39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for devinodaniel

Hey friends, I have a site that I've put a lot of time and effort into and in the midst have also been using it to learn JavaScript. I'm pretty proficient at PHP so the site was mostly coded in PHP, but now I've decided it would be best use …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for designer2011

Just wondering if anyone can help with making all the fields on my contact form a required field. I have added the coding for the contact form php. Also will there be an adjustment to the coding for the website? Thank you in advance for your help. [CODE]<?php $field_name = …

Member Avatar for designer2011
Member Avatar for darkrunner

I've got this error `Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/siambidd/domains/siambidding.com/public_html/session.php:3) in /home/siambidd/domains/siambidding.com/public_html/session.php on line 4` I've checked my code, there is no any spaces, and I'm not using BOM as well, but still got this error. please help me here …

Member Avatar for aidant
Member Avatar for wd3bbas

[B]is Codeigniter able to protect Your Site From sql injection When You Use Active Record??[/B]

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hi, Again I am trying to do a simple thing but with joomla it is advanced. What I want to make is to show articles on front page in the way like it is in the atached picture. You can see the red bracked on the left. There is 3 …

Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Here is my code for the login script. Everything works perfectly, but everytime I enter everything CORRECTLY into the forum, it says "The username, ____, and password do not match!". When they do match. If I leave the areas blank, they say "You must enter a username!" or "You must …

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

Alright, I have a random thing going on. Works perfectly fine. This is the code: [code]<?php include("config.php"); //To change the odds, change the second number in the rand() function. $rand = floor(rand(0,1)); if($rand == 1) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM randomevents WHERE rarity <= '10'"; $result = mysqli_query($cxn, $sql); …

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for Tenaciousmug

It's working great, but at some points after one of the random events goes through, I reload the page and it either gives me or takes away some starpoints without showing the message.. but it shows the message all the other times. Could someone help me debug this and see …

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for oree

Hey there, I am looking to have 2 drop down lists, 1 for provinces and 1 for cities. i saw some examples in java script but since i dont know how to use java and i do know and LOVE php i wondering if anyone can help me with this …

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Member Avatar for umeshMCA

here i want to know that how i can do this result on client side no user can change,delete or add in this page how i will show info like this: (all values come from database) +2009 +2010 +BCA-I +BCA-II -BCA-III SAD.pdf Advance Web Application.pdf Programming in JAVA.pdf +PGDCA +M.Sc. …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for dalip_007

Guys Is there a way to export the record of a table in csv format and then send that csv as attachment in mail to anyone using php? Thanks

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Member Avatar for 68thorby68

I have all but completed my design for an application in PHP and MySQL using apache as my web server. However, I was wondering whether apache supported transaction logging which would save me creating code with numerous database calls to log all activity myself. I appreciate I may have to …

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Member Avatar for jakizak

Ahhhh! OK, so I've been learning PHP for about 7 years now on and off, but never have I taken the time to look into URL rewriting. Until now I've not needed it, but you can guarantee the one thing you think you wont need, you need! I have the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for pallen

Hi folks, I have 2 very similar html contact forms on my site that run through PHP and get the results to the staff in an email. I use strip_tags to remove malicious content on each step of the form. Recently, a user sent an email that included some URL's. …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rouse

My script is dies at the start when I try to devine a SplFixedArray and I don't know how to find the error. Help would be appreciated... [CODE] <? error_reporting( E_ALL ); // Initialize the array with a fixed length $array = new SplFixedArray(5); [/CODE] Thanks! WBR

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

I receive the correct results when I use Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, when I use Ubuntu and try to get the output, I receive a blank screen except for the title "Book Finder Search Results" which appears at the top. Are there any adjustments I can make, so I can …

Member Avatar for zizuno
Member Avatar for -==Zero==-

Hello My Problem May Be Very Easy Or Very Hard Iam Still Noob In Php I Developed This Site [url]http://www.e-alriyadh.com/[/url] The Pagination Works Fine In The Index Page Like This [url]http://www.e-alriyadh.com/index.php?p=2[/url] Now There's A Problem In The Category Section Pagination This Is A Section [url]http://www.e-alriyadh.com/cat.php?id=22[/url] When I Try To Go …

