39,388 Topics

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product_preview.php [CODE] <?php // EDIT / DELETE MODE $kategori = isset($_POST['kategori']) ? $_POST['kategori'] : ''; if(!empty($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['mode'])){ if(!$_POST['mode'] == 'edit'){ $output = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kategori WHERE id=".$_POST['id']) or die(mysql_error()); $data = mysql_fetch_array($output); $kategori = $data['nama_kategori']; echo $kategori; } elseif(!$_POST['mode'] == 'delete'){ $output = mysql_query("DELETE * FROM produk WHERE …

Member Avatar for ThLFR
Member Avatar for varoluscu_prens

Hi There; I have a MS-SQL server and I have Turkish names in my table. User enters names and I send it to SQL server, print result to output. However, my PHP code process and prints text as a UTF-8, and send it to MS-SQL and print it to output.However …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for triltaison

I have some code that I use to display random images, which it draws from a list of possibilities. My problem is that I want to be able to echo the name of the randomized image as text below it. If someone could help me figure out how to do …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for opjjuly

hey guys, i have quiet a number of .css and .js files on my website <head></head> pages. how do i compress them with gzip?

Member Avatar for opjjuly
Member Avatar for reco21

how do I set the path of this cookie to my whole site "/"? [ICODE]setcookie("name$id$uid", $id, $month);[/ICODE] currently this is what I have. How do I format the above to set the cookie on a global scale for the entire site.

Member Avatar for reco21
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi, I'm looking to build a payment button using Amazon Simple Marketplace Payments. Here is some code: [CODE]<input type="hidden" name="recipientEmail" value="email_address yahoo.com" >[/CODE] I would like value to be a variable but having trouble making this happen or finding info on how to do this. Any help would be awesome.

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for Canea

Hello, working on an Opencart website using Wamp and Windows7. Having trouble with Php settings _please view screenshot_ [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/408/phph.png/][IMG]http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1097/phph.png[/IMG][/URL] I've seen going through several sites with no solution so far; any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. regards, C.

Member Avatar for Canea
Member Avatar for amsane

hi, I am changing my html web pages for website. my eclipse project is inside www directory. But I don't see html changes when I open web pages. I restarted server as well as eclipse many times. Still, the same result. Any Help, suggestion please?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shella

Hi all. I'm working on a project where I'm supposed to store some PDF into a website. I'm usibg PHP/MySql. Actually these PDF are very personal and I need to be sure that no one can access the PDF even if this is on an address like [url]www.site.com/document.pdf[/url]. I need …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for jsquadrilla

Hello, Currently I have a PHP Script that screen scrapes a website for data, and store it into a MySQL table. I'd like to set this up to run in intervals during the day. Right now, all I do is open the link in my browser and it runs the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk

lets say it in example,i had column, which its rows contain numbers increasing -10,-9,-8,-7,....-1, those rows got bugged and changed into 1,2,3,4,.....10, that was example, the real one is over 40,000 rows, and it was -2147483629,-2147483630,-2147483631,....etc and it turned into 1000000001,1000000002,1000000003,.... how to make script that scan for 1000000001~1000000050 (for …

Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk
Member Avatar for narekm

HI. I want to dig deep into PHP and OOP so I have been told that Zend is a very popular framework so I want to learn . Can you give me some (not many) resources for learning the beginning Zend and step by step go deep into it ?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kay19

Well, doing a beginner project. I've 100% finished with adding items to the DB. However, having stuck trying to use the "search" button to retrieve the DB list, as well updating errors. Objective, input last name, click on search, and find the results based on the last name input. Here's …

Member Avatar for kay19
Member Avatar for azdonald

Good day, I'm trying to build an online quiz for my website. i want to do it oop style but i'm having problems in certain areas but i'll need help. this is the class code [CODE]class Quiz{ // method to get the questions and answers public function getQuestion(){ $host="localhost"; // …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mayreeh

i nid to set a generated password to email, a link to the mail for user to change to a better password, now the generated password shold expire after few hours how do i do...at the moment am genearting the password effectivly, problem is settimng it expire...how do i do

Member Avatar for mayreeh
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hello, I have this weird issue with my simple upload form for different files. [CODE] <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="mesaje_furnizori.php" method="GET"> <table> <tr><td align="right">Va rugam selectati &raquo; </td><td><?php echo $selectare; ?></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><td><input type="file" name="file" id="file"/></td></tr> <tr><td align="right" colspan="2">Fisiere suportate (.*gif,*.jpg,.*jpeg,.*png,.*bmp,.*doc,.*docx,.*xls,.*xlsx) Marimea maxima de: <strong>5MB</strong></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><textarea name="mesajTrimis" cols="70" rows="15"></textarea></td></tr> </table> <input …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for klemme

