39,388 Topics
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hello guys i need put banner on 'my account table'. banner should included reflink of member or user who's accessing this page. here is banner picture: <img src="http://i35.tinypic.com/349ciza.jpg" border="0"> and here is all php code of my account table: [ICODE]<?php include_once('header.php'); if(isset($_COOKIE["usNick"]) && isset($_COOKIE["usPass"])){ $user = $_COOKIE["usNick"]; $myDb->connect(); $sql = … | |
Hai all, <span >Test_Ajax</span> On mouse over of Test_Ajax I want display a tooltip which display the value of a variable (which is declered in php file). For doing this task how should I co-ordinate ajax, js, php and html files | |
Hi I am trying to open the explorer window using php code .But i got the security issue .Please help me how to solve the issue. [code]<a href="file:///opt" target="_blank">adas</a>[/code] I got this error message Please help me how to fix the issue Security Error: Content at [url]http://localhost/test.php[/url] may not load … | |
Hi, I have a problem in sending mail in HTML format using PHP mail() function. The problem is that the HTML is not rendered in microsoft outlook (showing raw data) but in yahoo it is good and the HTML is rendered and shown correctly. These are the mail agent I … | |
i have problem with my syntax.. please help me.. [code=php]<?php require_once('../Connections/epurse.php'); ?> <?php function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($theValue) : $theValue; switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case … | |
I'm only writing this in the php section, because php is really all I know. My wife purchased a big package of downloads from a site, and now she has to go and download them all, because she only has 7 days to download them. So she has to click … | |
I've tried this multiple ways, the latest below. Maybe I'm on the wrong track. Thank you. [code]<?php do { ?> <?php [COLOR="Red"]$class='class="other"';[/COLOR] ?> <?php if($row_rsFrontPageAds['AdLink']) echo "<a href=\"" . $row_rsFrontPageAds['AdLink'][COLOR="Red"]"\"".$class."\">"[/COLOR]; ?> <img style=" " src="<?php echo $row_rsFrontPageAds['AdPath']; ?>"alt="" max-width="" border="" class="imgright1"/> <div align="justify" class="style48" > <?php if($row_rsFrontPageAds['AdCaption']) ?> <?php echo … | |
Hi everyone, Any ideas how to change this code so I can have a square thumbnails instead of always the same width but not height? Thanks [code] function CreateSiteThumbnail($srcFile, $destFile, $width, $quality = 100) { $thumbnail = ''; if (file_exists($srcFile) && isset($destFile)) { $size = getimagesize($srcFile); $w = number_format($width, 0, … | |
I have two input textbox with the same name, when submiting the page I get only the value of the second textbox. how can i get the value of both fields??? | |
Is there any possibility to do online chatting with php. In clear, if we post our message ,the other person for whom we post will get that message with out inserting that message into the database... Can any one please help me out... Thanks... | |
hi all i problem rotate image (png) code : [CODE] $myimage=imagecreatefromjpeg('test.jpg'); $mypng=imagecreatefrompng('opera.png'); $sizepng= getimagesize('opera.png'); $jpgwidth=imagesx($myimage); $jpghieght=imagesy($myimage); $pngwidth=imagesx($mypng); $pnghieght=imagesy($mypng); $pngwidth1=$sizepng[0] / 10; $pnghieght1=$sizepng[1] / 10; imagerotate(mypng,50,1); imagecopyresized($myimage,$mypng,0,0,0,0,$pngwidth1,$pnghieght1,$sizepng[0],$sizepng[1]); header("Contents-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($myimage); imagedestroy($myimage); imagedestroy ($mypng); [/CODE] ![]() | |
hi everyone,i am having a problem with the maximum file upload i have read the forums about the maximum file upload and i went to php.ini to change the maximum file upload from 2mb to 3mb but if i upload 2.6mb file still the upload file doesn't work can you … | |
hi folks.. I downloaded the micro chat in hotscripts.com its working fine in my localhost , but its not working while hosting to any site, that means the message we are sending is disappearing after a second.. you can see the following link to see the problem [url]http://www.apolloinfosystem.com/microchat/index.php[/url] | |
Anyone know how to get a custom layout when sending email's via mail()? At the moment I would just like to start a new line in an email but eventually throw in images and etc. Any information be much appericated. Regards, X | |
