39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for FTProtocol

Hey, Just wondering how i would go about connecting to a php file from a console based app. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for FTProtocol
Member Avatar for asifkamalzahid

if i have file name "file" on my ftp server in some folder and i want to upload a new file with same name "file" at the same folder. so it will create problom or it will modifiy the existing file. i have the following error message 1 Warning: ftp_fput() …

Member Avatar for asifkamalzahid
Member Avatar for veledrom

I have just installed LAMP and want to create a folder to store all the php and html files. After that run them in [url]http://localhost[/url]. Where and how do i create a folder to store all my files to be executed? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for nil_gh_80

Hello friends, I'm in a serious problem....... I have a change password application for registered users......I've applied javascript to check wheather fields are blanks or not but incase if someone press spacebar in new password and retype new password fields then it accept it . Now I want to block …

Member Avatar for nil_gh_80
Member Avatar for Bob Arctor

Hello all, Newbie and running out of steam here. I have a form passing the checkbox value to a db. The db is essentially 2 fields news and id (auto-increment). I'm pretty baffled as how to extract the data. Ideally I would like to give each form submission a unique …

Member Avatar for Bob Arctor
Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I have some simple php code. It worked fine on the old server, but now I am getting an error on the new server. Both former and present servers are Linux. [code=php] <?php function ConfirmationEmail () { $from = "mo@abc.com"; $recipient = "bill@yahoo.com"; $cc1 = $from; $cc2 = "mo@gmail.com"; $subject …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for almualim
Member Avatar for PomonaGrange
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Well the title pretty much says it all. I'm reading through a php OOP book and I'm having trouble understanding why you'd want to create an abstract class. Can anyone perhaps shed some light on this for me as I haven't found any resources that explain this well enough.

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for devon.philip

A cookie is a flat file that stores tiny bits of information. It is stored on the client’s machine and is passed to the client when they visit your site. Each cookie can store anything from usernames to number of visits to a site. This tutorial will teach you how …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for RuneMan

I am developing a website which encrypts every user's password with sha1() method and is stored in the database. Now the problem is I want to offer a recover password function for my users. but i dont know how to get the password from the salted string Help me!!!

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for snowsurfer32

does anyone know a good blog software program? if so shoot me a link Intermountain web solutions. drew Korent. Thanks.

Member Avatar for PoA
Member Avatar for dizid

hi :icon_neutral: , I want to make a radio button checked if the form is already submitted. The form and output are on the same page. I have 2 (later more) radio buttons and i want the form to 'remember' the state of the button, e.g. insert a checked="checked" text …

Member Avatar for dizid
Member Avatar for smartness

I use the News-Engine 1.5.1 script in my website. He worked perfectly till now. It was replaced on the server now the MySQL. PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.51 versions run on the server. During the run of the site, I get the following error message: Error message: Query fatal error: …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for snowsurfer32

Hey everyone so someone answered my question but i need some help some one recommended huggins email program ... the problem is i dont know how to put it on my website could some one tell me how to install it. thanks... intermountain web solutions. drew kornet

Member Avatar for r_sathya

Hai I am sathiya i display my database records using PHP . i display radio buttons to select the candidate. and at last i will give submit button to update . But i want to update each and every candidate by clicking the radio button seperately by using AJAX. please …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for tc1967uk

Hi I'm a total newb at php and mysql but using Dreamweaver I've managed to create a php webpage containing a series of checkboxes (I think of them as tags) and a text field (for URLs) that allows me to enter data into a database. I've done a test post, …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for dewhickey

I have code to propagate a drop down list that displays people's names. The problem is that the first name and last name are separate fields in the database, and I can only get the drop down list to display one of them. Here's my code: [code=php]<?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT …

Member Avatar for dewhickey
Member Avatar for CodeMama

Hi, I'm a newbie and am having a problem with either my where clause in my sql statement or something else, I think its the where because if I take that out the script works fine... Here is the error I get: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid …

Member Avatar for CodeMama
Member Avatar for Dick Kennedy

I'M running a site on PHP 5.2.6, Apache 2.2.9 (shared hosting). Most of the site uses a CMS (MODx) but I have one section using home-rolled scripts. I have a file that gets included into these that checks user status by looking for the MODx session vars. On one script, …

