39,326 Topics
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banner_manager.php [CODE] include ("includes/koneksi.php"); //$_REQUEST['simpan'] = isset($_POST['simpan']) ? $_POST['simpan'] : ''; $link = isset($_POST['link']) ? $_POST['link'] : ''; $gambar = isset($_POST['gambar']) ? $_POST['gambar'] : ''; $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; //SIMPAN DATA if (isset($_REQUEST['simpan'])){ $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $link = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['link']); $gambar = $_REQUEST['gambar']; } //Cek apakah ada file … | |
Hi, I have a problem to split and get the value in string. here example output --_BeginData_ payeeId=xxxx channelId=ECEP billAccountNo=exb111109-315262 billReferenceNo=TOPUP20111109200257 amount=42 paymentRefNo=61417686 transactionDate=20111109 transactionTime=194843 userFullName=KHOR JO FENG status=S --_EndData_ In above example, i need output for payeeId=xxxx, billAccountNo=exb111109-315262, billReferenceNo=TOPUP20111109200257 and etc., so i want value after the equal. It … | |
How can I export the data which is in excel format? Can images or Videos be embedded in PHP? | |
Hello, I need help on this... I try to insert image from mysql into my php table.... but the output inside the image table are unknown characters [CODE]�Sm��.�l1�ZQm�M�Խok�*����5l��0P9���f�����I� �$A�3tu4Z��Jǽ�_t/�&��[�{Ro������;�� �:��I%�y�ҩ?u\�t_��Ǡ]�����N�>�B��z�9���ҥ��=hƬկdw��~��hY4�E����f%����MC�� 1���I�P@zP&r����j���֩��k8�a�p��bSMyt���Co�Q$��?�ZF*�S�9����حR����������x�h�9$�J \�m,[�6�^C��ct�q�U%��K$%�8����4����le�niX���\B �!s9n�;�1��F~t�䎪:�E�+�7R[���"! �1ZݞzQ�>(�zSxѹ 5�⺞��mG%��֦�k �����/��9]_�4���!4 ���}���hI����� | |
Is there's any way so that I could prevent the embedded iframe page to load itself ( because I have placed a Jquery timer in it which redirects to a page which calculates and displays Score of the candidate, in my Quiz application ) even if the page on which … | |
Getting error as parse error-unexpected at line x and error message headers already sent..what does that mean? | |
Hello, I hope somebody can help me out here ... I'm having a problem with error code while searching a word in a flat file. My flat file[CODE]|~|20091105213652|~|05 november 2011 - 21:36|~|John|~|18 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|John.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105213929|~|05 november 2011 - 21:39|~|Jeff|~|45 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|Jeff.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105220916|~|05 november 2011 - 22:09|~|Paul|~|15 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|Paul.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105221959|~|05 november … | |
Hi everyone, I am trying to implement pagination in my search engine and am getting an error. Can anyone point out what is wrong in my code? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Here is the code, error is: ( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in … | |
Hi guys, i was watching a video on youtube and noticed that the program the guy was using had a feature where it would pretty much suggest code as he typed. I remember something like this in visual basics and thought it would be cool to help me with PHP … | |
Can I rotate a image using a php code? Help needed with the php code? | |
[CODE] <?php class Database { public function protect($data){ $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = strip_tags($data); $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data); return $data; } } $database = new Database(); $txt = '<strong>\\\Test///</strong>'; $txt = $database->protect($txt); echo $txt; [/CODE] And output have a <strong> tag, slashes and all with zero errors. I … | |
allow HTML in text area - PHP Postby hypno » Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:56 pm I am working on php based site.( :( and I am a newbie in PHP) . A upload form is part of the site. When tested submiting the form, whatever HTML tag I input … | |
Hi i have a code that shows me some repitnig data from .txt file. Code looks like: [CODE]$getText = file_get_contents("Kier.txt", true); $Poln = substr_count($getText ,"Polnoc"); $PolnW = substr_count($getText ,"Polnocny-Wschod"); $Wsch = substr_count($getText ,"Wschod"); $PoldW = substr_count($getText ,"Poludniowy-Wschod"); $Pold = substr_count($getText ,"Poludnie"); $PoldZ = substr_count($getText ,"Poludniowy-Zachod"); $Zach = substr_count($getText ,"Zachod"); $PolnZ … | |
