39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for masterOFwww

Hello, my script is giving me headache for two days. I have a paid to click site, when user clicks on paid links my script displays surf page, where i have a timer and an iframe that displays sponsored site below the timer. After the timer loads users have to …

Member Avatar for masterOFwww
Member Avatar for orxanx

Hi guys. I have web site, but my hosting don't support php functions(mssql,sqlsrv,obdc_connect) :cry: for connections to MS SQL. I need that remote connect to MS SQL and receive from data online. Can you tell me, about alternative ways to import data from remote MS SQL server with php script. …

Member Avatar for khr2003

hi I guess the title says it all. Is there any way that I can disable the users of my open source php code from removing the copyright line?

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! How can I include CSS styles in a PHP HTML Email? This is what I have so far- [code=php] <?php $msg='<html>This is a <em>test</em> message</html>'; mail('a@b.com', 'Test HTML Mail',$msg,"From: Santa Claus <santa@gmail.com>\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); ?> [/code]

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends thanks to all for their co-operation iam facing a problem with date function i want to insert it in a database by taking from form is there any one whi gives the code Thank u KNR

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for pupsaa

Hi! First of all to say that I am a newbie in PHP world. I have a table in a database and I am trying to update a row's content based on its id that I get inside the page's link. But the update never occurs. Please help. I can't …

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for navi17

pls tel me how to instal phpadmin3.1... i hv just download it... i want to run it on d apachie server.. i m newbie to php.... and after creation of tables where i hv to stored dese tables? pls give me approciate example???

Member Avatar for darkagn

Hi all, I am currently writing a spell checker that needs to suggest corrections for a mis-spelled Suburb/Locality in a Post Code/Zip Code lookup site. All of the suburb names are stored in a database in the Postcodes table and I was wondering if I could use the Pspell library …

Member Avatar for dourvas

hallo there. i am new in programming so i ask for your understanding i want to put the results from a sql query into a textarea. then i want to be able to pick one of the records of textarea and delete it (textarea and database). (i dont have to …

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for navi17

hi friends.... i m new to php.... i have installed apachie 2.0,php 5.2,mysql5.1... everything is going welll.... bt dere is problem using d following code,, [code=php]<php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "mars11") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Connected to MySQL<br />"; </php>[/code] i hv save it in the htdocs folder under apachie...filename is test.php bt …

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for sagedavis

Sometimes it's just something so simple. I have been racking my brain, searching the net, for, litterally, 6 hours. Looking to do the following. If the user puts "this phrase" into the form field, it will send to the database "this_phrase". Hours and hours of research, solutions using preg_replace with …

Member Avatar for bugmenot
Member Avatar for jtmcgee

I am having problems with str_replace. What I am doing for the administration pages of my CMS I have a include page for the top navigation (nav.inc.php). So I'll show you my code. [CODE] $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $prefix = '/administration/'; //get main and sub $main = '<div class="main-links"><a class="wnav" href="'.$prefix.'">Home</a><a …

Member Avatar for jtmcgee
Member Avatar for Aamit

[code] <body onload='window.setInterval("timeHere()", 100)' onunload="sayTime()"> </body> </html> [/code] here is java script [code] <script> var time=1; function timeHere() { time = time + 1; finalTime = time / 10; } function sayTime() { finalTime = time / 10; //return finalTime; alert("Thank you for coming to my site! \n You have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for uppibhay

Sirs,I w'd like to build on a website wherein i've a text box n accept code from user.I then w'd like to run code and display output in page. Something like [url]www.codepad.org[/url]. Plz help me with this....

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for theimben

Im tring to replace a string. But it just doesnt work for some reason. Ive tried str_replace and preg_replace but neither have worked. My script basically caches a webpage then replaces a given string. The problem is replacing the string then saving it. Could you please help me out... [code=php] …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for ammupon

Is it possible to create a desktop icon (as in VB), for my application, so that users can access the form from their desktop to make complaints? I am using PHP with MS SQL. Please Help! Thanks in Advance!

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for jeffc418

Hi everyone! I have a problem with a very simple solution I've just been unable to find :D Say you have a text file that says "My name is jeffc418. My name is kkeith29. My name is =IceBurn=." How do you get it to say just: jeffc418 kkeith29 =IceBurn= Would …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for ashafaaiz

Hi can anybody help me? I am working in a networked system. Just i want to search all the images in the H: drive. What i am exactly trying to say is, i want a search program exactly as 'istockphoto.com' of my own. Could you tell me this is possible …

Member Avatar for gotmick
Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy

hi there ... i want to Handel a select field in php but i could not ..so i was wondering if someone can help.... what i want is there will numbers from 3 to 40 listed in select field and when user select 3 3 text box will appear and …

Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi I had to echo a table from a database in a html column (td) but the problem is the width of that column is increasing when show that para.... Please help me... Thanks Rajeesh

Member Avatar for ashafaaiz
Member Avatar for SinghR

I needed some in making a comment box. I am making a website most of the thing are done, but one important thing I still need to do is add comment box or textarea. I tried in html but looks like i need .php codes and i have no idea. …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for amy.damnit

I am new to PHP, but eager to become a "pro" ASAP! What does everyone think about using an IDE with PHP? What tools do you use? I installed Eclipse PDT All-In-One on my MacBook. I am getting the hang of it, but it still doesn't seem as user-friendly as …

Member Avatar for royganor
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hi I have an xml file which i am trying to display through a php script, it displays everything fine until i change the contents of the xml file to Arabic letters at which the file does not load. here is the xml file: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0"?> <studentmarks> <listName>name of the …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for shankmuchlove

Sirs, I would like to do a project for my final year BE. I would like to do a challenging project that should be finished within a couple of months. I thought of doin an online web based project using PHP. I have adopted daniweb.com as my project guide. Could …

Member Avatar for shankmuchlove
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi I want to count page views .. suppose when user [COLOR="Green"]viewing page 1 and spend minimun 10 seconds time on page 1[/COLOR] then i have to [COLOR="Red"]calculate view as 1[/COLOR]... so how to do that?? plz give me sample example

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for mgn2683

Hi, This may be hard to describe what I'm trying to do. I have a database table called assignments where there are columns: section, team, and candidate. For each section, there are 3 teams- 1, 2, 3. The sections are listed alphabetically from A-V. There are 5 candidates per team, …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for mvsjs

Hi, I have given my code below. The logic is: - Display all Users details who have enrolled for access to my web page (default value for authorization is zero) on clicking 'NEW USERS' - For those records where check boxes checked authorization will be updated to 1 (access given) …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for confusedGirl

As a beginner, I designed a website using php, but unfortunately I found difficulty with 3 codes. I have already written them but am not sure why they didn't work . Please check it for me… There are: [COLOR="Red"]1-changing pending status to accept or reject from admin ,,,[/COLOR] [code=php]<?php session_start(); …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for knrakesh

Hello friends Iam unabing to add subcategory and iam trying to add in the same table in which the categories are there can anyone please help me in adding subcategories and categories in a same table please Thank u KNR

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for vsla

Hi, I am new to the site, but I am currently trying to build an information form so that customers can submit some information via email to me, sort of like a contact form but with some other information on it. I have been checking my code over and over …

Member Avatar for death_oclock

The End.