39,388 Topics
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I have just started learning php-gtk 2 but am a bit stuck. First is that are there any php-gtk 2 debuggers or error loggers that I can use because at the moment, if there is a bug in my script, the exported exe file made from my php-gtk script is … | |
![]() | Hello everyone, I'm new on the forum, where I think people can help me figure out my question. I'm coding an agenda where user can enter events, manage these events by date, time...etc all done using PHP (Cake Framework). My question is about reminders for events, I'd like to install … |
Can someone please tell me how to send a HTTP request through PHP . | |
I have been working on a function which creates a 1 million digit value of pi but php is treating a theoretical numeric variable as a string. Below is the code I used and for now I have put a small limit on the digits but it is line 22 … | |
Ok, I'm having a big problem with an sql string for a query. I want to implement a methode that allows the user to search for hotels by entering the minimal price ( so if they enter say 20 it will only display hotels that have prices above 20 ). … | |
I hope someone can help I've been trying to sort this for hours. I am trying to pull info from my database and display everything which I have done successfully, however I have duplicate records in my database due to records in different subcategories. Anyway I want to display everything … | |
Hai, I had a small shopping web site. Need alert my clients through SMS every day. I need for help in " How to do SMS through my web site, in which the sender of the sms must be "my website name " . My hosting is Apache... and i … | |
![]() | hey all: i am using the wordspew shoutbox plugin for wordpress (at [URL="http://bthaxor.com"]http://bthaxor.com[/URL]), and have it customised exactly the way i want it except for one little problem. inbuilt is a function which converts text beginning with http, ftp, https etc. to links in the shoutbox. i have one problem: … ![]() |
Hi, I am trying to restrict access to a dynamic list page based of a login id. Essentially a person will login, be directed to the index.php page and can then click on a link to Exam Evaluation. From this page, there are two links, and they can click on … | |
hello i have received this error on line 28 the line 28 is this ?> Parse error</b>: syntax error, unexpected $end in <b>/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxx/xxx/xxxxx.xxxx/public_html /xxxxxx/ok/comprueba.php</b> on line <b>28</b><br /> here is the php file : [code=php]<?php $mysql_host="xxxxxx.xxxxxx.com"; $mysql_user="anuncios"; $mysql_password="ganaras4"; $mysql_db = "suecia"; $conn = mysql_connect("$mysql_host","$mysql_user","$mysql_password") or die("Could not connect : " … | |
Hi everyone: I have a form that will submit but won't show any data. No errors though. Does the syntax suggest anything right off the bat? It was working well until I broke up the $msgbody vertically for ease of reading. Thx [code=syntax] $msgbody = ; "Referred by = " … | |
I have a template for web pages which is asp.net Inside the content object or whatever it's called, it wish to place a simpe PHP form. I tried it and the PHP code doesn't seem to be recognized as PHP but as text. Can this NOT be done? [code=syntax] <%@ … | |
Hello, I'm trying to do something I thought would be very simple. I need to display a "degree" symbol as part of my PHP output, and I can't figure it out. I'm trying to use the ASCII ° code. If I try: [code] echo ° [/code] I get an error. … | |
Hi All, I am trying to set background image. I retreived it from the database into $xyzimage variable and then trying it to display in the <body > tag. When i am trying to display it a tabel cell like <td> it works, but not in <body> tag. Is there … | |
hi, is session_id is generated by javapage in one website is equal to session_id generated by phppage????.because i integrated php pages to java pages in that website. so i maitain session based on that java page. is this possible to session_id from java page to php page, if i get … | |
I am a web designer and Programmer.... I would like to make a web server in my office... I am newbie in this. I want to register a domain and need to make a web server and make my hard disc as server.... Please help me..... I had a 2 … | |
I don't want to repeat writing $value in if statement. Is there any way to write once and add conditions like below? Thanks [code] if ($value==1 || $value== 2 || $value== 3) { echo "I don't want this way"; } if ($value==1 || 2 || 3) { echo "I want … | |
hi, Just for the history : I am a new to apache. And I am responsible for this new server. um... I don't know if this is the right section to post my questions or not. Howere, here they are: 1. some libraries or packages installation instruction says : you … | |
Hi, i have a html form for questionnaire whr i have few question. each one has 2 radio button (yes/no). if value for radio button 'yes' is selected then activate text box to write the comment. if radio button is selected for 'No' then text box should be disable. similarly … | |
Hello everyone, I am setting up a section of coding in which I need to add and subtract certain values to a mysql field. However ...the code only seems to add negative numbers (-13.0) as a postive number to the database and its really confusing me now! :( What I … | |
I am trying to get a row from a table based on the record number, a unique ID in a table which is passed from another form. The record number seems to be passed correctly and is received on the forwarding page. The query in the PHP page does not … | |
Hi, I have installed wordpress multiuser script on my vps host. when a user tries to upload a file, the script will create new folder, the new folders begin created are under apache ownership, that's why they are not accessable by normal users. can someone guide me how to set … | |
Why do some of the link here does not work... [url]http://patrick33.freehostia.com/[/url] click on videos...categories...members.. this is a very popular script and I am sure a lot of you guys out there would be familiar with it. Thanks in advance. Patrick. | |
Good afternoon, I'm hoping you guys can help me out with a simple problem. I am working on my first AJAX powered app, and I'm having a problem with the PHP portion. I am passing a value "q" from my app, that should return a Country name. Instead, I get … | |
Hi all I am a beginner with mark up and am trying my hand at HTML, Javascript and PHP. Currently I am copying source code from sites so I can learn and understand the code and rebuild the sites with my own content. Just recently I came across a site … | |
Hello all, For creating dynamic title tags, I tried using [code=php] <title>welcome<?php echo '$pagetitle';?></title> </head> <body> : : <?php : $pagetitle = '$row[2]'; ?> //closing rest of the tags. [/code] I get nothing displayed on title ! So i changed the code to, [code=php] <html> <head> </head> <body> : : … | |
dear frnds, i hace wrote this code to generate unique id for questionnaire and a query to save it into database with two more value (response id and date) individually i have checked and unique id function is working. even insert query is also executing correctly. but when i put … | |
I'm trying to develop a game that can be played by 2 players on different clients, and I can't figure out the mechanism how the server can communicate to both sites for the same game. A move on one browser gets communicated to the server, and the server must reply … | |
Hello friends, I've a category table, the structure is: category{ id int(11) autoincrement, name varchar(255), parentid int(11); } Now a node can have multiple child nodes and grand child nodes. now if I want to get all childnodes and grandchild nodes of a node id what should i do ??????? … | |
I have a PHP script I am trying to convert to PERL and need some help. Here is the code in PHP [code] $store_list_name = $prod[10]; $category = $prod[11]; $sub_category = $prod[12]; $searchfor = $store_list_name . "->" . $category . "->" . $sub_category; $getcat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE … |
The End.