39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for rogelioz

Hi, I'm looking for the equivalent in C# of this function: strip_tags(). I want to use it to validate some input and avoid SQL injection. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for raziane
Member Avatar for Narayan15

i need help in php [code=php]<?php $num=2; ?> <a href="action.php?id='.$num.'">Text to be displayed</a>[/code] Here i m not getting $num value when i print echo $_GET['id'];

Member Avatar for Narayan15
Member Avatar for 123468743867143

[B][U]Question:[/U][/B] How to replace %20 characters in URL with a dash (-) when the information is coming from a MySQL db? Code:[B][COLOR="Red"] href='details.php?listid=$record[listingid]&title=$record[title][/COLOR][/B] It currently reads: [B][COLOR="Green"]http://www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=800&title=970%20South%20Bald%20Head%20Wynd[/COLOR][/B] It should read: [COLOR="green"][B][url]http://www.mysite.com/details.php?listid=800&title=970-South-Bald-Head-Wynd[/url][/B][/COLOR] I want to keep the title words for SEO purpose unless you think it is useless?? Thank you - …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange

Hi Folks I am trying to make a php form processing script. The form would have a large text area in it where the visitors could type a few paragraphs of text. I want this script to break the text from the form after 75 characters or if that is …

Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy

My problem is that I have a PHP application that needs to (in Windowsese) multi-task. I am relatively new to PHP and equally new to Linux. I need to know how to pass information from a parent process to a child process and vice versa. If somebody could please provide …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for anumitadas

<?php <$conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); echo("connected"); if(!$conn) { die('could not connect:'.mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("student",$conn); if (!mysql_select_db('student', $conn)) { echo 'Could not select database'; exit; } ?> This the code..Using which I want to connect but getting the error: Parse error: parse error in c:\apache\htdocs\phpmyadmin\connection.php on line 6 Plz help

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for sajjadpk

Hi Every 1..! I m new in DaniWeb plz help me out by solving my problm spcific to PHP (checkbox control). I want delete multilple data from mysql using php form checkbox control. I want to display data in a table as i did and then want to select multiple …

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for asciid

hi guys. i am writing a class for registering data and i am having a problem calling functions and vars from other classes. here's a class diagram of where everything is called- [IMG]http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/19/classesdm8.png[/IMG] i am in forms, and i am having difficulty getting vars from site, using my functions in …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for seacaptdon

I am using the following PHP redirect script for a non-profit website, but because the blocked IP list keeps getting longer and longer, I want to pull the IP information from a simple mysql database that lists only IP addresses that have been blocked. I have tried several different combinations …

Member Avatar for seacaptdon
Member Avatar for newbietech

<?php $query_getf = "select ci.tb_ci_id, concat(ci.tb_ci_fname, ' ', ci.tb_ci_lname),ci.tb_ci_city, ct.tb_ct_desc, md5(ci.tb_ci_id), s.tb_s_name_full, case ci.tb_ci_addr_2 when '' then ci.tb_ci_addr_1 else concat(ci.tb_ci_addr_1, ', ', ci.tb_ci_addr_2) end, ci.tb_ci_phone_1, ci.tb_ci_phone_2, ci.tb_ci_fax, ci.tb_ci_email FROM tb_contact_info ci, tb_contact_type ct, tb_states s WHERE md5(ci.tb_p_id)='".$fd_p_d['md5_id']."' AND ci.tb_ct_id=ct.tb_ct_id AND ci.tb_s_id=s.tb_s_id ORDER BY ct.tb_ct_desc, ci.tb_ci_date_added"; //print $query_getf; $sth_getf = mysql_query($query_getf); …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for pedramphp

Dear folk , I'm work with PHP speedy Plugin which makes my webpage loads 500% faster [url]http://aciddrop.com/php-speedy/[/url] , the configuration of the php speedy is ok , but when I add <?php require('C:/wamp/www//php_speedy/php_speedy.php'); ?> af the top of the page and then <?php $compressor->finish(); ?> at the bottom of the …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for pedramphp

Dear folk , consider I define a constant value [code=php]<?php /*--------values.inc.php ------------*/ define("Data","MyValue") ?>[/code] so right now I want to change the Value of Data from another page and I wold like that to be saved on Values.inc.php file , you know I'm thinking some kind of data Store ,instead …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for rickya100

Hi, Thanks for checking this out. The error is that when I use ob_start to store the results of an include file my fwrite statement later on in the code works but only writes a blank file, whereas when the ob_start is not present the fwrite function writes the file …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for asifkamalzahid

