39,388 Topics
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Hello, Am new in angularjs. I want to restrict user from inserting HTML tags in textarea by using ng-pattern in blade.php, i had written `{{ Form::textarea('localAddress', null, ['size' => '35x4',"ng-pattern"=>'(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)','name'=>'local_address','ng-model' => 'employee.employee_personal_details.local_address','required'=>true]) }}}` but < brackets are giving me angular js error `{{ Form::textarea('localAddress', null, ['size' => '35x4',"ng-pattern"=>'<("[^"]*?"|'[^']*?'|[^'">])*>','name'=>'local_address','ng-model' => 'employee.employee_personal_details.local_address','required'=>true]) … ![]() | |
How to convert Only lakhs & Crores Like 426000 => 4.26 Lakhs ![]() | |
HI All , i have an offer table like offer_id , user_id , no_of_clicks , price...etc i want to fetch records and show to user like "best selling offer" , "value for money". best selling offer means the offer which sell more and displaying those offers to users. but what … ![]() | |
Hello: Before I post code I will say that last year I hired a programmer to build one feature for my project. Today upon further inspection of the database/tables I am receiving errors that I have never received and I am at a loss as to their actual meaning. I … | |
Hi i m trying to update records via array and i m getting this error .. Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 1 in C:\wamp\www\routephp\search_results.php on line 142 <?php if(isset($_GET['van'])){ $van=$_GET['van']; $van = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", '', $van); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Route Database</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> <script type="text/javascript"> … | |
column count doesn't match value count at row 1 $objhelperClass->insert(PRODUCT,"`catid`,`subcat`,`pname`,`price`,`sort_order`,`description`","'".$_POST['cat']."','".$_POST['subcat']."','".$_POST['pname']."','".$_POST['amount']."','".$_POST['sort']."'"); $m=$objhelperClass->select(PRODUCT,"1","max(`id`)"); $pid=$m['max(`id`)']; if(is_array($patas)) { foreach(array_combine($patas,$thumbs) as $val => $val1) { //echo $val; $objhelperClass->insert(IMAGES," `image`,`thumb`,`pid`,`link` ","'".$val."','".$val1."','".$pid."' "); } } | |
I just downloaded WAMP 64 bit. Successfully installed. Everything went fine. Problem is, I don't know where to go. Where do I put my codes? Online resources I have read says just create a directory in the root folder or something. Does that mean create a folder in the "www" … | |
Hi guys, I am trying to create a login page using apache mod_auth_form to authenticate users. Once the user is authenticated he/she should be able to access the main page. # my public directory: # C:/webroot/ regtrack_newSG.php # my protected directory: # C:/webroot/myapp/ regtrack_studysiteone.php # my password file: C:/Apache24/passwd/passwords # … | |
The code works to send the email with link included bu the URL does not open. Can anyone help? //Send Email For Account Confirmation $s_web="http://".$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]; $message="Please activate your account by running this link:"."\n\n"; $message.=$s_web.'/confirmaccount.php?code='.$encryptpass.'&id='.$id."\n\n"; $headers = 'From:'.$s_mail."\n" . 'Reply-To:'.$s_mail."\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); mail ($emailaddress,'New Account Confirmation',$message,$headers); } mysql_close($connect); | |
Hi every one, I want to take a photo by using webcam , and I want to store it in db and finally I want to view it. How to do? Its urgent. | |
'HTML' form <form action="result.php" method="POST"> <input type="search" name="query" size="10" id="searchfield" title="searchfield" /> <input type="submit" name="Search" value="" alt="Search" id="searchbutton" title="Search" /> </form> result php file <?php @session_start(); include 'connections.php'; if (isset($_POST['query']) && $_POST['query'] != "") $query = $_POST['query']; $min_length = 1; if(strlen($query) >= $min_length) { $query = htmlspecialchars($query); $query = mysql_real_escape_string($query); … | |
Hi everyone, Can you help me ?? how to install a laravel-master PHP Framework, Using the XAMPP? I tried to install but I failed. Also, watching youtube video tutorials but their example is WAMPP server. In my part Im capable in XAMPP cause this is my practice in my web … | |
Hello, I have created a page for users to view their status reports but I have created 2 dropdown 1 for month second for year i want that user click on the month it show only that months status not for the whole table status and at the end of … ![]() | |
Hi guys, I just thought of starting PHP as my web scripting language but I don't know which applications I should be downloading. The online resource that I was reviewing says I need to install; PHP Web Server MySQL Can somebody tell me where to get these stuff? (all those … | |
