39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for ben.marks

Hi all, I am trying to output data from a MySQL database from the column, 'category', however what I have at the moment isnt working. Any suggestions please? [CODE]$catrow = mysql_query("SELECT category FROM tuck"); $cate=array(); while($category = mysql_fetch_assoc($catrow));{ $cate[]=$category; } echo $cate[0]; echo $cate[1];[/CODE] Thanks

Member Avatar for ben.marks
Member Avatar for tape enterprise

I want to output my data into a list ordered like this [CODE] <ul> <li>[I]category name[/I]</li> <ul> <li>[I]category item[/I]</li> </ul> <li>[I]category name[/I]</li> <ul> <li>[I]category item[/I]</li> </ul> </ul>[/CODE] when I try a foreach loop like this [CODE]<? $previous_catagory = null; ?> <? foreach ($providers as $provider): ?> <? if ($provider['catname'] !=$previous_catagory) …

Member Avatar for tape enterprise
Member Avatar for PuneetSeo
Member Avatar for sirajudeenj

Can we control client web cams by main server.At the same time can we monitor the discussions those are done by client systems?

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for benqb

I am executing python file through php code in my local host [CODE=php]<?php $out = array(); $execute='C:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\cgi-bin\test.py'; exec ("$execute", $out); foreach ($out as $value) { echo "$value<br />\n"; } ?>[/CODE] test.py [CODE=python] #!/usr/bin/python import cgi, cgitb, os, sys cgitb.enable(); # formats errors in HTML print "helloworld"[/CODE] it correctly working in …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for zylog

HI iam a beginner in php . just started learning stored procedure . is there any way to execute stored procedure form the php page

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for oceanus

Hi i am a beginner and wanted to know how would i create a website like animeseason.com. I heard they used a content management system. I know nothing about cms can some one explain to me an how i can setup one?

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for puvi

Hi ppl, I am facing this weird problem with php newline character. [CODE] <?php echo"Hello World!! \n Im new to php"; ?> [/CODE] can anyone pls point out what is wrong in the above code?? the output should be: Hello World!! Im new to php but the output goes on …

Member Avatar for lyrico
Member Avatar for soomro_moon

how to change the texebox properties through php? plz give syntx or any little example.

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Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi, I get this code somewhere from the web and wanted to implement it on my website. This code is basicly doing something like facebook's posting time. But in the code, there is the $session_time that i need to set first. How do i do this using the PHP? Thank …

Member Avatar for samsons17
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, I want to implement a event calender in one of my web project. I tried many in google . Can any one suggest a good event calender for me. Which is bug free and free.. Thanks in Advance Rajeesh

Member Avatar for jrhitokiri

I have these strings as $remaining_time: "3h5m" "4h9m" "15m" "17h" "6d17h" What I want to do is be able to parse through them and output the results in unix format so I can add them up to my $start_time (in unix timestamp) to get the end time. Any suggestions how …

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Member Avatar for aparnesh

Hi I need to build a online transaction processing system using php and mySQL. Sorry to say, I am a newbie at this. One of the requirements is that when a transaction is processed, a printed bill/invoice should be generated. Can this be done in php ? If I am …

Member Avatar for anggwa
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I have an html file that is supposed to do a search and return of a database I have created in phpMyadmin but is giving me nothing but one error after another!!:'( This is the html form[CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Directory List Request</title> …

Member Avatar for zlloyd1
Member Avatar for Staggasaurarts

Hi, I am building a website that runs mainly on wordpress. The header for this is customised through the admin panel. I am also building a marketplace (in php) that needs to fit in the same style. If it is possible, how would i call header.php from the theme directory …

Member Avatar for TJJamal

[CODE=PHP] $query = "SELECT * FROM VISITOR"; if($result = $VISITOR->query($query, SQLITE_BOTH, $error)) [/CODE] Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in ...file path. I keep getting this error. Can anyone help? Thanks

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Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey guys, i want to build a social network and i somehow know what i am supposed to be doing but my problem now is what color should i use for the layout ?? i am realy so stupid in colors and i never know what color exactly i can …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for flipper828

