39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for UK-1991

Hello, I have created a page for users to view their status reports but I have created 2 dropdown 1 for month second for year i want that user click on the month it show only that months status not for the whole table status and at the end of …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for markdean1989

Hi guys, I just thought of starting PHP as my web scripting language but I don't know which applications I should be downloading. The online resource that I was reviewing says I need to install; PHP Web Server MySQL Can somebody tell me where to get these stuff? (all those …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for janicemurby

hya i have created a table of multi checkbox group and added a [] at the end of the name in html now when i check a selection of boxes i just get array echoed what do i do to sort it out and get the list of items that …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Sophia_1

Hi,tried to update the improvement_plan table with the records below but unable to do so, as the records are not updated. When i click submit button, no records are saved. Please advise? Thanks. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); mysql_connect("localhost","user",""); mysql_select_db("p1"); $table="improvement_plan"; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ // echo $_SESSION['Picid']; echo $_SESSION['Progressid']; foreach($_POST['Ipid'] as $value) { …

Member Avatar for Sophia_1
Member Avatar for osagie.odigie.148

Good day all ! i have a multi-dimensional array. the array was carefully built from my xml structure. here's it : array (size=1) 'Articles' => array (size=4) '@About' => string 'programming' (length=11) '@compile' => string 'pro' (length=3) 'Article' => array (size=3) 0 => array (size=6) ... 1 => array (size=6) …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Olivier_1

Hi, i'm trying to implement a flot.js graph using a custom php array as data. Here is what i've done : <?php foreach ( $dynamic_prices as $limit => $price ): $coordonnees[] = array($limit,$price); endforeach; ?> <?php echo json_encode(($coordonnees), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> This code outputs : [[5,9],[6,8]] is it the right format …

Member Avatar for Olivier_1
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, How to place quote (' ') between Lesson 3 ? define('SUCCESS_URL','add_material.php?class_name=Lesson 3'); Thanks before, Davy

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fireburner29

Hi, Please help me to resolve my Script Redirection problem. Actually i have developing simple crm application php using pdo->prepare. this is working fine in localhost. but what is my problem means redirection is not working, when i uploaded to server. for refernce i hereby attached . please help me …

Member Avatar for fireburner29
Member Avatar for johnmartin.sanchez_1

Hello guys a newbie here! Kindly please someone clarify to me what I did wrong or did I miss something? 1st. I'm pretty sure my ISP provided me a static ip address. 2nd. My website is running fine within my home network even on different platforms though by visiting the …

Member Avatar for johnmartin.sanchez_1
Member Avatar for fireburner29

how to insert multiple checkbox values in multiple rows mysql database using php pdo? Please give multiple insert option Here is my script: $create = sizeof(isset($_POST['create']) ? $_POST['create'] : array()); $edit = sizeof(isset($_POST['edit']) ? $_POST['edit'] : array()); $delete = sizeof(isset($_POST['delete']) ? $_POST['delete'] : array()); $view = sizeof(isset($_POST['view']) ? $_POST['view'] : …

Member Avatar for mohit2009

Hello, i am new to php and from this project i have started my php learning so first of sorry if my question is simple to ask but its difficult for me to understand the error and i want to learn php so i really need from all php expert …

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for ramsiva

IN httaccess file what are the important parameters how to use. give me one example

Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for Kewne

Hi guys, I'm trying to set up a localhost,...but I am getting this error from apache error logs "Cannot serve directory C:/xampp/htdocs/crm/images/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.php,index.pl,index.cgi,index.asp,index.shtml,index.html,index.htm,default.php,default.pl,default.cgi,default.asp,default.shtml,default.html,default.htm,home.php,home.pl,home.cgi,home.asp,home.shtml,home.html,home.htm) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: http://localhost:8080/qwer/index.php" I don't know what to do with this. I have searched the net …

