR="Red"]next date by using $time value[/COLOR]?? [code] $timestamp = strtotime("$time"); $etime = strtotime("+$event_length seconds", $timestamp); $next_time = date('Y:m:d H:i:s', …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange

hey folks, I have a question. I have several mysql tables and I'd like to fetch data from a few of them to create a <select> <option> list. How could this be done. I can get the info from one table, but don't know how to get the data from …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for blackbox2342

I'm wanting to start a page on my video game site where users can view games out this week. It'd be cool if they could look ahead to games coming out in the future and maybe even a way of archiving. I guess similar to imdb ( I can't find …

Member Avatar for blackbox2342
Member Avatar for ripper1510

I have made a script that gets only friday and puts them in a drop down but now i dont want to upload it into the datbase as a string i need it as timestamp so i can filter and order for current day and such. here is the form …

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The End.