39,326 Topics
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I'm trying to create a tiles matching (memory) game. I'm a beginner and I'm confused how exactly to start on creating one dimensional array for sessions. The tiles should be at least 30 with text values. When the user select first tile (reveal the text) and then user select second … | |
hi, what is the best password encryption to use on a website with mysql backend? i have used md5 and sha1 in the past however which is best? crypt? â—¦RJINDAEL ? what is best to use? they wont be recovering the password only sent a new password if forgotten. so … | |
Here is my code, I dont receive any error, but Im unable to set cookie Tried using of OB_START too. Thanks in Advance. [CODE]<?php include ("../includes/dbcon_.php"); $login_chk_sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM TCustomer WHERE UsrName = '$_POST[lusername]' AND LoginPwd = '$_POST[lpassword]'"); $login_row = mysql_fetch_array($login_chk_sql); if ($login_row['IsLoginActivated'] == "N") { header( 'Location: … | |
Hi Guys, Another puzzle for someone to try and crack... I have two divs inside the <body> that basically act as two versions of the same page. I need PHP to call one based on a variable retrieved from a database. As it stands, this is what I have... [CODE] … | |
Hey.. Is it possible to make PHP type arrays? Like keys? For example, I have an array of numbers, and an array of letters.. A = 10 B = 20 C = 30 And then I sort the numbers so that the highest number is at the top etc.. But, … | |
Im really stumped on trying to format user input. I have an input box where users enter data separated by commas. Then I explode it: [CODE] $data = $_POST['data']; $words = explode(',', $data); [/CODE] then I'm analyzing each word. Everything works perfectly when you enter the data correctly. However, if … | |
The best way to describe my problem is with an example... Consider, [CODE] $content = "This is a string <kjfkldsjf> <jslkdjfksd>"; [/CODE] What I want to do is clear everything in between the <...> tags no matter how long the length of text in between the left and right arrows … | |
I need a php code for company house XML gateway.... can any one send me... I need it tooo much .. plz help | |
I have what will, I'm sure, turn out to be a very simple calculation but I'm drawing a blank... Too many years since High School I think What I have is a table that maintains positions and these positions are stacked, with each successive row containing twice as many positions … | |
Hello Every One Can some one provide me with a php download script......I would appreciate if its well commented so I can know what each line of code is doing. I understand the php uploading.....just need the download script to tap things off Thanks | |
I wanted to implement an ERP using joomla, and the open source CK-ERP module. i followed the instructions properly but when it reaches to the point of trying to access it from address bar(URL) as per installation instruction, it says and i quote "You Must Login To Access CK-ERP".It is … | |
Hi. I have an AJAX code which sends requests to multiple .php files in the server. All the files (that I send request) are using the same Db class and I think using sigleton pattern will help me out. But now I doubt that everytime I send request it creates … | |
Hi, I am currently in my final year doing an eportfolio system as my final year project and this system will allow students to do things such as upload images, academic documents in say word,pdf files. Also it would allow students to set privacy issues to each document in their … | |
Hey. Im wondering how I would style the bottom row in a while loop. Can someone please help. How do I find the highest count and then if statement on my posts div. [CODE] <?php $query="select * from posts order by id desc"; $result = mysql_query($query); $i = 0; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) … | |
I have a form with a text field where some text is entered and is sent across using the GET method. But instead of a traditional submit button I'm using an image and I want that to do the function of the submit button. A simple <a href="file.php"><img src="image"></img></a> can … | |
Programming in PHP is fun and easy. It is a very powerful scripting language that takes simple HTML and turns it into a fully-interactive experience for the web user. Let's get started! Note: These tutorials assume that you have a working web server that's capable of displaying PHP code and … | |
Hey everyone, So I've looked and tried to figure out how to get the user to "log in" before accessing a page. However I've seen where you send the user to the log in page if he or she has not log in but what about if the person has … | |
| i have this code here (simplified it a bit for this but you get the idea!) and i have assigned the name field of a select tag with a value of a variable so that when i click the Update button i can use _POST[name_var] to get the value of … |
I have a problem making a select tag in php code dynamic. I'm creating a website (homework) using php and connecting to an oracle database which has all the info needed. Each agency has a list of vehicules. I created a select option tag for agencies and for vehicules. I … | |
Hi Guys! I have a category name and a post_title in different table. i fetch all category and the post_title in my index let say my category name is "sport" then my post_title is all about sport now proceed to the code i used the query of inner join for … | |
Hi there. I am developing an application in which I am using AJAX and PHP. Lets say from my initial.php files I am making request via AJAX to ajaxResponse.php file where I execute some code and interact with MySQL .Since I am handling with dtabase I am using my written … | |
Hi guys, I'm wondering if there is a way to solve this problem. Currently, I have an SQL statement that goes this way: [CODE]SELECT distinct name,id from list [/CODE] My understanding is that it selects the things that are distinct on both tables. Example: id name 1 Joe 2 Joe … | |
I have a page it is working fine but header function is not redirecting onto another page, it stuck. When I enter the url then its works.. Here is my code.. I changed my server recently [CODE] <?php include "../dbconnect/cnn_mysql.php"; if($_POST) { $doneurl=''; if(array_key_exists('doneurl',$_POST)) $doneurl=$_POST["doneurl"]; else $doneurl=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if(true)//$doneurl=="") $doneurl="mykpojobs.php"; // … | |
Hello everyone.. How to print web page in PHP without Header and footer when print button is clicked by user Thanks in advance | |
Hi, i am trying to create my login script for my website, however when i enter my details it does not do anything, it just goes to the same screen. I have used the same script roughly as i used for another website of mine, but i cannot figure this … | |
Hi everyone, I'm a beginner in working with PHP and I'm stuck with an annoying problem. With the help of a tutorial I've made a pagination for database results that works great. Now I'm trying to adapt the code and use the same pagination for a search-page on my website, … | |
Hi There; I have a problem during connection to a MS-SQL server. I copy the code there: [url]http://www.webcheatsheet.com/PHP/connect_mssql_database.php[/url] [CODE] <?php $myServer = "localhost"; $myUser = "Murat"; $myDB = "examples"; //Point 1 //connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //Point 2 //select … | |
Hi i have a foreach loop, but it is just showing everything in one long line, so I wanted to put it in a table like this <table> <tr> <td>data1</td> <td>data2</td> <td>data3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>data4</td> <td>data5</td> <td>data5</td> </tr> </table> here is my loop: [CODE]<?php foreach( $products as $product ) { … | |
Hi, I insert into database with Submit button in same page. After clicking submit, i want whole page to be refreshed. How can i do it? Code is below and where can i add something to refresh after insert. Thanks [code] <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> ..... <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Add" … | |
Hey Everyone, hope all good. i have a problem with some php that is not randomly selecting an ip. I will try to explain my problem below. I have a state form [CODE] <select name="State"> <option value="0" selected="selected">Select a State</option> <option value="AL">Alabama</option> <option value="AK">Alaska</option> <option value="AZ">Arizona</option> <option value="AR">Arkansas</option> etc..... </select>[/CODE] … |
The End.