39,326 Topics
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hi, i have two databases and each one have diferent fields names and tables and i want a creat a map for each field and each table and export to a database to the other i have tested the mysql migration but i canĀ“t choose a diferent table in the … | |
Hi. I need to retrieve and list out the records from 'expenses' according to the date (eg. January 2011). I used substring to get the month (01 for January, 02 for February, etc.) and year. My date format is DD/MM/YYYY. I've tried echoing out $sql2 and the values obtained are … | |
Hi everyone. I am currently working on a project and I am new to php xmlrpc and openerp. I came across sample codes but I cannot figure out the method being called nor is it documented in the OpenERP xmlrpc definitions. The link for the sample code is : [URL="http://doc.openerp.com/v5.0/developer/6_22_XML-RPC_web_services/index.html"]http://doc.openerp.com/v5.0/developer/6_22_XML-RPC_web_services/index.html[/URL] … | |
I Got A Problem Here And Seem I Got Some Fix For The Code The Problem Here [url]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/403345[/url] But I Need To Know Something This Code Work Ok [CODE]<? if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $query = ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE password='$_SESSION[password]'"); $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "Welcome<br/>"; echo "Your … | |
Guys i'm already familiar with PHP.But now i'm hoping to learn .net for web developing.Please tell me what is the best from both and what are the differences? | |
Is here any way to send information to two url with the same form using get of post method at one time?Please suggest me? | |
I'm having some trouble collecting data between 2 different years (ie: December 2011 & January 2012). This is a timeclock system where punches are stored as: DD-MM-YYYY (31-12-2011). I want to be able to search for dates between: DD-MM-2011 through DD-MM-2012 but am coming up empty. When using the same … | |
i need help, i want to pass a value to javascript from php and it keeps giving me "null". i want to get what picture the user selected. [CODE] <?php mysql_connect('localhost','root',''); mysql_select_db("ajax"); $query="SELECT * FROM xxxx"; $result= mysql_query($query); while($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $rating=$row['ID']; echo "<img src =\"" .$row['filepath']."\" /><br/><a id=".$row['ID']." value='rating' onclick='getrating();'> … | |
Say i wanted to search a table with multiple values separated by spaces. Say Brand Colour Dulux Red Green Blue Crown Pink Red Yellow So searching red would return Dulux Red Crown Red or searching red pink Duluz Red Crown Red Pink. | |
Hi all! I am developing a java-game where you are building with balls. It will connect to a server to create a huge map available for everybody playing this game.:) For this, I need a PHP-file who will append some urldata into the file data.txt, for adding a ball into … | |
I have a code to trim the long word for the specific length and replace it with '...' but, it has a problem, where, if user's name dont have space, its will look wierd.. heres the code: [ICODE] <? function truncateString($string, $length, $append = '...') { $length -= strlen($append); // … | |
Hi, I'm not familiar with the AJAX way of doing this, hence why I'm posting this. I've got this form that needs to check if the user input is already in the database, if this isn't the case it should disable the submit button and display an error depending on … | |
Hi, i am not sure whether this is in the right section or not but i am building an file upload site and want to be able to scan the files on upload for viruses etc.. How would i be able to do this? Any ideas to get me started? … | |
Hey guys, i have a javascript code for the "state-city" selection dropdown in my form. Now i have to provide an option for the user to add a state or add a city if it is not already present in the dropdown. I'm using php and mysql. Please help. Thanks … | |
Dear, I am making an ordering form and all of the products' data are stored in a MySQL database. The menu form to select products are all [B]working with plain HTML[/B] not php echo's. But now I can change products' info via a separate web page by updating the MySQL … | |
Hi all Is anyone here familiar with coding in WolfCMS? I have been asked to add a form page to an existing website based on WolfCMS, but have little experience on the platform. For some reason my form doesn't seem to be receiving the POST data, or executing the processing … | |
i ve tried all possible solutions for solving this error , but couldnt fix it.please fix it [CODE] <?php session_start(); include('databaseconnect.php'); $qno=''; $todisplay=''; $uploadedfile=''; $filename=''; $answer=''; $toolspec=''; //$uploadvar=''; $qno=isset($_REQUEST['qno'])?$_REQUEST['qno']:""; if(isset($_SESSION['username'])&&(isset($_SESSION['id']))) { $username=$_SESSION['username']; $idno=$_SESSION['id']; $mquery2=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student WHERE id ='$idno'"); $row2=mysql_fetch_array($mquery2); $year=$row2['year']; $mquery=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM questiontable WHERE qno='$qno'"); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($mquery); if($numrows==0) … | |
i have a problem to count explode function, here is my coding [CODE] <?php $query = "SELECT Indication, COUNT(Indication) FROM reg WHERE Indication IS NOT NULL AND Indication != '' GROUP BY Indication"; $result = mysql_query ($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $medic = explode(",", $row['Indication']); for($i = 0; $i … | |
I want to display the images on the php page. Can anybody help? heres the code. Thanks in advance. [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="generator" content="CoffeeCup HTML Editor (www.coffeecup.com)"> <meta name="created" content="Sat, 17 Dec 2011 01:37:35 GMT"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="keywords" content=""> <title></title> <!--[if IE]> … | |
what would cause this error, it seems that database can be connected but i cannot do it with the below code to this specific database on this server but i can connect to some other host database with below code, can you please help? [ICODE]Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Can't connect to … | |
I have a website built in .php but we have converted it to .html by using "mod rewrite". the mod rewrite code used in .htaccess is "RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.html$ $1.php" Now the problem is my website shows up in both .php and .html. for example: [url]www.mydomain.com/index.html[/url] and also [url]www.mydomain.com/index.php[/url]. … | |
| Hello all, I am looking for help on how to code this: I would like to have a page where there is a box where registered users can type something then on pressing the button a new page is created displaying the text they entered and boxes for other people … |
I'm learning php and my dad told me to make somthing where you login and if the person has a certain permission can see somthing diffrent then a diffrent user how would i go about this? | |
hello iam have some trouble in my page code this is the profile page code i started the session in the first row of page and this is the code that have a problem [CODE]<? if ($_SESSION['username'] || $_SESSION['password']) { $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$_SESSION[username]'"; $result = … | |
[ICODE]Can any one help with a simple php code to get time difference this is what i did, don't be mad at my effort, i tryed other ways and failed.[/ICODE] [CODE]$tf_con =time(st$_POST['time_out'] - $_POST['time_in']);[/CODE] | |
style.css [CODE] #header { background-color: #999999; height: 200px; } #login { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; height: 50px; background-color: #FFFF00; background-image: none; } #searchwrapper { width:310px; /*follow your image's size*/ height:40px;/*follow your image's size*/ background-image:url(Images/search_box.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; /*important*/ padding:0px; margin:-40px; position:relative; /*important*/ left:800px; } [/CODE] index.php [CODE] <div … | |
Hi, I am trying to read a file but I have a problem because it is read in the end an empty line (this line does not exist) My code is [CODE] $file_handle = fopen($newFilewithFolder, "r") or exit("problem."); $getfileInfo = fgetcsv($file_handle); $numcols = count($getfileInfo); // my file is opened again … | |
Hi everyone, I have problem with form at my site. When you fill the text boxes it works fine but when you click SEND, the site is refreshing, form is clear and no message has been sent. My knowledge about PHP is very low. I found the tutorial which shows … | |
Hey Everyone! It's 6:29pm EST and I have been working on this same problem since about 9am. I'm usually able to Google my way to the solution- but I have reworded my search numerous times and went through mountains of forums trying different approaches but to no avail. Here is … |
The End.