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Member Avatar for stonybony

Hi, First up, I am a little lost with events. I am trying to do this and I can almost say that its not doable: [code] "one.php" <?php echo '<input type="text" maxlength="5" name="bill" value="" /><br />'; $get_pass = 5; $get_pass1 = 10; ?> <a href="two.php?getpass=<? echo $get_pass ?>&getpass1=<? echo $get_pass1 …

Member Avatar for stonybony
Member Avatar for Bar2aYunie

Hello, I've got a MySQL db which contain addresses. I also made a script to easily add new entries to the db with a number of columns. Now, I do know how to make a script to display what's in the db... But I would like to know how to …

Member Avatar for kekkaishi
Member Avatar for johng123

its probably a simple and rather stupid question, thousands of times asked.... i have a input box (1surf.info,check out link) I would like to replace it with a dropdown , again it would need to list the countries within the table. this is how it is right now, enter state(USA) …

Member Avatar for happytogether
Member Avatar for nats01282

hello, on my website's homepage/login page im after a newsfeed like facebooks. If its your first time to the site you will view a random few post's from people, But if your a member and have signed up it will just show your friends. currently i have a function [CODE] …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for nats01282

i have a array which contains then numbers 1,2,3 etc... i want to connect to my mysql database and collect the information from the databse where the id column is = either 1 / 2 / 3 etc... how would i go about this?

Member Avatar for kurtopia
Member Avatar for stonybony

Hi, I have a situation that is producing NULL values: The situation is best explained with this code at this link: [CODE]http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/php/threads/227698[/CODE] Initially, I had a link called "add to list" for each record the display page displayed. I used to hide the row-id in there and pass it onto …

Member Avatar for stonybony
Member Avatar for IWDesigns

hi, i am creating a form of which will update portfolios, included is a text field...i already have blocked the usage of html and email addresses from being posted, but i cant seem to figure out how i would block website addresses? what code would i use to do this? …

Member Avatar for IWDesigns
Member Avatar for 7a26j

I have problem with this code.. my browser prints: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\plaincart\library\database.php on line 4 [CODE]<?php ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); //ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); error_reporting(E_ALL); // start the session session_start(); // database connection config $dbHost = 'localhost'; $dbUser = 'root'; $dbPass = ''; $dbName = 'plaincart'; …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for astala27

[CODE]echo '<h3>Yeni Yönetici Ekleme Ekranı...</h3><br><br>'; if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == "Kaydet"){ if ($_POST['usernname'] != "" && $_POST['password'] != "" && $_POST['first_name'] != "" && $_POST['last_name'] != "" && $_POST['email'] != "" && $_POST['TCK'] != "") { $query = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."';"; $result = mysql_query($query) or …

Member Avatar for astala27
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i am trying to put all of my cookies into an array. heres my code [ICODE] <? setcookie('failn','fail'); setcookie('goodn','good'); setcookie('han','ha'); $allcookies=explode(' ',$_COOKIE); print_r($allcookies); ?> [/ICODE] but the page only returns Array ( [0] => Array ) please help

Member Avatar for tcollins412
Member Avatar for stonybony

Hi, DW complains of a syntax error that I cannot understand. I use the code as a standalone and it is not a problem, but when used as a table element as written below, it complains of a syntax error. The red highlight is where it complains, the green seems …

Member Avatar for Gerbiler
Member Avatar for Misklahr

Hi I want to create a code so that the user can upload an image. The code then resizes it and then [U]stores it as a blob[/U] in my database. [URL="http://www.9lessons.info/2009/03/upload-and-resize-image-with-php.html"]The code I'm using[/URL] I have done everything, but need to know which variable (in the link) to store into …

Member Avatar for Misklahr
Member Avatar for never_rain

I have a website where users can add their friends. What I am trying to achieve is to show every user that who are their friends that are currently online. If any one knows a link to any script or tutorial that explains this, Please help.

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The End.