Member Avatar for Kewne
Member Avatar for enterdani

I know that myisam is no longer used by I don't know how to update the query. I am trying to create tables with text in "Run SQL query in myphpadmin. Can anyone help? This is the complete error I receive: //MySQL said: Documentation #1064 - You have an error …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I have a problem with resizing images with imagemagick this is the info ImageMagick module info Array ( [versionNumber] => 1672 [versionString] => ImageMagick 6.8.8-7 Q16 x86_64 2015-01-27 http://www.imagemagick.org ) this is the imagemagick.php <?php $im = new Imagick(); $im->newPseudoImage(50, 50, "gradient:red-black"); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->pushPattern('gradient', 0, 0, 50, …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for UK-1991

I have created a page where employees submits their daily status report at every end of the day so on admin page I have created 3 drop down menus first one is Select User Select Month Select Year So a bit confused about the code to be intended I tried …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for euhiduwehfui

I have a page which has a form table. It displays select option when an option is selected the user clicks button and it runs choosecake.php which has query for updating. I need the select to be dynamically updated and display the success/error message like "updated" or "no results" on …

Member Avatar for euhiduwehfui
Member Avatar for Marc_5

I have a php loop that writes hundrends of records, I need to have a button on each line to trigger a bootstrap modal that will allow to edit this specific record. can't really sent the line ID (it's user ID) via GEt since the URL doesn't change, or by …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for enterdani

Cant figure our why I get this error, Please Help! this is my php file: <?php $servername = "localhost"; $username = "ebookcas_down"; $password = "down2263"; $dbname = "ebookcas_down"; // Create connection $link = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password); mysql_select_db($dbname); if ($CatID != "") { mysql_query("UPDATE Download_Cat Set CatName ='" . addslashes($CategoryName) . …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bubbafunk1

Hi, I'm working on a wordpress website where every product page has its own top banner that appears on the page using php. This works fine on the products but when I try to have a different banner on the category page it shows the banner that was the first …

Member Avatar for bubbafunk1
Member Avatar for ramsiva

In my Excel col1 col2 col3 100_45 9852 5 My code $one = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][1]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][1] : ''; $two = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][2]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][2] : ''; $three = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][3]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][3] : ''; $four = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][1]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][4] : ''; In my Excel only 3 records but i want to insert …

Member Avatar for ramsiva
Member Avatar for Ben_8

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could have a look at this code and explain why the page doesn't display an image? Basically I have a camer taking pictures very few minutes and I want to display the latest one. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Picture</title> </head> <body> <a href="index.html">Return …

Member Avatar for Ben_8
Member Avatar for manazian
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for code05

I need to put this loginform a login attempt after 3 unsuccessful attempts. Can you please help me out in this situation, I've been trying to do this several days now and none of them is working. I've try some examples on the net but the problem is I can't …

Member Avatar for Sikander Nasar
Member Avatar for Ctechnology24

<?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { include("database.php"); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $query = "SELECT * FROM tblpatient_pass p, tblpatient_info i WHERE p.RelationMR_no = i.MR_no AND p.username='$username'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $patient = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($patient!=0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $dMR_no = $row[0]; $dusername = $row[1]; $dpassword = $row[2]; $demail …

Member Avatar for pavitraa
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i a have a problem with my site. The thing is that the images take too much space and the site runs slow. A programmer seiad that i need to resize them. How do i do that? i have set the upload file to be under 2mb. this is …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for PulsarScript
Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for santunu23

HI i am trying to work with a html5 canvas for signature capture i got script and try to get the signature with ajax and php function saveit() { var myDrawing=document.getElementById("newSignature"); var drawingString=myDrawing.ToDataUrl("image/png"); var postData="canvas="+drawingString; var ajax=new XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.open("POST",'saveimage.php',true); ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','canvas/upload'); ajax.onreadystatechange=function() { if(ajax.readyState==4) {alert("image saved"); } ajax.send(postData); } and here …

Member Avatar for grakovski

hello, I have trouble with mustache php template engine. I have this: $get2 = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM users_table"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get2)) { $values3 = array('repo' => array( 'name3'=>$row['user_name'], ),); } And in template file i try to catch all with: <select> {{#repo}} <option value="{{ name3 }}">{{ name3 }}</option> {{/repo}} </select> …

Member Avatar for grakovski
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

while saving in database, if I save A it shouldnot save as A, it should save as 1, for b as 2, it should continue till 26. How it is possible?

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.