39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for amyana

Hi there, I'm trying to use a dynamic drop down box to populate some input fields.. So far I can make the drop down box populate correctly. I can also link the input fields to an id in my table, however I'm not sure how to link that id with …

Member Avatar for amyana
Member Avatar for tuse

Hi! Can anybody please explain this- [code="php"] <?php $num=5; echo($num.++$num); echo("<br />".$num); ?> [/code] prints: 66 6 while [code="php"] <?php $num=5; echo($num++.++$num); echo("<br />".$num); ?> [/code] prints: 57 7 how exactly is the parsing done?

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for designingamy

Hello all! I have a problem with my code. My server uses php4 and instead of upgrading and dealing with the crappy company I'm using, I decided to learn the basics of php4 and use it for now. My problem is when I try to transfer information from one page …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for duhasteme

Hello, I have developed a PHP register page. However when i click on one of the text area to fill in the details, the form automatically resets itself. Can anyone help me out. Here is the code of that part. [ICODE]# <tr> # <td width="25%">Web site URL</td> # <td height="10"><input …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Sricharan

i want to upload a video file (mpeg, mpg, wmv) and wanted to display the first frame of the video as a thumbnail. so video will start to play in a enlarged mode when user clicks the thumbnail view of the video like the google videos. is it possible in …

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for radhigoud

Dear friends Hi ,I need coding for "Buttons like minimize and maxmize in a page." Please help me to solve this problem. Advance thanks Radhika

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for katchatore

hello, im new here.. im a student and have a serious problem with my thesis... could anyone help me or direct me on how "to create an e-learning site in php" with a log-in page with a grading system.. any advise would really be helpful... thanks

Member Avatar for Evancool
Member Avatar for lydia21

hi when the user enter the data i tried it storing in the db and its working. the datas are getting stored as &lt;p&gt;This is some &lt;strong&gt;sample text&lt;/strong&gt;. You are using&lt;/p&gt; when i display i want to display in html format

Member Avatar for Evancool
Member Avatar for k2k

hi, if i have a db: person> pID (not null, auto_increment), lastname, firstname phone>pID (not null), phoneNum, pID(foreign key points to "person") assume connection is established and pointing to the right database already////// //assume $ln and $fn have value for user input [code=sql]mysql_query("INSERT INTO person( ' ', '$_POST[$ln]', '$_POST[$fn]' )"); …

Member Avatar for jackakos
Member Avatar for jackakos

If I run this query in the PHP Admin it displays 2 records [code=php] SELECT staff.emp_no, staff.fName, staff.lName, event.event_date, event.timeStart, event.timeEnd, event.emp_no, event.agenda FROM staff, event WHERE staff.emp_no = event.emp_no AND event.emp_no =201 AND event.event_date = "27-01-2008" AND timeStart = "1020" [/code] The above query gives Results emp_no fName lName …

Member Avatar for jackakos
Member Avatar for yasmena

HI all , i have a list box(combo box) that contains 100 items and i need to send this whole list to another form (i.e i need to insert these options in the list in the DB ) the problem is sending a listbox to another form can be done …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for rjrasmussen

I suppose this is easy for a lot of the people who are familiar with PHP/MySQL. I'm relatively new to the whole thing...so please bear with me. I have a single table entitled "events" with two fields. One field is the "date" field and the other is the "event" field. …

Member Avatar for rjrasmussen
Member Avatar for Trogan

Hi, I will be attempting to learn PHP very shortly. I am going to create a MySQL database to hold records of students, especially attendance. I would like to know if it is possible to do the following with PHP.... [LIST=1] [*]Connect the database with PHP [*]Add new details to …

Member Avatar for Trogan
Member Avatar for Aamit

In my php file [code] echo "<script>alert('Username/password pair is invalid.Please try again.')</script>"; echo"<script language='javascript'>window.location.href='login.php'</script>"; [/code] I am displaying message like this but when message is displayed background php design is blank and then again login page display. I want show message like [URL="http://www.bin-co.com/javascript/examples/print.php#"]http://www.bin-co.com/javascript/examples/print.php#[/URL] when we click on [U][B]Create Alert[/B][/U] message …

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for 3DProf4online

I have installed one free phpbb forum script recently and experience some issues with it! When for example I visit members page to see all the post made by the certain user Not Acceptable error is displayed as a result! The second issue I have is login procedure – a …

Member Avatar for Anjali.want4u

Can any body help me to design upload progress bar using Ajax and php. Please give me some url to follow

Member Avatar for justted

Hello, I have been setting up a photo upload feature for a website which allows members to upload photos. I am also after some advice on how large a file should be? I thought about allowing members to upload a photo up to 100,000 in size and allowing a maximum …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for pranto157

Hi ! Everyone... Acctaully I want to know what is theory apply for telebid.com about their time counter in home page. Can any one describe ? No. 2 - How can I send automatic email ?

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for yavge

hello there, this is my simple php code which inserts a row into the db. the problem is that it doesnt work 'nothing happens no row is being insert and i dont get any error. I have no idea whats wrong. hope to get any solution. thanks. db structure: Id …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for bimlaburlakoti
Member Avatar for punithapary

Hi, In my webpage i created student details in that if i click view then i want to display all student name and their details one by one but in my code i typed everything but it displays first data only.Can anyone tell me how change this code. this my …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi all, i am fetching recods from mysql in a combobox.but only one record display .... i want all record display in combobox ......................i write query below and need help how to sote fetch row in array i declered "$va[]" [CODE] <?php // echo "Connected MySql"; $res1 = mysql_query("SELECT gp …

Member Avatar for Rhyan
Member Avatar for Anjali.want4u

Please any body help me to install APC(Alternative PHP Cache) in window or give me some url to follow.

Member Avatar for Diode

I'm making a site for a guy, and he needs a way to email all his customers with a single form to save time and be more efficient. I got the compose page done. But in the past, from my experience, when I sent myself emails generated from sendmail, some …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for castlelaker

Help Spent HOURS on this and cannot see the problem. It will display the country but not the number of clients that are within that country??? [code=php] <?php //Retrieve the "count" for the number of people in the specified country $country= $_POST['totalbycountry']; //Connect to the server...$connect will contain the connection …

Member Avatar for jyothi chundi
Member Avatar for bigginge

I've used a generic flash/php contact form on a new site but the webhost has told me it's open to spamming. Is there any way round this? Is there a PHP script that is safe to use?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for afroz282004

Hi this my page i want to send mail using smtp mail server what is php scrip Can anybody help me [code=html]<html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <font face="sans-serif" size="2"> <hr size="1" color="#707070"> <font size="4"></font> <br> <br> <b>Send an e-mail message to a recipient through an SMTP connection.</b> <br> <br> <hr …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for moerpheus

hi guys, I want to create my own PHP, MySQL forum for my website. Please can anybody give me or direct me to a website where I could get the source code. Thanking you in advance

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for ocbphoto

I am trying to build a refine search like this one, [URL="http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go"]http://www.k-tech.uk.com/store.php?category_id=5&offroad=1&manufacturer_id=&model_id=&Submit=Go[/URL] My search is smaller that the link above, i have only 3 products and each product has his own page, i ned to run a search for MAKE, MODEL, YEAR and depending on this values i need to …

Member Avatar for jcassan

Hi folks, Working on a small project with PHP spell checking features (pspell) and wind up with strings containing both plain text (properly spelled words) and drop down lists (misspelled word suggestions) such as: The large brown [dog] ate my [homework]. Where words in brackets are drop down lists containing …

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The End.