hya i have created a table of multi checkbox group and added a [] at the end of the name in html now when i check a selection of boxes i just get array echoed what do i do to sort it out and get the list of items that … | |
Hi,tried to update the improvement_plan table with the records below but unable to do so, as the records are not updated. When i click submit button, no records are saved. Please advise? Thanks. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); mysql_connect("localhost","user",""); mysql_select_db("p1"); $table="improvement_plan"; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ // echo $_SESSION['Picid']; echo $_SESSION['Progressid']; foreach($_POST['Ipid'] as $value) { … | |
Good day all ! i have a multi-dimensional array. the array was carefully built from my xml structure. here's it : array (size=1) 'Articles' => array (size=4) '@About' => string 'programming' (length=11) '@compile' => string 'pro' (length=3) 'Article' => array (size=3) 0 => array (size=6) ... 1 => array (size=6) … ![]() | |
Hi, i'm trying to implement a flot.js graph using a custom php array as data. Here is what i've done : <?php foreach ( $dynamic_prices as $limit => $price ): $coordonnees[] = array($limit,$price); endforeach; ?> <?php echo json_encode(($coordonnees), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> This code outputs : [[5,9],[6,8]] is it the right format … | |
Hello, How to place quote (' ') between Lesson 3 ? define('SUCCESS_URL','add_material.php?class_name=Lesson 3'); Thanks before, Davy ![]() | |
Hi, Please help me to resolve my Script Redirection problem. Actually i have developing simple crm application php using pdo->prepare. this is working fine in localhost. but what is my problem means redirection is not working, when i uploaded to server. for refernce i hereby attached . please help me … | |
Hello guys a newbie here! Kindly please someone clarify to me what I did wrong or did I miss something? 1st. I'm pretty sure my ISP provided me a static ip address. 2nd. My website is running fine within my home network even on different platforms though by visiting the … | |
how to insert multiple checkbox values in multiple rows mysql database using php pdo? Please give multiple insert option Here is my script: $create = sizeof(isset($_POST['create']) ? $_POST['create'] : array()); $edit = sizeof(isset($_POST['edit']) ? $_POST['edit'] : array()); $delete = sizeof(isset($_POST['delete']) ? $_POST['delete'] : array()); $view = sizeof(isset($_POST['view']) ? $_POST['view'] : … | |
Hello, i am new to php and from this project i have started my php learning so first of sorry if my question is simple to ask but its difficult for me to understand the error and i want to learn php so i really need from all php expert … | |
IN httaccess file what are the important parameters how to use. give me one example | |
Hi guys, I'm trying to set up a localhost,...but I am getting this error from apache error logs "Cannot serve directory C:/xampp/htdocs/crm/images/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,index.pl,index.cgi,index.asp,index.shtml,index.html,index.htm,default.php,default.pl,default.cgi,default.asp,default.shtml,default.html,default.htm,home.php,home.pl,home.cgi,home.asp,home.shtml,home.html,home.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: http://localhost:8080/qwer/index.php" I don't know what to do with this. I have searched the net … | |
I know that myisam is no longer used by I don't know how to update the query. I am trying to create tables with text in "Run SQL query in myphpadmin. Can anyone help? This is the complete error I receive: //MySQL said: Documentation #1064 - You have an error … ![]() | |
I have a problem with resizing images with imagemagick this is the info ImageMagick module info Array ( [versionNumber] => 1672 [versionString] => ImageMagick 6.8.8-7 Q16 x86_64 2015-01-27 http://www.imagemagick.org ) this is the imagemagick.php <?php $im = new Imagick(); $im->newPseudoImage(50, 50, "gradient:red-black"); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->pushPattern('gradient', 0, 0, 50, … ![]() | |
I have created a page where employees submits their daily status report at every end of the day so on admin page I have created 3 drop down menus first one is Select User Select Month Select Year So a bit confused about the code to be intended I tried … | |
I have a page which has a form table. It displays select option when an option is selected the user clicks button and it runs choosecake.php which has query for updating. I need the select to be dynamically updated and display the success/error message like "updated" or "no results" on … | |
I have a php loop that writes hundrends of records, I need to have a button on each line to trigger a bootstrap modal that will allow to edit this specific record. can't really sent the line ID (it's user ID) via GEt since the URL doesn't change, or by … ![]() |
The End.