39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for fuggles

For some reason the post is not getting inserted into my database. [code=PHP] if($_SESSION['permissions']>=1) { $query="INSERT INTO news (id, title, poster, posterid, body) VALUES ('$id','$title','$poster','$posterid','$body')"; $result=mysql_query($query,$con); header("location:index.php"); } [/code]

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for letlet_pogs

Hello good day. I just want to ask those who know how to save values without submitting yet to database. I am trying to save it, but it wont work out. What i want is that, I am filling up a form, then I will go to the next page, …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for kiranbvsn

i got 2 html pages with the following data index.php (buttons: SAVE, EDIT) update.php (buttons: UPDATE,DELETE) Employee ID (primary key), Employee Name (here i putting 2 buttons Edit,Save) when i entered the empid and click the Edit button, the page has to go from index.php to update.php and at the …

Member Avatar for kiranbvsn
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello..... i am fetching text from database. i want to restrict 400 characters from that after "readmore". it redirects to total page. i was used substring but i want to total validate what means after 400 characters there is '.' is there then not appear '.........'like this. otherwise appear after …

Member Avatar for pushpakalpana
Member Avatar for sai.sriparasa

Hello I need to pass an array of client side events to the next page. Here my user would perform a few events which would be stored in a javascript array, upon completion a submit button would be used to post all that data to the next page. An example …

Member Avatar for jino
Member Avatar for missMira

hi....can i ask something? i need to set a default password for a sign up form... so when new user sign up, they will get a default password and for the first time they log in, they will received a prompt or a msessage asking them to change their password. …

Member Avatar for missMira
Member Avatar for alla87

Hi all, Im relatively new to PHP, and i have come across a brick wall. What im trying to do is pass two variables $factid and $pathid to another PHP page and from there insert them into SQL Table. The only problem is that the $pathid is inside a while …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for alla87

What im trying to do is this. I have created a fact repository frame which holds facts for the use to look for. The user looks for facts through a search text field in which they submit. The search variable brings up on the page anything which matches the search …

Member Avatar for pbcomput
Member Avatar for kuteinheart

Hey ppl, I am using wampserver for my Website development... Now, I want to send mail to a particular user from mysql table... when i use the mail function for PHP code [CODE]mail($mail_to,$mail_sub,$mail_mesg,$headers)[/CODE] I am getting the error as follows [CODE]Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" …

Member Avatar for kuteinheart
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi there, i have a webpage which is divided into three frames, left frame, main frame and the bottom frame. all the buttons are in the left frame, hence, once a button is clicked, the data will be displayed in the bottom frame, now my problem is that, how could …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SMHouston

Hi all. I'm having an issue that I CAN NOT figure out for the life of me. The program is to get user input about there paycheck , then calculate the answer. What my problem is I can not get the php part to print anything inside the <?php?> tags. …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my code, which displays either an image, or message depending on the time: [CODE]<?php $b = time(); $hour = date("g",$b); $m = date ("A", $b); if ($m == "AM") { if ($hour == 12) { echo "Good Evening!"; } elseif ($hour < 4) { echo "Good Evening!"; } …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for SuntechWebsites

Ok..I have a database with clients and their information. They can login using their own assigned username and password. I am looking for a way I can access/edit their info from my admin side without having to enter individual user info to access them. On another note I am looking …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for bahman2216

Dear all. how can I put my output array into file exactly as it appear below: [CODE]Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => a [1] => b ) [1] => Array ( [0] => c [1] => d ) [2] => Array ( [0] => e ) ) [/CODE]

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for newcountry
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Zagga

Hi again folks. I have a PHP member registration script that collects registration details from the user, encodes the password (with RIJNDAEL_256) and emails the user a URL containing all the variables so I can verify the email address is correct. The user clicks on the URL, the correct page …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for codeblock

Hello everyone, I have a problem with my drop down list box on my edit page in php. I would like my drop down list box to show what the user has selected, then if the user wishes to, change their selection updating the DB(mysql) at the same time. I …

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for azegurb

Hi i have taken news script with image upload feature it works fine. but when i added news without image instead of image it displays red X sign you can see script from here [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread258095.html"][CODE]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread258095.html[/CODE][/URL] and you may see demo from here [URL="http://aziko.6te.net/yukle/haber_ekle"]aziko.6te.net/yukle/haber_ekle[/URL] here you may add news and from …

Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, Is there a way to verify the validity of a credit card when user submits in his/her credit card number? Many thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian
Member Avatar for venus_me11

i dont know how to get the value in this table.. i have there a table with an image.. if a user click on one of it, and click reserve the letter of that table (ex. S) must be printed... please help... [CODE] <?php if ($_POST) { if ($_POST['submit'] == …

Member Avatar for techhelpforme

I think I've done what's necessary to install mod_php in Apache, but this code fails: ----------modtest.php <?php echo $PHP_SELF?> ------------------------ When I display modtest.php in a browser, I get: Notice: Undefined variable: PHP_SELF in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\modtest.php on line 1 I've read in docs that this env var doesn't exist …

Member Avatar for thinnakornzhang
Member Avatar for tryphy

I have a multi form... I searched online and found this link... [url]http://www.html-form-guide.com/php-form/php-order-form.html[/url] so i was doing a test, but it didnt work for me.. Can some1 help me, where i have gone wrong. Here are my codes.... [COLOR="red"][U]Form1.php[/U][/COLOR] [CODE] <?php session_start(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for ElegantElephant

Any way to change the formatting of the text and what is displayed after a die() command? I'm currently coding all my errors using die() but I'd like to have more control over how the error message is formatted and what is displayed afterwards (like a return link for example)

Member Avatar for Jerail
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i am taking a list of numbers and stashing them i an array by going $total[]. then i try to use array_sum($total) and i dont get the last added number instead i get numbers that keep adding up to the final number EX: 10,15,5 output: 102530 i have …

Member Avatar for ashiqin
Member Avatar for motters

hi all i want to do is hide links when the user is not login in. i thought i could do it this way but it gave me a error [CODE] <?php if $_SESSION['MM_Username'] isset { echo 'members area'; // i would put a link here } else { echo …

Member Avatar for motters
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi, Ive posted this in a mysql forum, but the more i think about it i think php is really where i think the solution lies. When i call a row, how could i count the number of empty entries? so say its an address with 5 lines, and ive …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Hello all, I'm pretty new to PHP & SQL. I am having some trouble with a web voting page I'm creating. I have a PHP loop which is displaying data from SQL table A. Beside it, a small text box linked to SQL table B to allow users assign numeric …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shyami

Hi, Is it possible to include php file in python? in my application already header and left menu and footer are existing in php. i want to include those files in my new python script. Plz tell me how to do this? Thanks in advance -Shyami

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for sam023

i want to convert string into hexdecimal value.. Like 'Hi' into 00680069 [code=php]<?php function ascii2hex($ascii) { $hex = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($ascii); $i++) { $byte = strtoupper(dechex(ord($ascii{$i}))); $byte = str_repeat('0', 2 - strlen($byte)).$byte; $hex.=$byte." "; } return $hex; } //echo ascii2hex('he'); echo dechex(ord('hello')); ?>[/code] I got …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for MDanz

i'm trying to do this loop, don't know how to code it though. is it a loop? i'm thinking it's a for loop. 'for every 105px above 800px increase $max by 1.

Member Avatar for Wraithmanilian

The End.