39,388 Topics
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Hello Am new to PHP coding, and would like to get some very good tutorials on PHP forms and processing involved, with mysql may be included as well as part of the forms data to be used, anyone can suggest some nice sites or ebooks or tutorials? Googled some, but … | |
have problems understanding the logic of using variables inside this code. why ist it possible to use %s for different variables and how is it possible to use them as %1$s and %2$s...without even defining them somewhere...i just dont get it, the complete code can be viewed in the thread: … | |
Is it possable to un-include a file to reduce the footprint of a script? That is, after it is included, can it be un-included? | |
In This Page How Can I Make The Page Title Get Its Name From (( Title )) In Database Ads [CODE]("SELECT * FROM ads where id='$id'");[/CODE] [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en"> <head> <title>:: [COLOR="Red"]ZERO XXX[/COLOR] ::</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link href="http://www.e-alriyadh.com/favicon.ico" … | |
![]() | Hello everybody ;) I have written a kind of css (pre)-processor in PHP, and it uses the GET-method to acces to the file: HTML: [CODE]... <link rel="stylesheet" href="css.php?file=style.css" /> ...[/CODE] PHP: [CODE] ...$pss=file_get_contents("css/".$_GET["file"]); ...[/CODE] My problem is now, if a user types something like "css.php?file=../index.php", he gets the source codes … ![]() |
Hi Friend I need a alert msg display in php, without using javascript. Pls help me to solve it [CODE]$pqty = $bdatam["sum(curr_qty)"]; $pamt = $bdatam["sum(curr_amount)"]; $btotal= $bgtqty+$pqty;[/CODE] i want to display $btotal in alert msg display. Pls help me | |
I have the php which can import the csv files into mysql. But how to avoid the wrong data replace the data database. What is the code in php for checking before insert into the database? Thanks! | |
[QUOTE=~s.o.s~;610914]> how to make div id's as unique (since it need to identify a unique div for each row) One way would be to create a separate counter (e.g. i) which would be incremented for each "for each" block and create an ID dynamically by appending the common name with … | |
Hi First I'm really sorry if this is the wrong area to post this query, but as my pages are all in php, I thought it may have something to do with it. I have just realised that the top part of my pages flicker when you move your mouse … | |
hi, I create a form using php+html in my website. When visitor of my website press send button, the information their key-in in the form will send directly into my inbox. The problem is, my inbox always receive spam from this.. I already delete the form to solve this problem … | |
Why is the serial no always 0 while I put other numbers? Php file: <html> <body> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","eduardli_user","-z.x,c"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } $description = $_POST["description"]; $price = $_POST["price"]; $quantity = $_POST["quantity"]; mysql_select_db("eduardli_company", $con) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query ("INSERT INTO Products (description, price, quantity) … | |
In the top of the first page that is requested, I make a global variable and store the value of microtime() in it. The footer of the page is require()'d at the bottom, and in the separate footer page is a code that subtracts the current microtime() from said global … ![]() | |
Hello. Although I have seen someone else having a similar problem here, I got stuck with an error. This is the code and it shows a red parenthesis. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>JumbleMaker</title> </head> <body> <?php function DisplayError($fieldName, $errorMsg) { global $errorCount; echo … | |
Greetings! I'm having a problem showing a set of records using jQuery. When I click in the designated link, the script only shows the first record that comes from the database. Am I doing something wrong? Here's the code jQuery [CODE]$(document).ready(function() { //hides the slickbox as soon as the DOM … | |
Hello to all,m kawal had rcecntly started my carrier in php so requests to help me in my projects.... I wana know how to generate a password by the admin panel itself..for ex.If if m running a company and handling admin panel,how can i generate a password to a new … ![]() | |
ok so i am pulling my hair out here trying to figure out why php doesnt want to work right with this reg expression [B] what i am looking for [/B] {blog:name_of_blog} [B]what i have[/B] preg_match_all('\{blog:[A-Za-z0-9_]+\}', $replaced_content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); [B] this is the error it is out putting[/B] Warning: preg_match_all() … | |
I don't know how to enquiry the "informationtype" which are message and email? How to rewrite the below code? [CODE] $information = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE informationtype='message'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($information); $result=($row['informationno']); [/CODE] | |
I'm trying to run this code but there is error message: PHP Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource [code] <?php if (mysql_connect('localhost','root','') && mysql_select_db('guestbook')) { //echo 'connected today'; $time= time(); $errors= array(); if (isset($_POST['guestbook_name'], $_POST['guestbook_email'], $_POST['guestbook_message'])) { $guestbook_name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['guestbook_name'])); $guestbook_email = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['guestbook_email'])); $guestbook_message = … | |
Hello all. Can anyone show me the best way to convert a duration consisting of only minutes and seconds (such as 2:15) into all seconds (which would be 135 based on my original 2:15). Thanks in advance! | |
I'm going a little crazy here trying to figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. MySQL version: 5.0 I'm trying to make a very ugly php page used to basic queries. I have a similar page working that creates new records in the specified table, so I know … | |
I have problem in code for IF statement. Im looking in a mysql table if there is a field (fld_comleted) that has record with "NO" in it. If there is a record that has "NO" in it it has to do something (send email to client) if there is no … | |
Hi, so do I need much hacking or not if I want to make a feature where client after ordering could edit his order in virtuemart? I tried little bit google searching, but did not find tutorials or something. | |
Hello to all,m kawal had rcecntly started my carrier in php so requests to help me in my projects....thanks | |
Hello Friends, I am working in JME. Now, I have situation in which, I suppose to connect with Database which has been used with PHP. So, How can I access to Mysql? As usual same as to connect mysql with JDBC? Is Mysql and Mysql in WAMP Server different? Please … | |
i have chosen virtual classroom systems to be done as a project for my final year.. i would like to know the enhancements and the new features that could be added to the project so that i could try to add them into my final year project… also, please let … ![]() | |
As i know we can set the radio button as default buttion by using the code (checked) . how about the select button? Can i do the same thing to select button? Thanks! | |
Dear Frendz, How to find distance between two latitude and longitude points using php. | |
can anybody help me about my project..i dont know how to put values in the add to cart. i already have log in page and item selections. i cannot upload my zip file here.. | |
Code: [code]<?php $data = file_get_contents('http://support.xbox.com/en-gb/Pages/xbox-live/xbox-live-status.aspx'); preg_match_all('~<div id='xbox-live-status-box'>\s*(<div.*?</div>\s*)?(.*?)</div>~is', $data, $matches ); print_r($matches); ?> [/code] Result: Array ( [ 0 ] => Array ( ) [ 1 ] => Array ( ) [ 2 ] => Array ( ) ) I was hoping to maybe see something similar to this... trying to … | |
i have 4 columns in the mysql database url, showingtext, target want to make a hyperlink from those columns: question: how do i automatically fill the 4th column containing the html hyperlink code question: should i rather string the 3 columns togheter using php, how would one do that sorry … |
The End.