Is it possible to run to functions at the same time when using onchange? Now i have this one: [CODE] <select name="hovedside_id" onchange="hentPosition(this.value)"> [/CODE] Using ajax i get updated another dropdown list with db info from this function just above. I return the data to a span tag with an …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for moshe12007

hello i have problem with my code i try to delete user but i have some problem with that i cant to delete it... [CODE] if((mysql_num_rows($resultAdmin))) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { ?> <table align="left" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr><td>Name</td><td>Email</td><td>Phone</td></tr> <?php $str = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $name = …

Member Avatar for vimalnath53
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi, I want to parse PHP entities (classes, variables functions methods and properties) and save information on database (function signature, variable name et al). I'm trying to see alternatives for how I can archieve that with any language (the technique). So far I'm thinking of using regex to match stuffs …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for davy_yg

banner_manager.php [CODE] include ("includes/koneksi.php"); //$_REQUEST['simpan'] = isset($_POST['simpan']) ? $_POST['simpan'] : ''; $link = isset($_POST['link']) ? $_POST['link'] : ''; $gambar = isset($_POST['gambar']) ? $_POST['gambar'] : ''; $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? $_POST['id'] : ''; //SIMPAN DATA if (isset($_REQUEST['simpan'])){ $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $link = mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['link']); $gambar = $_REQUEST['gambar']; } //Cek apakah ada file …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for swilliamrobert

Hi, I have a problem to split and get the value in string. here example output --_BeginData_ payeeId=xxxx channelId=ECEP billAccountNo=exb111109-315262 billReferenceNo=TOPUP20111109200257 amount=42 paymentRefNo=61417686 transactionDate=20111109 transactionTime=194843 userFullName=KHOR JO FENG status=S --_EndData_ In above example, i need output for payeeId=xxxx, billAccountNo=exb111109-315262, billReferenceNo=TOPUP20111109200257 and etc., so i want value after the equal. It …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for simplyhuman
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for trektrak

Hello, I need help on this... I try to insert image from mysql into my php table.... but the output inside the image table are unknown characters [CODE]�Sm��.�l1�ZQm�M�Խok�*����5l��0P9���f�����I� �$A�3tu4Z��Jǽ�_t/�&��[�{Ro������;�� �:��I%�y�ҩ?u\�t_��Ǡ]�����N�>�B��z�9���ҥ��=hƬկdw��~��hY4�E����f%����MC�� 1���I�P@zP&r����j���֩��k޺8�a�p��bSMyt���Co�Q$��?�ZF*�S�9����حR����������x�h�9$�J \�m,[�6�^C��ct�q�U%��K$%�8����4����le�niX���\B �!s9n�;�1��F~t�䎪:�E�+�7R[���"! �1ZݞzQ�>(�zSxѹ 5�⺞��mG%��֦�k �����/��9]_�4���!4 ���}���hI�����

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for kissu

Is there's any way so that I could prevent the embedded iframe page to load itself ( because I have placed a Jquery timer in it which redirects to a page which calculates and displays Score of the candidate, in my Quiz application ) even if the page on which …

Member Avatar for simplyhuman

Getting error as parse error-unexpected at line x and error message headers already sent..what does that mean?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Coderunner

Hello, I hope somebody can help me out here ... I'm having a problem with error code while searching a word in a flat file. My flat file[CODE]|~|20091105213652|~|05 november 2011 - 21:36|~|John|~|18 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|John.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105213929|~|05 november 2011 - 21:39|~|Jeff|~|45 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|Jeff.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105220916|~|05 november 2011 - 22:09|~|Paul|~|15 cm|~|text 1|~|text2|~|text3|~|text4|~|text5|~|text6|~|No|~|Paul.jpg|~|xxx.xxxs.xxx.xxx|~|extra|~| |~|20091105221959|~|05 november …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for whoatommy

Hi everyone, I am trying to implement pagination in my search engine and am getting an error. Can anyone point out what is wrong in my code? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Here is the code, error is: ( ! ) Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' in …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jetlife76

Hi guys, i was watching a video on youtube and noticed that the program the guy was using had a feature where it would pretty much suggest code as he typed. I remember something like this in visual basics and thought it would be cool to help me with PHP …

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Member Avatar for simplyhuman
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for gorleone

[CODE] <?php class Database { public function protect($data){ $data = trim($data); $data = stripslashes($data); $data = strip_tags($data); $data = mysql_real_escape_string($data); return $data; } } $database = new Database(); $txt = '<strong>\\\Test///</strong>'; $txt = $database->protect($txt); echo $txt; [/CODE] And output have a <strong> tag, slashes and all with zero errors. I …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.