39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for dewhickey

I have a table in a database. The primary field is ID Int(11) auto_increment. The public display of the table sorts the table by ID. I have a back-end member area where a member can log in and add a new record to the table. This new record displays on …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for marcmm

I wish to know if there is any way to refear to an empty querry result. I want to implement a safety measure that prevents users from entering duplicate names in a DB. so I colect the value they enter in a textbox, then I create a querry wich checks …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for desiguru

How do i escape a string that includes a lot of ' and " Here is my sql inser query's some part [code] VALUES ('','$_POST[FileID]','$_POST[FileAddress]','$_POST[Name]','$_POST[Requirements]','$_POST[DateAdded]','$_POST[Size]','$_POST[Changes]')"; [/code]

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, i just have a general question that if I registered for a domain with space to put up my files. can i use that space to store my database? such as connecting php myadmin to the domain. can anyone explain a bit on how to do this?

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for marcmm

ok, I have a form that submits data to a database. data that is colected from things like dropdown boxes, textboxes, checkboxes etc. I want to put some conditions that prevent the user from submitting something that is missing important data. I found a little tutorial that dose that, but …

Member Avatar for manish.s
Member Avatar for Modo

hi guys how r u doing .. i am using a website to help me install the three components through the tutorial on the website everything seems to be working except the MySql part .. the tutorial says i should go to DOS and there i should run mysqld-nt --console …

Member Avatar for Modo
Member Avatar for desiguru

I have a table that is something like this: (table name: sites) ID----FileName-----FileAddress----About 1----website1-------google.com----Seach engine How can I make a code in such a way that it can be like: Display all of the FileName in an alphabetical order on file.php that links to their further information page. i.e FileName=[COLOR="red"]website1 …

Member Avatar for =IceBurn=
Member Avatar for Aamit

In my variable $time=2008-12-19 14:12:10 [COLOR="Green"] this value is in database [/COLOR] and duration to find next date is 21157 in seconds $event_length=21157 [COLOR="Red"]Suppose today's date is 2008-12-21[/COLOR] How to find [COLOR="Red"]next date by using $time value[/COLOR]?? [code] $timestamp = strtotime("$time"); $etime = strtotime("+$event_length seconds", $timestamp); $next_time = date('Y:m:d H:i:s', …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange

hey folks, I have a question. I have several mysql tables and I'd like to fetch data from a few of them to create a <select> <option> list. How could this be done. I can get the info from one table, but don't know how to get the data from …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for blackbox2342

I'm wanting to start a page on my video game site where users can view games out this week. It'd be cool if they could look ahead to games coming out in the future and maybe even a way of archiving. I guess similar to imdb ( I can't find …

Member Avatar for blackbox2342
Member Avatar for ripper1510

I have made a script that gets only friday and puts them in a drop down but now i dont want to upload it into the datbase as a string i need it as timestamp so i can filter and order for current day and such. here is the form …

Member Avatar for ripper1510
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello, I am wanting to take an uploaded picture from one page, put it into a session and carry it to another page. Once I get to that page and the client accepts it, then store it in the database. I'm starting to get confused on how this would work …

Member Avatar for sikka_varun
Member Avatar for mustafaneguib

hey guys as u all might know that i have been working on a cms system for quite some time. what i want to know is that as potential users what would you like to see in a content management system? what are the features that you want to see …

Member Avatar for michael123

I am planing to write a php script which can display time schedule bar, based on start/end date, and each project(see attached image, start/end date and project name are saved in database), the length of time bar should be flexible upon start/end date, I have no idea how to implement …

Member Avatar for Miss84
Member Avatar for elbuhleini

Hi, I have a site with free games, etc.. I want to do this: when a user clicks on a game to play, he is redirected to the landing page, where a script checks, if he has our toolbar installed; if yes, then he can play the game - if …

