39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for rush1

Hi All. I Am Having A Problem With My Website [url]http://www.wanaspace.com/[/url]On Home Page Of This Site The Youtube Video collapsing on Advertising Window.i want advertising Window to be opened over video so end user can close advertising & watch video.need your help as early as possible.

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for ShawnCplus

If you've gotten the error "Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL resource" you're in luck because so has everyone else that has ever used PHP... ever. The error is caused by a number of things including: Your query is wrong, you failed to connect to the database or you …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi all, How can restrict images for not storing in browser cache. Or in another way how can we delete browser cache files programitically. I have tried header in php. Also i tried Cache-Control of meta tags, but still images are cached and even it update image, browser is showing …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for anna05

[code=php]<?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST'){ $getLima=$_POST['Onoma']; include "connect.php"; $rsSelectOnomata=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM titloslimmatos WHERE LimmatikosTypos='$getLima'"); //$result=mysql_query($query); while($rsRow=mysql_fetch_assoc($rsSelectOnomata)) { echo $rsRow[titloslimmatos.LimmatikosTypos]; $rsRow[titloslimmatos.MerosLogoy]; $rsRow[titloslimmatos.YfologikoEpipedo]; $rsRow[titloslimmatos.GlwssikoEpipedo]; //$rsRow[extralimmatikoitypoi.ExtraLimmatikosTypos]; //$rsRow[extralimmatikoitypoi.YfologikoEpipedo]; //$rsRow[Simasia.XrisiLeksis]; //$rsRow[synonimo.Synonimo]; //$rsRow[synonimo.Example]; //$rsRow[antitheto.Antitheto]; //$rsRow[antitheto.Example]; } } else { ?> <html> <body bgcolor="#FFFFCC"> <h3><center><b>Δώστε το λήμμα που ψάχνετε</b></center></h3> <table> <form method="post" action="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>"> <input …

Member Avatar for anna05
Member Avatar for menew

hello all as i am new here don't know much about the site but hopes somebody will help here..in fact i am trying to integrate Ajax Tabs Content Script (v 2.2) with SMF( Simple Machines Forums). As this script has already been developed for vbulletin forum . what it exactly …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi all, I use a form to contact with an user and then I need to send data in my e-mail My code is : [code] $myemail = "a@hotmail.com"; mail($myemail, $subject, $message, $from); [/code] But when I run my site I take this warning mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for lalomoreno

I'm kinda new to PHP and I'm trying to copy information just passed into one table, and copy it to another, but I keep getting an error when I run the script. the code goes like this: [code=php]// populate the table with the values $query = "INSERT INTO zones (store, …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi All, I need to draw image having text using gd library on basis of font selection. User has an option to make text bold/italic. I am using imagettftext to write text on the image. how can we draw having bold/italic text or is there a way to detect whether …

Member Avatar for sunilsinha
Member Avatar for sarithak

Hi frnds.. i want to split a string into two parts.. example: $string="hyderabad,india"; i want to divide this based on , ... $string1= "hyderabad"; $string2="india"; plz help me asap...how can i get the output above...

Member Avatar for Merlin33069
Member Avatar for thecodingbee

[B]If you have seen igoogle,[/B] you will know what i am doing! The idea is that it [B]saves the co-ordinates of the box [/B]that you can move [B]into two text files :[/B] usercoord.txt-x axis & usercoord2.txt-y axis! can anyone tell me [B]how i can load the coordinates back, from the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for toddsmith

Greetings, I'm new here and new to php. I've always just written in basic html but now want to utilize global header, footer, and left nav bar. From what I've seen I should be able to accomplish that with php. (My contact with siteaction suggested that I use Frames, but …

Member Avatar for plantf7**344
Member Avatar for TheTeen

This is a quest script I am working on, however, I have come to find out that whenever user finishes a quest it'll either tell them their reward or give them an error like: Your quest has not been completed yet! Only 1 out of 0 have been brought to …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for Arne1983

Hi! Thank you for checking out this thread. I've been programming PHP since 2001 and I want to tell you that I just love the PHP community. There are so many people who have helped me out over the years and two weeks ago I decided that I really want …

Member Avatar for Arne1983
Member Avatar for Lazey

Greetings, I am looking for a FAQ script that will work as an addon for Magento. I was looking at phpmyfaq, but that is an external script that does not seem to integrate well with Magento. Is anyone currently using a decent FAQ script? Do you have one to recommend? …

