39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for afrojazad

Hi, I need mysql data searchin by php. But do not complete the data view smothly. so, pls help me. my data wiew now: Name: Mobile Blood City Donation date Sinha 01912266936 A+ Dhaka 9-10-2008 Munna 01917755515 A+ Dhaka 0-0-0000 I want to view my data like this. Name: Sinha …

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Member Avatar for Modo

Hello guys .. how r u .. i am new to php (since we didnt get much php at university) i am using it mainly to include the navigation menu, header, footer etc .. i am working a on a contact form .. people can send e-mails using a form …

Member Avatar for ashafaaiz
Member Avatar for sawmaster

Hi! I am kind of new to php. [CODE]$myFile = "msg.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file"); $stringData = $beforeData; fwrite($fh, $stringData); [COLOR="Red"]$stringData = ""+myname+": "+mymessage+"\n";[/COLOR] fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh);[/CODE] I need to set more than one variable in that red line. How do I do that? I'm trying …

Member Avatar for sawmaster
Member Avatar for php2sheik

hi I installed to apache 2.2.9 and php 5.2.6 and now the server is not serving the php file, it triggers a download. after that installing php 5.2.6 the error message like 'error in accessing httpd.config file. manually configure the server.. i already added the two lines in httpd.config file …

Member Avatar for php-freelancer
Member Avatar for ilokana

Hi, I'm new to PHP. Is there a way to create a listbox without the submit button and not using Javascript? Can I use href instead? Thanks in advance. Ilokana

Member Avatar for php-freelancer
Member Avatar for majualexander

[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR]How can I download Images uploaded in the server to my local system...I have administrator privileges. Plaese help me...

Member Avatar for DiGSGRL
Member Avatar for khr2003

Hello I was wondering if there is a class that I can use to add a bar underneath my photos which contains the site url. I found some classes that add a watermark on the photo, however I want the bar to be under the photo. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for DiGSGRL
Member Avatar for muthu.G

Hi, In my Project I want to send SMS from System to mobile and read the SMS from System itself.How can I write a program in PHP? I should do this [B]Without using third party SMS gateway or software[/B] Please help me to do this ............. I'm very much thankful …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for khr2003

hello I have a gallery in my website that is coded by php. when I try to download an image in zip format I get a zipped file with a size say (150kb). when i try to open it i get the message corrupted achieve. when I open the file …

Member Avatar for khr2003
Member Avatar for DiGSGRL

I am building a site search that involves a union of two tables in two databases and needs to have relevancy factored in. I do not want to use a full-text or boolean search. I can search one database and one table using relevance fine. I can union the two …

Member Avatar for DiGSGRL
Member Avatar for Stunt

Hello DaniWeb users, I'm in search of a script that is currently in use by [URL="http://www.joystiq.com/"]JoyStiq[/URL], or something like it if it is unique. [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/qqqwm1.png[/img] It basically lets you hover the image and a link is displayed under and you can click the image or the link. Visit [url]http://www.joystiq.com/[/url] to …

Member Avatar for Stunt
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all, I asked this question before but it's been awhile ago and I can't find where I asked it. But anywho, it's never been solved. On one page I want a person to upload a picture and my php code checks it and puts it in a directory on …

Member Avatar for designingamy
Member Avatar for Ale123

i used this code to generate image from flash .. <?php error_reporting(1); /** * Get the width and height of the destination image * from the POST variables and convert them into * integer values */ $w = (int)$_POST['width']; $h = (int)$_POST['height']; // create the image with desired width and …

Member Avatar for chili5
Member Avatar for mattbaker

Help! I keep getting the following error: <b>Notice</b>: Underfined variable: theHash in <b>C:\wamp\www\HelloSeanThisIsForYourMyFriend.php</b>on line<b>46</b><br/> f5bd6294083c680ec4a0e05bf1dbce38 From file: [code]<?php /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - // $theMD5 = md5("ayht" . $_POST["rn"] . "thy", 1); $hexArr[0] = "0"; $hexArr[1] …