Member Avatar for pedramphp

Dear folk , I have some Data which I want to send it with PHP the thing I need is this : $to="email@test.com"; $CC="email@test.com"; $data = "these Information is going to be attached to an Email I tring to send them by PHP to those addrest ses and also make …

Member Avatar for nikesh.yadav
Member Avatar for Aamit

suppose in database check_date 2008-12-19 18:12:48 //change time [code=php]$sql=mysql_query("select * from table where check_date=now() ")or die("Error: ".mysql_error()); $row = mysql_num_rows($sql); if($row>0) echo $row; { echo"Hello"; //Execute some query }[/code] But there is no change in database...... how to do that?? or [COLOR="Green"]how to check time continuously? [/COLOR] for condition

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for starsunited

i have a question. my function works in a way that once user clicks the link, the open save dialog box will pop out then the user have a option to choose whether to open or save the mp3 file. The problem is the save function can wrk meaning if …

Member Avatar for vibhutewary
Member Avatar for ripper1510

I am really stuck with any idea on how to do this. It is really confusing. Is there any way in PHP that i can select only one day of the week. My scenario is that people are only allowed to make reservations on a Friday. Is there any way …

Member Avatar for ripper1510
Member Avatar for OmniX

Is this possible? Under the head tag to change title, meta, etc whilst in the body (but i doubt this would be SEO oriented). Refer to [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post759748.html#post759748[/url] Thanks, Regards X

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for yasmena

HI, i have integrated the cross-browser RTE editor into my Site But whenever i try to use any of its features like uploading or adding hyperlinks it opens a popup telling me that Page Not Found HTML/*.html not found !! i dont know where is that folder and it wasnt …

Member Avatar for DragonMistress

Ok, I'm having a hell of a time with this script(s)...probably just too tired to think straight but need to get it done ASAP...so perhaps someone can give me some assistance, or atleast point me in the right direction. 1. First page will be a multi-select checkbox with about 200 …

Member Avatar for sikka_varun
Member Avatar for rajesh.bl

Hi All, I am new to tikiwiki can anyone help me to know the architecture of tikiwiki. Where i can find the architecture... Advance thanx.....

Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

In my MYSQL databse there is field named [B]' show' [/B] type [B]' bit '[/B] . When i am inserting record to database for varchar fields i select the Textbox , but for checkbox which one i will choose ( there is two options submit as Y/N or 1,0 ). …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vijaysoft1

How to print GMT 5:30 time in a TextBox using PHP . Please .... i found many scripts that are not working . i want to print this format eg: 18-12-2008 1:06 AM . Please

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for djthekid

I need some help here please. I have a form that has a javascript slider bar to give one field's percentage. Unfortunately I can't get the value to pass to the hidden input. Here's the code: [code=php]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>Slider test</title> <script type="text/javascript" …

Member Avatar for cloverlu

Do you want to know how many visitors surfed on your website? I guess your answer is yes. But how to do and which tool can create such a counter? Now, I will solve all the problems and show you the steps to create a counter. Here, I will make …

Member Avatar for php2sheik

hai, i integrate my php pages with java pages in website. i want to get data from that java pages..but not using url's...how to get data from java pages without using url's..

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for freeonlinedatin

This is my code can you expllain how the user may activate or inactivate with check box.... [code=php]<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","rootwdp"); mysql_select_db("rams"); if(isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $arr=$_REQUEST['chk']; foreach($arr as $key => $value) { $sql=mysql_query("update ram set status=1 where emp_id=$value"); } $sql1="select * from ram where status=1"; $res1=mysql_query($sql1); ?> <form action="" method="post" name="form"> <table border="1"><th>Username</th><th>Empid</th><th>Designation</th><th>Check …

Member Avatar for sikka_varun
Member Avatar for techbongo

I need a script that performs this task: I want a script in PHP/MySQL or AJAX, that reads the Ad Block of Google Adsense and finds out link, so that they can be used in another portion of the page. Read Details if not clear. [COLOR="Red"]I have a site, for …

Member Avatar for ithelp

The End.