Member Avatar for Dick Kennedy
Member Avatar for macokovac

hello guys i need put banner on 'my account table'. banner should included reflink of member or user who's accessing this page. here is banner picture: <img src="http://i35.tinypic.com/349ciza.jpg" border="0"> and here is all php code of my account table: [ICODE]<?php include_once('header.php'); if(isset($_COOKIE["usNick"]) && isset($_COOKIE["usPass"])){ $user = $_COOKIE["usNick"]; $myDb->connect(); $sql = …

Member Avatar for macokovac
Member Avatar for aneeshkurup

Hai all, <span >Test_Ajax</span> On mouse over of Test_Ajax I want display a tooltip which display the value of a variable (which is declered in php file). For doing this task how should I co-ordinate ajax, js, php and html files

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for vssp

Hi I am trying to open the explorer window using php code .But i got the security issue .Please help me how to solve the issue. [code]<a href="file:///opt" target="_blank">adas</a>[/code] I got this error message Please help me how to fix the issue Security Error: Content at [url]http://localhost/test.php[/url] may not load …

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for sayaan

Hi, I have a problem in sending mail in HTML format using PHP mail() function. The problem is that the HTML is not rendered in microsoft outlook (showing raw data) but in yahoo it is good and the HTML is rendered and shown correctly. These are the mail agent I …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for squidthekiller

i have problem with my syntax.. please help me.. [code=php]<?php require_once('../Connections/epurse.php'); ?> <?php function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($theValue) : $theValue; switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

I'm only writing this in the php section, because php is really all I know. My wife purchased a big package of downloads from a site, and now she has to go and download them all, because she only has 7 days to download them. So she has to click …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for markaman

I've tried this multiple ways, the latest below. Maybe I'm on the wrong track. Thank you. [code]<?php do { ?> <?php [COLOR="Red"]$class='class="other"';[/COLOR] ?> <?php if($row_rsFrontPageAds['AdLink']) echo "<a href=\"" . $row_rsFrontPageAds['AdLink'][COLOR="Red"]"\"".$class."\">"[/COLOR]; ?> <img style=" " src="<?php echo $row_rsFrontPageAds['AdPath']; ?>"alt="" max-width="" border="" class="imgright1"/> <div align="justify" class="style48" > <?php if($row_rsFrontPageAds['AdCaption']) ?> <?php echo …

Member Avatar for markaman
Member Avatar for stevehart808

Hi everyone, Any ideas how to change this code so I can have a square thumbnails instead of always the same width but not height? Thanks [code] function CreateSiteThumbnail($srcFile, $destFile, $width, $quality = 100) { $thumbnail = ''; if (file_exists($srcFile) && isset($destFile)) { $size = getimagesize($srcFile); $w = number_format($width, 0, …

Member Avatar for stevehart808
Member Avatar for zanzo

I have two input textbox with the same name, when submiting the page I get only the value of the second textbox. how can i get the value of both fields???

Member Avatar for Aamit
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Is there any possibility to do online chatting with php. In clear, if we post our message ,the other person for whom we post will get that message with out inserting that message into the database... Can any one please help me out... Thanks...

Member Avatar for shivjamesh
Member Avatar for Coward

hi all i problem rotate image (png) code : [CODE] $myimage=imagecreatefromjpeg('test.jpg'); $mypng=imagecreatefrompng('opera.png'); $sizepng= getimagesize('opera.png'); $jpgwidth=imagesx($myimage); $jpghieght=imagesy($myimage); $pngwidth=imagesx($mypng); $pnghieght=imagesy($mypng); $pngwidth1=$sizepng[0] / 10; $pnghieght1=$sizepng[1] / 10; imagerotate(mypng,50,1); imagecopyresized($myimage,$mypng,0,0,0,0,$pngwidth1,$pnghieght1,$sizepng[0],$sizepng[1]); header("Contents-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($myimage); imagedestroy($myimage); imagedestroy ($mypng); [/CODE]

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The End.