Hi there, This is following on from a previous solved thread. Basically, I have this code: [CODE]<td colspan="2" align = "center" style="color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;">' . ((isset($_GET['error']) and ($_GET['error']=='recaptcha')) ? 'Error: The captcha was entered incorrectly. Please try again.' : '') . ' </td>[/CODE] I've now been told that the "Error: The … | |
Hi all Not sure if im posting in the right section so sorry if i am. I have been looking for an open source asset/inventory solution for a friend. I came across Free CMMS on sourceforge.net and for ease of installation and testing installed the latest version of XAMPP as … | |
Hi I am new in Joomla.... i want to add dynamic page in joomla. i want also bind dynamic page in menu..... Please Reply ASAP....... | |
Hello all, I have a site with login system, when I run it on my local sever it worked perfectly ok, but when uploaded it was not taking me to member page as on my local server. Please can anybody help me with this. The codes are below. myconfig.php [code]<?php … | |
I have this code but i can't get it to output in the email address i specified on the form. [CODE]<form action="Script/sender_subscription.php" method="post" name="Pillar Gardens Offer Form" target="_blank" id="Pillar Gardens Offer Form"> <table width="100%" border="1" align="left" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#F8F8F8" bordercolorlight="#CCCCCC"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle"><table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td … | |
Hi, Guys Could anyone tell me how to import MsExcel data into MySQL using PHPExcel. I want to make an upload system for my users. They want to upload their data which is in Ms Excel format into MySQL databases...Please teach me how to do that... And I appreciate your … | |
Hi, I needs to upload the excel file and how can i read this excel file cell by cell using PHPExcel class and needs to import into database(mysql or mssql).please help me out. thanks in advance | |
Hey guys, I am writing a bot class to scrape some information off of websites. Here are the requirements. [LIST] [*]Specify Url [*]Check for valid url [*]'GET' contents of url with curl [*]check mime type & response status code [*]check for special url [LIST] [*]parse special data [/LIST] [*]parse for … | |
Hello i am new here also new in php i have problem with my code [CODE] $seller_id = $listings[]['Account_ID']; $seller_info = $rlAccount -> getProfileInfo( $seller_id ); $rlSmarty -> assign_by_ref( 'seller_info', $seller_info ); i get this error Fatal error: Cannot use [] for reading in [/CODE] the array is [CODE] Array … | |
I'm not really good with arrays and have had a go at this, but to no avail. I have a string called $str and another called $area. I need to split the string $str into an array of words (delimiter being spaces). This is the part I was able to … | |
If I am inside a folder and I use "/", it uses it for root directory so [CODE]<a href="/">test</a>[/CODE] links to [url]www.test.com/index.php[/url] For example, if i am in the file [url]www.test.com/login/index.php[/url] and I use "/" then it goes to root directory but if I am in [url]www.test.com/index.php[/url] which is the … | |
Hi all, I have 2 multidimensional arrays which i have to print simultaneously and one of them will not have same number of elements at some times. So i check them using empty() function. As it is not possible to check every single element, i wrote a function which has … | |
Hi! I am building a simple blog website and am stuck when I get to the posting comments part. I write my comment to post and when I hit post comment I get the error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ELSE in C:\xampp\htdocs\simple_blog\inc\update.inc.php on line 90 Here is my … | |
Is it pasible to find all occurrences of strings "North" and "North-East" in some txt file and save number of occurrences in some variable?? | |
I'm making a feature like stated in the title that gives suggestions based on what terms exist in the database; I have a working example below that works for one term. such as "oranges", or "yellow bananas". However, I need it to work for multiple terms so if my database … | |
We are developing a email web site.but we are facing problem in receiving and validating the mail.i have the following doubts.can you please help me in clarifying these??? one more important thing is we are not using squrrelmail, qmail etc. how do we receive emails for users in email web … | |
The End.