39,388 Topics
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please help why everytime when I run it it has this undefined error ( Notice: Undefined index: u_role in C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\membership.php on line 136 /> Member Notice: Undefined index: u_role in C:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\membership.php on line 137 /> Administrator) <td>User Role:*</td> <td><input type="radio" name="u_role" value="Member" <?php if($_POST['u_role']=="Member"){echo"checked='checked'";}?> /> Member <input type="radio" name="u_role" value="Administrator" … | |
Hello everyone i have two forms that are similiar the only difference is the rma number. One RMA number will get typed in by the user which will add it to the database and the second one, the user will select an rma number from the database(dropdown menu). What i … | |
I've cust_name and install_no columns in table, each customer's name repeated 12 times as rows how to insert numbers 1 to 12 in install_no column for all rows. table sample: ----------------------------- cust_name | install_no ---------------------------- ROGER | 1 ---------------------------- ROGER | 2 ---------------------------- ROGER | 3 ---------------------------- ROGER | 4 … ![]() | |
How to Use Google Analytics API for fetching Total Traffic for a month for a project. Need suggestions ![]() | |
![]() | Alright I'll try to be as clear as possible. I'm currently doing tutorials online because I'm learning php. I'm stuck on an issue I'm not really sure of. I'm currently coding on my local machine and think it may have something to do with that, but I'm not sure. Here … |
**Can anybody help me??? I'm newbie in php, I'm trying to make this code as one below.But it always gives me an error. Any help would greatly appreciated ** my table name is trans ![Fields[1] * *$id = $_POST['id']; if(isset($_REQUEST['command']) && $_REQUEST['command'] == 'update'){ $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; … | |
Hi **I have doing the project for my purpose. it is working properly on localhost engine. after i have uploaded to server(cpanel) it is not working. i have posted my code here for reference: Please help me anyone!!!** ** Login.php** `Inline Code Example Here` <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 … | |
how to capture data from a barcode using php? | |
I created a change password script and it seems to not want to work. when I put in the wrong password it doesnt error out and say Old Password doesn't match exisiting. when I put in 2 passwords that dont match it doesnt error out... if(isset($_POST['changepass'])){ //Getting Variables $oldpass = … | |
Why should we change the Security Salt value in CakePHP? and What if we don't change the value? | |
Hello guys!. I posted a question similar to this, but then i was able to solve that problem so, this new thing arise. I want to practice PHP. I need to learn it becauseill be doing a project using it, im a noob. Means, i know nothing about it so … | |
G'day, As many of you viewing this may know there is always a right way to do something and a wrong way to do something. So I've come here to see if I could maybe seek some guidance. What I have done is create a dynamic set of form fields … | |
I have an array coming from a mysql statement. It is being convered into an array using mysql_fetch_array. This is then fed into a while loop. I want the array to be reversed. Currently it is printing the results as Bob, 23 Steve, 26 However I want it to echo … | |
I can read the session.save_path from the remote server at php_info.php. It is set to "no value". I assume that this defaults to /tmp. I understand that in the absence of some other command, this means that session variable files will be saved here. The error message is Warning: session_start() … | |
My web host recently migrated to a new server and in the process upgraded to PHP5.4 I have a snippet that was doing timezone conversion, but since the upgrade the script stops dead on a certain line in the snippet, and though a web page is displayed, none of the … | |
my teacher wants us to create a php codes that can serve as a library. only searching for books the user wants to see. please help? | |
In the following program can someone please tell me why my script is skipping the first else clause and never printing "You have already changed your password"? Everything else is working fine but when I enter in a username and password that have already been entered into the system it … | |
Hello, I have below code for my calender invitation. <?php $message=" BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130901T121000Z DTEND:20130901T131000Z DTSTAMP:20110525T075116Z ORGANIZER;CN=From Name:mailto:from email id UID:12345678 ATTENDEE;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP= TRUE;CN=Sample:emailaddress@testemail.com DESCRIPTION:Test the first invite LOCATION: Test Location SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Test the first icalendar invitation TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR"; /*headers*/ $headers = "From: From Name <From … ![]() | |
Dear pals, I am newbie in RESTful services . I need to call a GET Verb in Server . I know 2 methods 1. Ajax Call we can write it as $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: "html", type: 'GET', data: "id="+id+"&type="+type, success: function(data){ //$("#content").html(data); alert(data); $('table #sample-boxed-2-pagination th a').each(function(){ //this.href = … ![]() | |
hello i just want to ask if how to echo value/details using this API link that have given - http://themesnmotifs.com/api/wp/f6f60a0e7091a627641f01b9d1dd7536ea4b8496/list_wp - for example i want to echo all the companyand wp_cellphone -- . thank you | |
Hey Guys I m trying to open a php page (that retrieve data from database according to the form fields) on button click in a modern type popup window like fancybox, lightbox iframes etc...you can check the link (www.goodmoves.in/)..currently it is opening a normal old fashion popup window. . . … ![]() | |
Could any one plz tell me what's wrong with my code My sql select while loop is not checking date range that's been inserted into the form. <?php if(isset($_POST['start'])&& ($_POST['end'])){ $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $leave_type= $_POST['leave_type']; $comments= $_POST['comments']; $start=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_POST['start'])); $end=date('Y-m-d',strtotime($_POST['end'])); echo $start,'',$end; **$checkdate = "SELECT * FROM emp_status WHERE user_id='$_SESSION[user_id]' AND … | |
hy all, how to get previous value and check different between recently value and previous values in loop < 0.5? if different value < 0.5 get it's array please help me define('DIV', 0.5); function iteration($data, $data2) { $m1=$m2=$data; $m3=multiply($m1,$m2); echo "iteration 1:\n"; print_r($m3); $temp_m3 = $m3; for ($i=0;$i<count($temp_m3);$i++) { for … | |
I need help with an assignment. I have been working of this the better part of a week and still do not really understand what I am meant to do. This is my first week using PHP and I am really confused. Here are the instructions: Write a PHP script … | |
Here i am uploading data through a form which contains some input fields and one image. But i want to upload multiple images here instead of one image. I am attaching my php code here to upload the data and single image. Can anyone edit this code to add mutliple … ![]() | |
When I check sometimes, on the php.ini files, I see that there are many loaded extentions, and for the most part, I only open the file to enable or disable some extentions like curl, but other than that, I do now know what the hundreds of extention do, so I … ![]() | |
Hi, i have successfully stored a link to docx and pdf files into mysql db. I'm trying to retrieve it from db and display it similar to pictures. Now when the user click on it, it should open the file and display it. If any one have a code sinppet … ![]() | |
Hello, Recently I am trying to make a php file than when it is opened it should backup a database and promt the user to save the .sql file... This is a feaure that has phpmyadmin but I want something very simple, just clicking http://mywebsite.com/backup.php and the file should be … | |
Hi! I'm a newbie in PHP. I'm currently looking for a debugging tool for PHP, does DreamWeaver CS6 provides this? Or is there any debugging tool, easy to install? BTW, I tried downloading xDebug but i can't figure out how to install it into eclipse Juno. I downloaded a DLL … | |
I am working on a form that will redirect users based on a form. The form asks for a zipcode. If the zipcode is correct (one of the zipcodes in the service area) then I want to redirect to an order page. If the zip code is incorrect, not in … |
The End.