39,388 Topics
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i am having a problem where i want to give user an option to select more entry from one dropdown...example : <form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label> <select name="service" id="service"> <option value="service1">service 1</option> <option value="service2">service2</option> <option value="service3">service3</option> <option value="service4">service 4</option> <option value="service5">srvice5</option> <option value="service6">service 6</option> </select> </label> </form> in this case, … | |
Hi. I have multi-language functionality on my page, and the settings are saved in a cookie, so that the user may change something different than his browser language. But this is whats happening: [U]/home.php?setlanguague=en[/U] The page shows it's text in English, and prints my user info aswell as the content … | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to make a service for users where they can chose a username and that instantly gives them a subdomain url. e.g. johny.peoplelist.com At the same time, I have physical folder with static files of user, e.g public_html/users/johny/ It has 5 .html pages like index.html, aboutme.html, photos.html … | |
i have coded to display a search result, or results, in table, and what i need is a way to select that record and send it to another page. how can i select a record, if a radio button is added just before the result record, how can u click … | |
Hello guys. Can someone give me an simple example, how to make when someone register in to my game, to set him in some place on the map. I dont have map right now, and thats my question. How to make browser game map ? Some kind of tutorial or … ![]() | |
[code=php]<?php $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'leto_hostes', 'password_hidden'); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("letohost_player", $con); $sql="INSERT INTO `letohost_user`.`player` (`USER_ID` ,`USERNAME` ,`PASSWORD` ,`EMAIL` ,`POSITION` ,`ACTIVE` ,`MEMBER` ) VALUES (NULL , '$_POST[register_username]', 'md5($_POST[register_password])', '$_POST[register_email]', '0', '0', '0');)"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; … ![]() | |
Hi, Friends In a real estate website I need to add search function and pass the search query( string ) using GET method. Like following [ICODE]search.php?forType=sell&propertyType=res014&propertyBy=kumar&.......&from=40&limit=20[/ICODE] My question is In many websites I found that they are passing the same query as follows [ICODE]search.php?Id=545214&from=40&limit=20[/ICODE] Where they are saving that query … | |
Who here would prefer Java over PHP, or PHP over JAVA? If you prefer one over the other, for whatever reason or application, why? Specific code comparisons are appreciated | |
[CODE]foreach($routearr as $value) { if($value==(change here at kashmere gate ) || $value==(change here at rajiv chowk ) || $value==(change here at yamuna bank ) ) { echo "<br>"; echo "<div style=\"color:#8e0b0b\" > $value</div>"; } else echo "<span style = \"color:#f80a0a\" >$value</span>"; [/CODE]} in above code line 3 gives this error … | |
Im working on this searh field and i finally can search from the database using an entered name or national ID no, when i press the find button. But i dont know how to incorporate radio buttons to be submitted to execute a query. can someone help me . my … | |
Hi, I have made a chatroom but now want to make a bot for that chatroom. Does anybody know where I can find documentation as to the theory behind making the AI for a chatroom bot. Or even better, a simple open source PHP chat bot. The main goal is … | |
I am developing a web page in PHP, and I would like to provide my users access to Reporting Services reports via this page. I am currently running an instance of Reporting Services 2000. I cannot find any good way to link/render/display the reports directly within the PHP page, instead … | |
I am new to PHP, but 30 years ago I was a Cobol programmer, so I can usually get the concepts then figure out the syntax to use. But this is a concept that is evading me. I am writing an exercise to help brain injury victims rebuild their ability … | |
Hello friends I require a crawler in php which search the links in page and give the links and store in Database file(not in database) and please see the link [url]www.thebestlinks.com[/url] if i subscribe any site in this i will get a mail with the modifications in the site and … | |
Hello there I am a fairly new in MySQL/PHP/Javascript programming. I'm writing a web based gymnast profile management system for my final year project. Here's my problem. I have 5 MySQL InnoDB tables: [B]tests[/B], [B]testunits[/B], [B]points[/B], [B]testsgymnast[/B] and [B]gymnast[/B] I am able to retrieve a selected test which has particular … | |
in a cell in mysql i have tree, car, bus, dog, apple, ocean, tire. now i'd like to query only the words beginning with the letter T. So it should echo tree and tire. this hasn't been successful; [code] <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "Master", "pword"); mysql_select_db("db"); $letter = "t"; $user =mysql_query("SELECT * … | |
Hi All, I thought I was getting along well with PHP, but i have been given a project at work to interact with a 3rd party client using SOAP and im lost. Can anybody help me get started with this? They are going to send me a url with a … | |
Hmm...I haven't had much luck using a combination of functions to get this working like file() etc. so I instead of boring you with unsuccessful code, I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on this? NEED Have a file I append IP's of visitors to a site. I want to … | |
How can i bound radio button to be on or off? rk | |
Where do I save my data? I've been at this for hours!!!!! Where's Doc_Root located? | |
I tried out few tutorials out there, but I messed up with each one. Please anyone , explain me step by step how i can simply add a paginition to my site. | |
Hi I am developing an online admission website for my project....I hv a table in php page with 2 columns(student id, student name)...when some1 clicks on any row, then the detail information of that student should be retrieved from mysql table n result should be displayed in the form of … | |
Hi to all, Example: CREATE TABLE test(name varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''); In the above query varchar is described as NOT NULL.Then why we are inserting DEFAULT value as '' (null). Thanks in advance, Prem | |
I have a [B]dB named "txbDb"[/B] I have a [B]table called "txbUpdates"[/B], in that table I have the following [B]cols: ID, LOCATION, MODELS, PHOTOGRAPHERS.[/B] "LOCATION" refers to a page name or URL; i.e. may1toJun12009.php and ID is simply the current row I'm on, right now I have 46 rows so … | |
Well, I'm making this script that deals with numbers that can go up to some VERY large numbers. Like 1.0E+150 I have tried [CODE] <?php echo number_format(1.0E+10); ?> [/CODE] But that returns 10,000,000,000 I want a way to show that number, but without the comas. Can anyone help? | |
hi evryone... i have two tables first one is takeleave and the second one is leave...and when any employee take leave by filling the leave form then according to the no. of days leave taken the value should be deducted from another table i.e leave table. but m unable to … | |
I try to use PHP GD library to resize image to thumbnail size, however I found the small converted image has bad quality(distorted color), how can I improve the image quality by using PHP GD library: [code] $first=imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); define(MAX_WIDTH, 180); define(MAX_HEIGHT, 135); $width = imagesx($first); $height = imagesy($first); $scale = … | |
Hi and I remember reading in a really old topic that somebody here was able to write a chatroom without using mysql or any other database system. Can somebody explain how this is possible with just javascript and ajax? What I want to do is to have a script that … | |
Hi, I am looking for the best solution to my situation: - I have businesses listed in a MySQL table. - Each business can bid on up to 10 keywords (different prices for different keywords). A user inputs a keyword and then I must find a way to query my … | |
hey all. Have a list of checkboxes with SQL data in table. Currently using echo to ensure I'm using the correct data, however, echo it returning the last checkbox data only. Here is a segment of what I've got. [CODE] echo "<table border='1'>"; echo "<tr><th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th><th>Party</th><th>Description</th><th>Cast Vote</th>"; while($row = … |
The End.