I have created a Flash CS4 survey form that uses a borrowed PHP3 form. I borrowed it since I have no PHP programming knowledge. The problem is that I am either missing something or doing something wrong with the PHP script. The Flash file works fine. I will be happy to send the .fla file if you need it. All Input Text boxes have an "Instance Name".

Thank You in advance for your help.

Here is the PHP3 script (and can someone please tell me the difference between a PHP and a PHP3 script?):


$adminaddress = "positivetracy@bellsouth.net?cc=webmaster@mediaeclectic.com&subject=Exit Survey"; 
$sitename = "Nature Wise TV";

mail("$adminaddress","Exit Survey", 
"A viewer at $sitename has made the following enquiry\n
A1: $q1
A2: $q2
A3: $q3
A4: $q4
A5: $q5
Name: $name 
Company Name: $company
Telephone: $telno
Email: $from\n

Logged Info :
Hostname: $ip
IP address: $REMOTE_ADDR
Date/Time:  $date","FROM:$adminaddress"); 


Yeah, the problem is that PHP3 is 11 years old!. Are you serious, PHP3?

I apologize if this is the wrong forum. If you can please advise me of the correct forum, I would be most appreciative. I am trying to help someone and I am getting paid zero for the priviledge. I did not know PHP3 was 11 years old and I am sorry my ignorance of PHP offends you.

Have a nice day!!!

Is the server using PHP3 or is the script just written for PHP3?

Thanks for your reply. The script is written in PHP3 and what do I need to do to convert it to PHP?

Thanks for your reply. The script is written in PHP3 and what do I need to do to convert it to PHP?

That wasn't really my question. PHP3 is still PHP. My question is, what version of PHP is the server running on?

Just change the file extension to .php instead of .php3, if your web server can handle anything more than PHP3.

What is your PHP version? If you don't know, make a new .php file with only this typed:

<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>

Aha, now I understand. I will have to call them for that. BRB...

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