[COLOR="Red"]In the follwing code i want want to know how i can put my information in the file filename distinamtion_file i want to use this code to upload a file from my computer to ftp server file that i want to upload is in my 'C/SITE/file.txt@ folder and i want …

Member Avatar for asifkamalzahid

this is for code [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="upload.php"> Move or Upload Folder Using PHP FTP Functions<br /> </p> <table width="373" border="1"> <tr> <td width="184">server address </td> <td width="173"><input type="text" id="server_name" …

Member Avatar for scottholmes

Upon applying for a job, I was given a "tester". One of the questions was what does the php function ?header? do. I have not seen this syntax nor has it come up on any google search I've attempted. Could someone here please educate me on this item? Thanks

Member Avatar for punjabivirsa3
Member Avatar for HybridDK

Hi, Im writing an intranet at work in PHP and on this intranet I'd really like to have an infobox, with information from our public calendar on our exchange 2003 server. I've struggled with this challenge a long time now and happened to stumble over Troywolf's PHP script. My problem …

Member Avatar for rj_mayer
Member Avatar for spokie

Hey everyone i seriously need your help, im a novice when it comes to PHP and MySQL. I'm developing a website using PHP and Mysql and i keep on getting this error(Parse error:syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\ on line 38) when i'm trying to connect from signin.html to signin.php.What …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for spokie

hey there im hoping that someone can help me in solving this problem i keep on getting this error when i try to connect from register.html to register.php. Here is my code! [code=php]<?php //Database Information $dbhost = "localhost"; $dbname = "musicwebsite"; $dbuser = "root"; $dbpass = "xxxx"; //Connect to database …

Member Avatar for spokie
Member Avatar for concordia

Hi all! I am totally stumped and am hoping someone can help me. I have some data in a database that I will be using to create checkboxes. However, since different data will be pulled out depending on what the user chooses, I want to be able to create the …

Member Avatar for sonyparekh
Member Avatar for servis

hello everybody, i want to pass directory name as a variable in include function like this, [ICODE] $page = 'test'; include('$page/test.php'); [/ICODE] i know this a wrong way, but i don't know how to do it. please anybody help in this regard. Thank in advance....

Member Avatar for servis
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi, i'm trying to figure out how to pass arrays back and forth from php to javascript and back in the zend framework. i need to do this for check boxes for a project and i canno use zend_form. i came up with a way to do this but the …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for cali_dotcom

hi, i'm trying to figure out how to pass arrays back and forth from php to javascript and back in the zend framework. i need to do this for check boxes. can anyone help me out

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for cassie_sanford

can someone tell me what's wrong with my code?My instructions say that i dont need to add any html elements to this document since it wont display in the web browser but i dont know what to do. Here's what i have: [ICODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for djdellux

i am tying to query from a db and cant get the time section to come back with the correct result PLEASE HELP!!!!!! [ICODE]<html> <head> <title>Loggin DB</title> </head> <body> <h1 align=left>Please enter search feilds:</h1> <body bgcolor="#82CAFA"> <form method="get" action="loggin1.php"> Page: <select name="Page"> <option value="approve.php" >Approve</option> <option value="custquery" >CustQuery</option> <option value="slpnlogin">SlpnLogin</option> …

Member Avatar for euniceee

I have written the php code to generate a pie chart from the data in MySQL, however the whole pie chart turns into yello colour rather than showing the information in different colors. What can I do to make it works?Thank you very much. I have created two files, one …

Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

I am not sure what i am doing wrong, can someone help me please. I have my DB which contains - Manufacturer Table - Model Table (this one contains also the year field) I want to be able to choose Manufacturer>Model>Year will be display in the text area but nothing …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cassie_sanford

How do you format color anchor tabs for colors so they'll format themselves in stylesheets?

Member Avatar for punjabivirsa3
Member Avatar for r_sathya

hai i am sathiya, i create the data grid using php and mysql... i want to update my datagrid ..... so that i went to AJAX. i want some idea about AJAX. please help me to updata my datagrid by AJAX and PHP with regards, sathiya.

Member Avatar for enim213

sorry to post it here.. i really need your attention.. thanx hi guys! i am enim, i usually post thread in PHP and i guess its my first time here in mysql.. i have problem regarding the total count of the terminatecause.. i need the count of ANSWERED calls only …


The End.