39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for guitarscn

I have forms already made that takes the user's name and input box for their comment, but I cannot figure out how to make it so that when the user clicks on Submit button, it will display on the same page in a certain style that I want (justified left …

Member Avatar for guitarscn
Member Avatar for marciano

Hello. I've tested sending emails to popular webmails like gmail and hotmail successfully. The problem is with yahoo. All mails are delivered to SPAM folder. These are some of my class.phpmailer vars where the mails are sent from [code=php]var $From = "admin@domain.com"; var $FromName = "ME"; var $Mailer = "sendmail"; …

Member Avatar for marciano
Member Avatar for Troy

[url="http://www.tgreer.com/class_http_php.html"][b][url="http://www.tgreer.com/class_http_php.html"]http://www.tgreer.com/class_http_php.html[/url][/b][/url] I've written what I think is a high-quality PHP class for screen-scraping external (or internal) web content. The class includes features to cache scraped content for any number of seconds. So for example, if you want to show stock market data on your site that you scrape from a …

Member Avatar for WebSnail
Member Avatar for kuldeep04

Hi All, I m working on one web site and i want to search image from given color code,and i put one color piker for that but i don't know how can i get the image from that color code. my site URL is : [url]http://www.alleystock.com/avd_search.php[/url] please help me for …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for lisan28

Hello everyone! I was trying to follow along with this tutorial: [url]http://www.sitepoint.com/article/watermark-images-php/[/url] and everything worked fine until the end. Basically I'm trying to write a script that both resizes and watermarks images for a couple of websites I'm working on, so that I don't have to go through and do …

Member Avatar for lisan28
Member Avatar for theimben

Hello. Ive got this script which scrapes [URL="http://www.imdb.com"]IMDB[/URL] for their top 250 movies list but its not parsing and Im not sure why. Could you help me out please.... [code=php] <?php function get_inner_string($a,$b,$c) { $y = explode($b,$a); $x = explode($c,$y[1]); return $x[0]; } //Get Page $file = 'http://www.imdb.com/chart/top'; //Open Page …

Member Avatar for desiguru

For some reason when i was creating my database I messed up in inserting data into mysql and now all dates are in yyyy-mm-dd format so when the data are displayed it seems like (2007-06-26) How do i change that to (mm-dd-yyyy) in php for users to understand it better. …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for mjta18

hi.. anyone knows a code for converting text files to .pdf, .jar, .ppt... is there a code for converting text file to these files... pls help.. thanks...

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for shaneog

Hi there, I am trying to divide a single array into multiple arrays using a $variable. The $variable is the number of fields / columns in my db table. For example, if $variable = 3... Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 [3] => 4 [4] …

Member Avatar for shaneog
Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy

hi there i want help doing the following.. user come to the web site there will be a form for registration when he submit the information it will store in the database but only admin can verify his account ... can any one plz help me in that... thanks in …

Member Avatar for wwwmadeasy
Member Avatar for bhavik_thegame

Hello Guys, Is there a way or module I can integrate drupal along with jquery?

Member Avatar for bigbadbrad

I am developing an application for an inbound call center to enter orders. They need to be able to record each call automatically from within the web application. (I want this to be invisible to the user if possible). I want to launch sound recorder when a user clicks a …

Member Avatar for sanishan
Member Avatar for aodpreacher

Hi am a new programmer and i am a CS/Graphics major. i have already learned Python, xHTML/CSS and i am in the current stage of learning java( i don't think this top portion really mattered) my question is what should i learn next? PHP or Ruby on Rails? i am …

Member Avatar for aodpreacher
Member Avatar for digital-ether

I'm trying to create an Alpha Numeric List of links. Each alphabet links to a page that will display rows whose titles start with that alphabet or numeral. For each alphabet, I want to get the number of titles that start with that alphabet. This allows me to link only …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for warren23

Hi everyone I am new to php or programming but am learning very quickly. only thing is i have been asked to build a site for a company that sells blinds, so the user needs to enter in measurements and i need to do a 9d array or 7 tables, …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for danielpataki

Hi everyone! I'm working on coding my own forum and I have no problem with this, I would like to ask those of you knowledgable about the inner workings of php and mysql about which method is faster. So far I have always been determining post counts, discussions started counts …

Member Avatar for danielpataki
Member Avatar for smartness

Hi, I'm maintaining a script, and want to add a CallBack home function, to know which domains are using the script! Can someone help me on this one! All i need is the script to show me the domain where the call is comming from! Thanks in Advance!

