39,388 Topics
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Hi, I've got a "contact us" form on my website and naturally i'm trying to guard against sql injection/hacking The body of the text gets run through the below function, however this means i end up with How's it going = How's it going Can someone tell me which part … | |
Hey ppl, I have a form with the start date and end date fields... I want to check if bothe fields are filled and also to check if the start date is earlier than the end date... [CODE] <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="get2.php" onSubmit="return validateform(this)"> Checking code... <script language="javascript"> <!-- … | |
Hello Friends, i am having problem in pagination of my php website i written the code like this its working for first page good from second page onwards it showing all the results in a single page [code] <?php if((!defined('BASEPATH'))) exit('No direct script access allowed');?> <!-- HEADER --> <? $this->load->includes('header');?> … | |
I was trying to add set cookie to this, which works (set cookie to expire 1 year from set date), but resets the cookie value each time. I want to check if someone has already entered their age and if so, direct them to the appropriate response page. i.e. - … | |
hi guys, just a little help regarding GD Graph, is it not possible to combine the graph plus a little code to echo or display?? because, when i try to insert the code in the upper part of the program, it runs but if i put the code in the … | |
Hi I have to find an array key exists in an array. My array structure is $result['GetSessionListResult']['diffgram']['NewDataSet']['Table'] (which is a result from a webservice). Then I have to iterate the values of the ['Table'] in a foreach like [CODE] foreach($result['GetSessionListResult']['diffgram']['NewDataSet']['Table'] as $item). { } [/CODE] . Ok Then my problem … | |
[CODE] $user_tz =" 0.00"; // GMT London $user_offset = $user_tz * 3600; // Number of hours X number of minutes X number of seconds //This gets today's date $timestamp = time(); $local_timestamp = $timestamp + $user_offset; //This puts the day, month, and year in seperate variables $day = date('d', $local_timestamp) … | |
This is my pagination script which is partially working: [CODE] <HEAD> <LINK href="style1.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </HEAD> <?php /* Place code to connect to your DB here. */ include('config.php'); // include your code to connect to DB. $tbl_name="episodes"; //your table name // How many adjacent pages should be shown on each … | |
Hi..this code is not working..the error was [ICODE]while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)[/ICODE] but i know it was correct query.. [ICODE]search.php[/ICODE] [CODE] <?php mysql_connect ("localhost", "root") or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db ("records"); $criteria = (int)$_POST['criteria']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE "; switch($criteria) case 1: $sql .= "course"; break case 2: $sql … | |
I am trying to call a php script from a crontab sh script... I can get it to work if I hardcode each file, but I want to pass a variable to a single php file either from hardcoded calls in the sh script, or even better, by looping through … | |
I have two dropdown lists in my HTML form. In first dropdown list, I have some countries name already added in HTML form. In second drop down list there is no item yet except "Select choice". Now my problem is that I want that when i click on any country … | |
hey yall i just started learning php too....but i have a problem with viewing my php files..i am currrently using easyphp and am not sure how am supposed to use it...i use dreamweaver to edit my php files but i dont get to see the output.. so please i need … ![]() | |
[CODE]$query = "INSERT INTO update_feedback (updateID,comment,timestamp) VALUES ('$updateID','$comment',NOW())"; $result = mysqli_query($dbcon,$result) or die('Error saving feedback into database. ' .mysqli_error($dbcon));[/CODE] Gives me this error: [QUOTE]Error saving feedback into database. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax … | |
pls i really need someone who can put me through php.i am really intrested in the language and just in need of someone to help me... | |
i am adding products. in that i have multiple select categorys option is there. i am selecting multiple categories and imploading that and storing categorys in database product table using categorys ids. now i am fetching with single catagory id. how to call (in_array) for that query? [CODE]"select * from … ![]() | |
Hi everyone. Is there a guru who can tell me how to do this; What I need, When on page x, one can click a link where page z opens as a popup. Page z has to collect data, and when finished, page z has to send the daa back … | |
hello, i want to arrange variables in array from foreach loop like this [ICODE] foreach($arr as $array){ $variable['first'] = $array['im']; //first record from im column in a table $variable['second']= $array['im']; //2nd record from im column in a table } echo $variable['first']; echo $variable['second']; [/ICODE] the purpose is to make the … | |
Hi all. I am wondering how to handle e commerce payment on my creating web. It can't redirect to such as Paypal or moneybookers.com etc, payment should be start at my web form and finish on my web. Can it be? How to make it? It should accept international visa … | |
hi frnds, i m new to ajax...i m using the below javascript code. here the functionality is working good. but the page(specific div) takes some time for loading. so, i need to put some loading bar(just 4 indication)... plz check the below code and add the onload funtion.. [CODE] jQuery(document).ready(function() … | |
![]() | I'm losing the will to live! I'm currently trying to place array values from php files into a mysql db table. As it happens some of the values have non-ASCII values: [B]e.g. “%1$s”[/B] I seem to be able to encode all my usual accented characters, but the slanted inverted commas/quotes. … ![]() |
[CODE] <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> var bgcolorSelected = "#cc3333"; var bgcolorNotSelected = "#ffffff"; function HighLightTR_a(el){ if (document.myform.s23.checked == true) { el.bgColor=bgcolorSelected; } else { el.bgColor=bgcolorNotSelected; } } </script> </head> <body> <form name="myform" action="" method="POST"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" bgcolor="#F2F2F2" > <tr align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td height="50" width="50" onClick="HighLightTR_x(this);" <?php echo $c[23];?>> … | |
hi... i m trying to get values of more then one select box on same page.. i am showing list of all users with select box..so per user there is one select box... i want to get the value of all select box...which is select or not select... here is … | |
HI Friends, I tried: I inserted a row in mysql using php in the first webpage and second webpage i tried to retrieve it. I got: But in the next page i did not get the lastely inserted row. When inserted the another row, i was able to get the … | |
I have 3 tables. Locations, Units and phases. Each location can have multiple units and each unit will have multiple phases. Hence my database structure consists of foreign key associations as follows. 'Units.location_id' references 'Locations.id' 'Phases.unit_id' references 'Units.id' When I delete a Location, all associated Phases of the Location and … | |
Hi All, Can anybody give me some good pointers on cause, effect and workarounds for injection attacks please? Id really like to know actual commands that people use, where they use them and how to stop them. Answers on a postcard...............:-) | |
I have this code when I submit a form: [CODE]<?php $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; mail( "Saamon@live.com", "Website Opt In Form Results", $message, "From: $email" ); header( "Location: index.html" ); ?>[/CODE] On the header location part, how can I make a popup window appear instead of a … | |
Hi, guys.. I am trying to find php script or open source script, for digital goods to sell on static website. My client wants to sell his music online. He wants very simple function for Store. When somebody make successful payment on paypal, the link should re-direct to a download … | |
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Hi, I need some advice on how to edit records from a mysql database using php. Basically the record will be displayed after a particular field is chosen. What i need to know is how can i show the field data in a drop down box one after another and … | |
Hi All, I'm having a problem connecting to my database because of a syntax error on the line: $result= mysql_query($sql,$link) or die(mysql_error()); Could you please let me know what the conflict and solution is?. I included the script below. Thanks in advance. C- [CODE]mysql_connect($hostname,$username, $password) OR DIE ('Unable to connect … |
The End.