Member Avatar for buddylee17
Member Avatar for bdicasa

Hello all, I looked around with google for a while and couldn't find an answer to my question. I'm trying to use php to get the name (or ID) of an html tag. I need to do this because I am creating a shopping cart which has a checkbox beside …

Member Avatar for bdicasa
Member Avatar for Aamit

[code] <form> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td align="right" width="60%"><select name="select" size="1" > <option>Select Category</option> <? $sql1=mysql_query("select name from categories") or die(mysql_error()); $num=mysql_num_rows($sql1); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($sql1)) { $category = $row['name']; ?> <option><?php echo $category; ?></option> <? } ?> </select> </td> </tr> </table> </form> [/code] Here i got i.e. it display in list student, …

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for daz1034

Hi My first post yaa lol. This will lily be the 1st of many posts as i trty to get my head round things. Basically i am going to need to post info from a form in to a database but all so post it to a remote api url …

Member Avatar for openwave
Member Avatar for IceKnuckle45

I'm displaying a list of tags on my site which are formatted as CSV for every post. Example: RFID, robots, decluttering The CSV tags are stored in the MySQL database as one long string. I would like to make each tag a link that goes to the search page. Example: …

Member Avatar for IceKnuckle45
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends can u please help me in writing the code for adding multiple images i tried a lot but the purpose has not been completed please help Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for masterOFwww

Hello, my script is giving me headache for two days. I have a paid to click site, when user clicks on paid links my script displays surf page, where i have a timer and an iframe that displays sponsored site below the timer. After the timer loads users have to …

Member Avatar for masterOFwww
Member Avatar for orxanx

Hi guys. I have web site, but my hosting don't support php functions(mssql,sqlsrv,obdc_connect) :cry: for connections to MS SQL. I need that remote connect to MS SQL and receive from data online. Can you tell me, about alternative ways to import data from remote MS SQL server with php script. …

Member Avatar for khr2003

hi I guess the title says it all. Is there any way that I can disable the users of my open source php code from removing the copyright line?

Member Avatar for kanaku
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! How can I include CSS styles in a PHP HTML Email? This is what I have so far- [code=php] <?php $msg='<html>This is a <em>test</em> message</html>'; mail('a@b.com', 'Test HTML Mail',$msg,"From: Santa Claus <santa@gmail.com>\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); ?> [/code]

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for knrakesh

hello friends thanks to all for their co-operation iam facing a problem with date function i want to insert it in a database by taking from form is there any one whi gives the code Thank u KNR

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for pupsaa

Hi! First of all to say that I am a newbie in PHP world. I have a table in a database and I am trying to update a row's content based on its id that I get inside the page's link. But the update never occurs. Please help. I can't …

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for navi17

pls tel me how to instal phpadmin3.1... i hv just download it... i want to run it on d apachie server.. i m newbie to php.... and after creation of tables where i hv to stored dese tables? pls give me approciate example???

Member Avatar for darkagn

Hi all, I am currently writing a spell checker that needs to suggest corrections for a mis-spelled Suburb/Locality in a Post Code/Zip Code lookup site. All of the suburb names are stored in a database in the Postcodes table and I was wondering if I could use the Pspell library …

Member Avatar for dourvas

hallo there. i am new in programming so i ask for your understanding i want to put the results from a sql query into a textarea. then i want to be able to pick one of the records of textarea and delete it (textarea and database). (i dont have to …

Member Avatar for dilipv
Member Avatar for navi17

hi friends.... i m new to php.... i have installed apachie 2.0,php 5.2,mysql5.1... everything is going welll.... bt dere is problem using d following code,, [code=php]<php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "mars11") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Connected to MySQL<br />"; </php>[/code] i hv save it in the htdocs folder under apachie...filename is test.php bt …

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for sagedavis

Sometimes it's just something so simple. I have been racking my brain, searching the net, for, litterally, 6 hours. Looking to do the following. If the user puts "this phrase" into the form field, it will send to the database "this_phrase". Hours and hours of research, solutions using preg_replace with …

Member Avatar for bugmenot

The End.