39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for biebel

HI, i'am an newbie and have following question I have two tables 1. repair_details with fields partnumber, quantity, Pn_id 2. Parts with fields Pn_id, price, partnumber.... I would like to fill in repair_details the Pn_id automaticly after I input the partnumber and quantity. Any suggestions? thanks

Member Avatar for biebel
Member Avatar for falconga

Hello everyone, Confused with the title of the thread? Well, I guess that`s because my brain is completly fried from trying to find the correct way to do something that seems impossible without your help. Here is the story, I have 8 questions, each containing 5 answers. I have a …

Member Avatar for ym_chaitu

Hai i am building a site for validation of the RSS feeds and adding it in the database. When a user enters a rss web address i need to validate the address and if it contains a rss then i need to enter it into the site or else i …

Member Avatar for Canaan_moore
Member Avatar for preetg

hello dr.......... i m trying to store a text file into database below format of text file i hv text file like this: 0100102001110271 0409141151I1476201 0100102001110125 0409141351O1476301 0100101300000030 0409141630O1476401 0100102001110271 0409141631O1476501 0100102001110126 0409141632O1476601 how can store it into my database table att0310 my table fileds: cardno date time IO(in-out) and …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi guys, I opened this threat in here because unfortunately our Linux forum hasn't been supported well. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by me. Problem: I cannot download a file (index.php) from a particular folder (/var/www/teams/team1) via Filezilla. I am sure that it is related to the permissions. …

Member Avatar for colweb

Have written a simple PHP program to get data from a database to an accounting program. Therefore I need to do some calculations. And one of them goes completely wrong. [CODE]<?php $prijs = 480.00; $nvh = 432.00; $prov = 40.34; $btw = 7.66; $over = $prijs - ($nvh + $prov …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for kuteinheart

Hi ppl, I have a mail function as follows: [CODE]mail($mail_to,$mail_sub,$mail_mesg,$headers);[/CODE] Now, for $mail_mesg i want the message to be in html format as follows: [CODE]$mail_mesg="You have received a message from ur boss... <a href=Login.php>Click here to view it.... </a>"[/CODE] But this is not working... the code b/w <a> </a> is …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for nathan2oo3

Hey, just signed up to this forum so first of all would like to say Hi . I am currently working on a review website building from code I had written previously. The problem I am having is with my login script. I Have three pages set out index.html, login.html …

Member Avatar for nathan2oo3
Member Avatar for fuggles

For some reason the post is not getting inserted into my database. [code=PHP] if($_SESSION['permissions']>=1) { $query="INSERT INTO news (id, title, poster, posterid, body) VALUES ('$id','$title','$poster','$posterid','$body')"; $result=mysql_query($query,$con); header("location:index.php"); } [/code]

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

Hello good day. I just want to ask those who know how to save values without submitting yet to database. I am trying to save it, but it wont work out. What i want is that, I am filling up a form, then I will go to the next page, …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

i got 2 html pages with the following data index.php (buttons: SAVE, EDIT) update.php (buttons: UPDATE,DELETE) Employee ID (primary key), Employee Name (here i putting 2 buttons Edit,Save) when i entered the empid and click the Edit button, the page has to go from index.php to update.php and at the …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello..... i am fetching text from database. i want to restrict 400 characters from that after "readmore". it redirects to total page. i was used substring but i want to total validate what means after 400 characters there is '.' is there then not appear '.........'like this. otherwise appear after …

Member Avatar for pushpakalpana
Member Avatar for sai.sriparasa

Hello I need to pass an array of client side events to the next page. Here my user would perform a few events which would be stored in a javascript array, upon completion a submit button would be used to post all that data to the next page. An example …

Member Avatar for jino
Member Avatar for missMira

hi....can i ask something? i need to set a default password for a sign up form... so when new user sign up, they will get a default password and for the first time they log in, they will received a prompt or a msessage asking them to change their password. …

Member Avatar for missMira
Member Avatar for alla87

Hi all, Im relatively new to PHP, and i have come across a brick wall. What im trying to do is pass two variables $factid and $pathid to another PHP page and from there insert them into SQL Table. The only problem is that the $pathid is inside a while …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for alla87

What im trying to do is this. I have created a fact repository frame which holds facts for the use to look for. The user looks for facts through a search text field in which they submit. The search variable brings up on the page anything which matches the search …

Member Avatar for pbcomput
Member Avatar for kuteinheart

Hey ppl, I am using wampserver for my Website development... Now, I want to send mail to a particular user from mysql table... when i use the mail function for PHP code [CODE]mail($mail_to,$mail_sub,$mail_mesg,$headers)[/CODE] I am getting the error as follows [CODE]Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" …

Member Avatar for kuteinheart
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi there, i have a webpage which is divided into three frames, left frame, main frame and the bottom frame. all the buttons are in the left frame, hence, once a button is clicked, the data will be displayed in the bottom frame, now my problem is that, how could …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SMHouston

Hi all. I'm having an issue that I CAN NOT figure out for the life of me. The program is to get user input about there paycheck , then calculate the answer. What my problem is I can not get the php part to print anything inside the <?php?> tags. …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my code, which displays either an image, or message depending on the time: [CODE]<?php $b = time(); $hour = date("g",$b); $m = date ("A", $b); if ($m == "AM") { if ($hour == 12) { echo "Good Evening!"; } elseif ($hour < 4) { echo "Good Evening!"; } …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites

Ok..I have a database with clients and their information. They can login using their own assigned username and password. I am looking for a way I can access/edit their info from my admin side without having to enter individual user info to access them. On another note I am looking …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for bahman2216

Dear all. how can I put my output array into file exactly as it appear below: [CODE]Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => a [1] => b ) [1] => Array ( [0] => c [1] => d ) [2] => Array ( [0] => e ) ) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for newcountry
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi again folks. I have a PHP member registration script that collects registration details from the user, encodes the password (with RIJNDAEL_256) and emails the user a URL containing all the variables so I can verify the email address is correct. The user clicks on the URL, the correct page …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my drop down list box on my edit page in php. I would like my drop down list box to show what the user has selected, then if the user wishes to, change their selection updating the DB(mysql) at the same time. I …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi i have taken news script with image upload feature it works fine. but when i added news without image instead of image it displays red X sign you can see script from here [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread258095.html"][CODE]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread258095.html[/CODE][/URL] and you may see demo from here [URL="http://aziko.6te.net/yukle/haber_ekle"]aziko.6te.net/yukle/haber_ekle[/URL] here you may add news and from …

Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, Is there a way to verify the validity of a credit card when user submits in his/her credit card number? Many thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for venus_me11

i dont know how to get the value in this table.. i have there a table with an image.. if a user click on one of it, and click reserve the letter of that table (ex. S) must be printed... please help... [CODE] <?php if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['submit'] == …

Member Avatar for techhelpforme

I think I've done what's necessary to install mod_php in Apache, but this code fails: ----------modtest.php <?php echo $PHP_SELF?> ------------------------ When I display modtest.php in a browser, I get: Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\modtest.php on line 1 I've read in docs that this env var doesn't exist …

Member Avatar for thinnakornzhang
Member Avatar for tryphy

I have a multi form... I searched online and found this link... [url]http://www.html-form-guide.com/php-form/php-order-form.html[/url] so i was doing a test, but it didnt work for me.. Can some1 help me, where i have gone wrong. Here are my codes.... [COLOR="red"][U]Form1.php[/U][/COLOR] [CODE] <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations

The End.