Hi all. I am just beginning with PHP and I'm having some trouble installing PHP5 with Apache 1.3.29. Both finally seem to be installed and running after some tweaking of the httpd.conf file AddModule comand. However when I run a php file in my browser (IE) I get a message that says: You don't have permission to access /C:/Program Files /Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/test.php on this server. I'm running XP pro under an Admin account that has complete access to everything, so I'm more inclined to believe that this is an Apache config problem. I've been all around the web searching, but I haven't found a thread that has given me a solution. Does anybody out there have any suggestions?

Ok, I know absolutely NOTHING about php. However, at a guess, you have set the default access to pages too high maybe? You might have to edit the files manually so anyone can visit the page.

Remember, I dont know much about php, but it sounds logical ^^

Check the default htaccess permissions in your httpd.conf file first to make sure everyone has global access to .php files.
Then it might be worth checking that there is a guest internet user in windows .. to be able to view the pages.
I'm assuming you have php set to parse all .php files on your server.

Another little note is that its a bad idea to run windows using an administrator account. Its advisable to setup another 'super user' account and use that and disable the admin account. (active administrator accounts is half a hacking job already done for them. Dont make it easy). Its also a good idea just incase someone exploits your webserver untill its properly setup and secured/checked.

Another little note is that its a bad idea to run windows using an administrator account. Its advisable to setup another 'super user' account and use that and disable the admin account. (active administrator accounts is half a hacking job already done for them. Dont make it easy). Its also a good idea just incase someone exploits your webserver untill its properly setup and secured/checked.

Yes, this would be correct as ReDuX said, it would be a bad idea. Also two things, 1 ReDuX mentioned as well, check your httpd.conf . Also, if your using or running this in a CPAnelX, and you set up a password to protect a certain pages or whatever, then you might wanna check the permissions again.

Another meathod is checking the permission on the Folders and start pages files. Start pages like index.htm, index.html, start.php, index.php...those kinds of apges that people first see when viewing or trying to see your site or even accessing your site. I know this is alot to check, and even if it isent, those that I and htaccess have pointed out, you should consider checking on them. I personally hate those pages myself, its like the blue screen we Comp Techies hate so much as well as the X. GRR!!!

Thanks for all of your responses. At the moment I am at work, but when I get home I'll take another look at the httpd.conf file and see if I can locate anything about global permissions. I'll also check out the folder and file permissions. I'll post again if I get it working. Thanks again.

Hi all. I am just beginning with PHP and I'm having some trouble installing PHP5 with Apache 1.3.29. Both finally seem to be installed and running after some tweaking of the httpd.conf file AddModule comand. However when I run a php file in my browser (IE) I get a message that says: You don't have permission to access /C:/Program Files /Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/test.php on this server. I'm running XP pro under an Admin account that has complete access to everything, so I'm more inclined to believe that this is an Apache config problem. I've been all around the web searching, but I haven't found a thread that has given me a solution. Does anybody out there have any suggestions?


Hi all. I am just beginning with PHP and I'm having some trouble installing PHP5 with Apache 1.3.29. Both finally seem to be installed and running after some tweaking of the httpd.conf file AddModule comand. However when I run a php file in my browser (IE) I get a message that says: You don't have permission to access /C:/Program Files /Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/test.php on this server. I'm running XP pro under an Admin account that has complete access to everything, so I'm more inclined to believe that this is an Apache config problem. I've been all around the web searching, but I haven't found a thread that has given me a solution. Does anybody out there have any suggestions

I spent about 2 hours getting Apache2 and Php5 running and was stuck with this problem for about 15 minutes of that time.

The fix, and best way to install, was in this post:

Specifically, everything under the "Allow .htaccess" section of changes to the apache httpd.conf file.

Although, my Apache complained at the first "<Directory>" until I reverted it to the original "<Directory />"

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