Member Avatar for sunilsinha

Hi, How to draw image having 2-3 lines of text using gd library in php so that text should be mulitiline based on [enter] key hit and will be aligned and autowrap. Now even when enter key is hit text is appearing on single line and is not autowrapped. Any …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i have a code which Send updates to members in my site to their email Address. it working all the time,Suddenly i noticed its no longer working.. what might be the Course of this.... i used the function to send different updates to members and in all the sectors its …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rime

i've installed joomla in my machine..and now trying to add a new article..but each time i try to save the article, the page is not submitted..its showing 'done but with errors'..what to do? is it a browser problem or anything else? i've tried both in IE and Mozilla..Please guide what …

Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for lifeforrent25

hi i am making a project in html and php its a little program the page should contain cuntomer id name and mobile number and sms to send and also that this sms should send to specific customer or all when click on send i should send sms to those …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i know it sucks. can anyone help me. im actually trying to let th apostrophe be okay heres the code its not working. some mysql syntax shizz that ive googled this and all the answers i cannot understand anyone care to explain it to me or atleast tell me what …

Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!
Member Avatar for seanooi

Hi guys, I have no experience with jQuery or php at all besides the ones I see in Wordpress and the functions I included in my themes so forgive me if I sound stupid. I'm trying to include the .scrollTo function in my theme, and was wondering if it's possible …

Member Avatar for chikulanikader

What I want to do is add a code that makes a picture down loadable. (hope that makes sense) I don't want the picture to appear like what happens when you click on a thumbnail and a larger picture appears. The one I have is 3 mgs in size and …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for raul66

[I]Hi everybody, I'm new in PHP coding a I want to wrote php script, which find some data in database. But it doesn't work.When I submit form to search, it's write an error: Connection not avaliable! Error 403! localhost 05/27/09 22:33:46 Apache/2.2.11 (Win32) PHP/5.2.8[/I] Could somebody help me? [COde=php]<?php error_reporting …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for bensmits

I am an not so experienced developer and could od with some help. The problem I am trying to tackle is as follows: I would like to enable the site-administrator, when logged in, to renew the occupancy calendar of a holidayhome in Mysql. The occupance file on the desktop that …

Member Avatar for bensmits
Member Avatar for TomWalker

Hello Im trying to create a order form which passes through multiple pages. Im wondering if you could have a drop down menu with the prices on and names on from a MYSQL database. Thanks

Member Avatar for TomWalker
Member Avatar for lyardson

can anyone help me out in php n extjs...how to integrate... i couldnt get a good resource from extjs forum... could you provide me any good resources...

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for sayakyi

Dear friend, I can't find the syntax error in my html table in php code. [CODE] echo "<table border='1'>"; echo"<tr>"; echo"<th>".{$data['engword']}."</td>"; echo"<th align='left'> "<a href=\"http://www.domain.com/sound/En-us-{$data['engword']}.WAV \" title=\"open the audio file for the word {$data['engword']} \"rel='dbPopWin'><img src='audio.gif'></a>"."</td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"<tr>"; echo"<td align='left'></td>"; echo"<td>".(stripslashes($data["mword"]))."</td>"; echo"</tr>"; echo"</table>"; [/CODE] many thanks in advance, regards. ko

Member Avatar for sayakyi
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Does [inlinecode]require_once("myclass.class");[/inlinecode] adds overhead to php page if it is not necessarly needed for current page? I ask this because i was thinking to add all classes in header.php and call header.php in every other pages even some classes are not needed for some pages. Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for dantheman50_98

Hi, I have been using the CaRP RSS to html converter and for this I implemented a number of cron jobs to keep things speedy. Recently they were all cut off due to them being a big drain on server resources. The solution to this I was told, is to …

Member Avatar for dantheman50_98
Member Avatar for VIeditorlover

Hi, I have a php script which generates loooong 500kB+ scripts. If there were gzip used it should greatly improve performance. I have found this magic line: [code] <?php ob_start( 'ob_gzhandler' ); ?> [/code] but nothing happened - no error, but dumped data are not definitely gzipped. What should I …

Member Avatar for niravdave

I am not able to find a solution out of this code. I want to get rid of option 1(POST_EMAILOPTION_HIDE) & option 3 (POST_EMAILOPTION_SHOW) option and leave the option 2 (EMAIL_USEFORM) as default. [code=php]<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><input name="showemail" type="hidden" value="0" <?php if($data['showemail']==EMAIL_HIDE) echo "checked"; ?>></td> <td><?php echo $lang['POST_EMAILOPTION_HIDE']; …

Member Avatar for OmniX

The End.