Hello, I am fairly new to PHP and MySQL so I apologize if I am just being lazy and/or stupid on this. I searched previous threads and found this one [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread178612.html"]Insert data into two tables using php and mysql[/URL] It helped me tremendously but only to a point. Below is …

Member Avatar for flipper828
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people i am designing a website in php/mysql . well it is a social network. simple one. but i didnt know how to allow people to add friends . so i found the easiest way for me is to create a separate mysql table for each member containing all …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for arunwrc

<?php $to="sreedevs.arun@gmail.com"; $subject="bad boy"; $message="message"; $attachment="image.jpg"; $attachment_MIME_type="image/jpeg"; $handle=fopen ($attachment,"rb"); $data=fread ($handle, filesize($attachment)); fclose ($handle); $boundary="---Multipart_Boundary----"; $headers="\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n". "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n". " boundary=\"".$boundary."\""; $data=chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $text="--".$boundary."\n"; "Content-Type:text/plain\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n". $message."\n\n--".$boundary."\n". "Content-Type:".$attachment_MIME_type.";\n name=\"". $attachment."\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding:base64\n\n". $data."\n\n--".$boundary."--\n"; $result=@mail($to,$subject,$text,$headers); if($result) { echo "the mail was sent"; } else { echo "the mail was not sent"; } ?> output …

Member Avatar for serverack
Member Avatar for Eneswar

Hey all, my first post in this brilliant website, got a lot of ideas from here. So I'm a student and currently we are learning a bit of php and right now I'm stuck. I have a database with URL adresses, there is 3 fields, id, name and adress. I …

Member Avatar for Eneswar
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi I am trying to get this function to work but having issues [CODE] // check that policy number not entered on the DB if no policy is entered skip Mysql query function validatePolicyNumber($PolicyNumber){ //Return Session Value so user does not have to retype entry return $_SESSION['PolicyNumberAdd'] = $PolicyNumber; $Connection …

Member Avatar for fabzster
Member Avatar for TetuGal

Hello, I am a software engineering student going into my final year in September and would like suggestions on topics for my final year project. I would like to do a project related to the web and databases. Possibly using PHP and MySQL Any suggestions will be appreciated

Member Avatar for mikegte
Member Avatar for Shanti C

Hello frnds... i want to send mail with attachment using mail function.. Any one can u pls give me the solution. Shanti

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for ofir0803

example: [CODE]<img src="img.jpg" alt="" /> <a href="#" alt="" />[/CODE] i want to do someting if the string="alt" exist in the img tag and someting else if the alt exist in the href tag

Member Avatar for ofir0803
Member Avatar for altarek

I used this code to upload file but it remove The first word of the name of the file When the file name in Arabic [CODE]$notefile = basename( $_FILES['file']['name']) ; $target_path = "files/"; $target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['file']['name']); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { echo ""; } else{ echo ""; } [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for thilinam

Hello Everyone. I'm working on a php project. All the source files are located in a remote server and I have access to source files. I need to debug my codes from my computer. I have read many articles about remote debugging using x debug and zend. But as I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for zlloyd1

I am trying to write a PHP script to connect to a database I have created in WAMP Server 2.0 but no matter what I do I keep getting the same error message: Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\database.php on line 5 I have looked at this for over an …

Member Avatar for HG&C
Member Avatar for Avasulthiris

Hi, I'm trying to expand an existing php-based project. I need to be able to allow users to create basic flow diagrams inside their web browser. Drag and drop environments with movement and resize abilities on a js canvas. Start blocks, information blocks (possible hyperlinks too), Decision Blocks, End Blocks, …

Member Avatar for Avasulthiris
Member Avatar for tinker

Please help me solve a problem on passing the value form javascript function to the 'hidden' form and the form will be submitted to the php code for processing the data. Here are my codes below: First i have a link which will trigger the function 'passValue()' that holds 3 …

Member Avatar for McLaren

The End.