I have been trying to find a simple name and password tutorial that works and is easy to follow. Not having much luck. The name and password will be in a text file or mysql database which the user will be given, i do not need forgot password or email … | |
Hello, I want to create my own script like [URL="www.anonym.to"]www.anonym.to[/URL] but with few additional features i want to use database, i believe its very easy to make but the problem i don't know php, i can write in visual basic and c++ but not php, What do i want?? to … | |
Hi All, I have one requirement that, i am displaying results getting from various sites by sending request to their servers using http_client::get method.But it is taking much longer time to get back the response. I am using for loop to send the requests to all the servers(approx 40).So it … | |
hello shanti I also downloaded the micro chat in hotscripts.com its working fine in my localhost , but its not working while hosting to any site, that means the message we are sending is disappearing after a second.. you can see the following link to see the problem [url]http://www.apolloinfosystem.com/microchat/index.php[/url] | |
not sure if this is the correct place to post but here we go anyway. what i am trying to do is put a table inside a div tag held within a php page but it is not working. here is the code [CODE]print "<h4>There are $num_rows records.<P></h4>"; print "<div … | |
[I]n the following program i have the error [COLOR="Red"]Warning: ftp_delete() [function.ftp-delete]: Access is denied. in G:\WEBROOT\wilbourn\ftptest\uploadfunctionpage.php on line 89 could not delete wilbourn/ftptest/t.DOC [/COLOR] [/I] [CODE] <?php //Move or Upload Folder Using PHP FTP Functions function moveFolder($_server, $_user_name, $_user_pass, $local_dir, $remote_dir) { echo"$_user_name <br/>"; echo"$_user_pass <br/>"; echo" directories are : … | |
Hello all, I use a database to extract the title of a url. I want to take save this title in a variable and then check if it is url1 or url2. If it is url1 call url1 javascript function else if url2 call url2 function. My code is : … | |
Hi to all, Did you ever see the Rock solid clone scripts like youtube,facebook,orkut and also social networking software for various segment like hospitals,colleges,schools and also for different communities...?If yes means just share with me too.:ooh: | |
i m doing project for my college and i need a effective menu bar for php. guys help me | |
Hey everybody this is my first post here and just learning PHP and need some help on an infinite loop problem. The code is supposed to find how many ways you can change a $1 dollar bill into coins using dollar coin, half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. But … | |
Hi everybody, I'm new in this forum, I'm a PHP developer looking for good solutions for changing colors, fonts, styles of a site on the fly. The idea is, the user will be given options to customize his/her web site's font, color of various elements etc. and then the site … | |
Hi! I am using the following code for a file upload- [code=php] <?php if(isset($_POST['b1'])) { if($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] !="") { $target_path = "/home/infotech/myhomepage/uploads/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); echo("Temporary Location is: ".$_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name']."<br />"); echo("Target Path is: ".$target_path."<br />"); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded"; … | |
ive been getting loads of errors on a script that im trying to install.. so far ive fixed a few of them but now im stuck here Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN in /home/wwwulti/public_html/network/install/index.php on line 668 [img]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=8340&stc=1&d=1227550169[/img] looks like the same things guna happen on line 670 any … | |
Hi Every Body Any one tell me how i add login form and database in my site <URL SNIPPED> PLz Tell me | |
HI, If anyone could help me it would be great! So I am building a website for some snowboarders and they would like to collect Emails for their newsletter. this is the code i have put in. I know it is simple but when People submit there emails I want … | |
hey people, I want to develop my own social network. Do you think PHP and Mysql plus Javascript can do the magic?........ Thanks in advance..... |
The End.