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for finance-blog

I have some code that is called from with other files, using readfile so there is no referer etc. To authenticate that the request is where it should be from, the php is passed a calling url as part of it parameters. The idea is that I can then check …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for jrafique

Is there any difficulty in optimizing the php website? If it is then post here.

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for bhavik_thegame

Hello guys. I am very much new to drupal. Its really fun working on it. Well, the problem I am facing is that How do I make menus in drupal. for e.g Categories are Car & in that I have the names of Cars. So "Car" is the parent menu. …

Member Avatar for dongodwins

am currnetly writing a scripts that can rorate banner ad.the scripts is working but still having problem its working perfectly,need something,Each advert change shall be logged in a file. Make a script that prints the log in a readable format when accessed through the web server.this is my codes can …

Member Avatar for dongodwins
Member Avatar for praveenvarghese

I am gonna create a site which rates the websites which are added to the list by completing a form. On typing the website name that website will be added to our ratings list. I am posting this thread to ask you guys whether my logic went right. It goes …

Member Avatar for smartness

Can someone help me creating a script that can check these things: if [B]latest.txt[/B] is chmoded 777 if [B]count.txt[/B] is chmoded 777 if [B]comments.txt[/B] is chmoded 777 Check if [B]cURL[/B] is enabled Check if [B]mod_rewrite[/B] is enabled

Member Avatar for smartness
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi , I want to show content of tables in a database in a PHP page. And I did it successfully. I had around 1500 rows in that table. Now the problem is the PHP page showing all the 1500 rows in a single page.. Please help me to limit …

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn
Member Avatar for nitu_thakkar
Member Avatar for Smurf_UK
Member Avatar for syazuchan

I want to build a simple search system. I have this one page call search.php which I had a multiple select box that i retrieve from the database.. some of the code are like this: [CODE]<form method="post" action="modulartabulated.php"> <table width="75%" border="0" align="center"> <tr> <td>Date:</td> <td><input type="text" name="date" /></td> </tr> <tr> …

Member Avatar for syazuchan
Member Avatar for marcosjp

Hi there, I'm building a multilanguage CMS based Web site using PHP 5- MySQL and I'm facing problems with languages. From what I've been reading I must use charset UTF-8 (as Wikipedia uses this I guess this is realy the right choice). Now, I must also know how to store …

Member Avatar for marcosjp
Member Avatar for SkyVValker

I m new in php.i want some help in my code..plz.. i have 15 image in mysql table .and i want to retreive atleast 3 images in first row.den other 3 in second row..how can i make it possible.. the code is given below..! [code=php]<?php include "dbconfig.php"; ?> <link href="main.css" …

Member Avatar for SkyVValker
Member Avatar for dourvas

Happy new year to everyone.. in my sql db there r 2 tables. mathimata and apousies from table -apousies- i "select" some data (the amount of absences) for a particular person (student) for every class he attended. i want for every class of the above result to search in table …

Member Avatar for DiGSGRL
Member Avatar for DennyW

I do not know the proper way to reword this to work in my version3.0.4. Any help would be much appreciated. This is what I have there now, 3.0.4, subsilver2: S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_PM --> &nbsp;<a href="{U_PRIVATEMSGS}"><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/icon_mini_message.gif" width="12" height="13" alt="*" /> {PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}<!-- IF PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD -->, {PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO_UNREAD}<!-- ENDIF --></a><!-- …


The End.