39,388 Topics
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I am using apache2triad 1.5.4. I need to use MS SQL Server 2..5 database with my php application. How do i use it and how to configure it. Please let me know ASAP. Thanks | |
for example,,, banner and in there should be : site stat: members, total paid... and - member xyz earned xyz $ so far... Do you know guys where could I find it on script ? thank you | |
lines of code is: [code=php]$que_id = uniqid(); $que['Yes'] = No; $que['No'] = No; $que[$_POST['r1']] = Yes; $que_words1= $_POST['q1']; $sql = "INSERT INTO `tbl_CT_Questions` (`Question_ID`,`Questionnaire_ID`,`Question_Words`,`Answer_Type`) VALUES (0,'".$que_id."','".$que_words1."','".$que[$_POST['r1']]."')"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()) ; echo mysql_error(); echo $sql; echo "<br>";[/code] whr query returns : [code=sql]INSERT INTO `tbl_CT_Questions` (`Question_ID`,`Questionnaire_ID`,`Question_Words`,`Answer_Type`) VALUES (0,'494220e779547','Conflicts Questionnaire','Yes')[/code] as … | |
Hi, N00b in need for some help :) I would like to do this: our affiliate inputs an url of his choice and submits. The script gives him our app with his affID embeded in it. When his visitor installs this app, he is redirected to url, which was submitted … | |
Hellow evey body, I have to use same sql query frequently on diferenet php scripts pages in a appliction, i want to put this query in a funtion to use it where i want but this funtion is not working at all. i am unable to figure out the problem, … | |
![]() | Evening I am trying experiencing problems with a new layout. I am trying to achieve the following style: [url]http://www.further-flight.co.uk/testing/notes/attempt.htm[/url] My current layout has ended up like this: [url]http://www.further-flight.co.uk/testing/notes/failedlayout.jpg[/url] Code: [CODE] <div id="menu"><?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/testing/notes/menu.php');?></div> <div id="main"> 1.1 Allow Apostrophes </div> <div id="content"> <p> Information relating to allow apostrophes here </p> </div> … |
[CODE]Warning: Unknown(): Unable to call () - function does not exist in Unknown on line 0[/CODE] Has anyone seen this error or know what it means?? Thanks | |
I'm having a hard time with sessions. I have a long form on 3 different pages and then a preview page of everything entered. I created the code to store the session variables on each page but on the preview page it comes up empty. I am using session_start(); on … | |
facing problem while searching a keyword from the mysql database the fuction is dispayed below and i need the word "celllabs & Co., Inc." to displayed in the search results. can you correct the code below [COde=php] function returnUnitSearch($details) { $newArray = array_keys($details); for ($i=0;$i<count($newArray)-2;$i++) { $strVal = $newArray[$i]; $newStr … | |
Hey Everyone, hope you are all well... I have a little subscribe form at inkmedic.com it is a php include, when you click the submit link, the jquery plugin 'lighwindow' opens the elist.php file and should submit the form, however the email information from the form is not carrying over … | |
Hi there, I'm looking for some feedback on a simple database class i've written. I'm just trying to get to grips with OOP, so any feedback would be appreciated. I do realise that PDO is available, and that this database class is really just a wrapper for mysql_* functions, but … | |
i cant understand why this error commimng up [CODE]<?php $mysql_host="xxxx.xxxxxx.xxxx"; $mysql_user="anuncios"; $mysql_password="xxxxxxx"; $mysql_db = "suecia"; $conn = mysql_connect("$mysql_host","$mysql_user","$mysql_password") or die("Could not connect : " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("$mysql_db",$conn) or die("Select database failed"); $code = mysql_query("Select * from jos_call where code = '".@$_REQUEST['nombre']."'",@$conn); if (mysql_num_rows($conn)==0){ //error here// echo @$_REQUEST['nombre'].' - Codigo correcto'; … | |
Hi, I am thinking to use Oscommerce. and i want to make some change as I want that "When user see products and like to order.User simply go to Contact us page and send email. Actually i want "Add to cart" to "Contact us for more information and it go … | |
Hi, This script works great when uploading photos but if I try mp3's I get 'Error uploading file' Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks [code] <? $uploadDir = 'mp3/'; include ("../includes/database.connect.php"); if(isset($_POST['send'])) { $fileName = $_FILES['userfile']['name']; $tmpName = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']; $fileSize = $_FILES['userfile']['size']; $fileType = $_FILES['userfile']['type']; // get the file … | |
I have written a guestbook in php using a MySQL database to store the entries. I am now writing the backend for it so that the rows in the table can be modified via a form. The way the form works is this: A table is displayed on a page … | |
HI All, I am currently following a tutorial on mysql and php and I am getting this error on displaying results ready for an update in a form. Warning: mysql_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/site/update.php on line 11 [CODE]<? $id=$_GET['id']; $username="web183-sql"; $password="sqlpassword"; $database="web183-sql"; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); … | |
This may seem like a dumb question...well, it probably is. I am trying to write code for form validation. I wrote the code to check the information and then if everything looks okay, to use header ("Location....... and send them to the next page, but of course I get the … | |
Hi, I'm trying to display a report page from an assignment table. Basically, I have a recordset pulling in the info, and dynamic text within a repeat region on a table. I'd like to put in a second repeat region within the intial region to display the 2nd, 3rd, 4th … | |
Hi, I need somebody to have a look at my code below and help to see what I have done wrong. I have 3 tables:[B]Student[/B] [I][COLOR="Red"](studentNum,firstName,lastName)[/COLOR][/I], [B]course[/B] ([COLOR="Red"][I]courseID,courseTotalCapacity[/I][/COLOR]), [B]course_allocation[/B] ([I][COLOR="Red"]studentNum,courseID[/COLOR][/I]). The AIM is to allocate students to 2 classes (courses 101 and 102) as long as there is available space … | |
ftp_ssl_connect() is only available if both the ftp module and the OpenSSL support is built staticlly into php, this means that on Windows this function will be undefined in the official PHP builds. To make this function available on Windows you must compile your own PHP binaries. [COLOR="Red"](iw want to … | |
wasn't too sure my codes are correct could sum1 help me check?ty. [code=php]<?php session_start(); unset($_SESSION['email']); session_destroy(); ?>[/code] | |
Hello, I am fairly new to PHP, having just started messing around with it, but I need to solve something and I would apreciate any help any of you could offer. Here is my problem: There's a hardware online store built using php/html and connected to a mysql database. It … | |
Hi Friends In my mysql table , we stored the rtf file this type , we need to change this real word file .Please advise [code] {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sl360\slmult1\b\f0\fs48 We Have Moved!\fs32 \par \par \ul\fs36 Our New Address:\ulnone\fs32 \par 124 Greenfield Ave. \par … | |
Hello friends iam new to this community and also iam new to the PHP can any one help me in getting the Telugu version of data in website as in eenadu.com i have to get the data in telugu please help me Thanks in advance Bye | |
Hi to all, php n00b here :-) I have a simple problem and would like to ask for some help... What I want to do is this: when our affiliate submits his aff ID into the form, a php script should post that ID from DB, but load it into … | |
hi to all, i need code for downloading a page into a doc file. | |
Hi all. I am having a little trouble trying to get a small script to work. What I am trying to do is create a page to use with DADA mail mailing list software. I would like this page to search through the DADA mail text file of email address … | |
I need to create a new system for cms for a project for uni but i don't have a clue :( can anyone help or guide me ? | |
i nd help in php cos i met error- Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\WAD_Project\userprofile.php on line 19. which i dun uds n cant solve after tryin. plz reply n help ty. if thr any other info u nd frm me to solve … |
The End.