Hello guys,

iam a new bie in webdevelopment.
can u please help me in writing code to the payment gateway please

Thanks in advance

which type of payment u want to use

is it paypal?

Thank u Navi for giving reply
yes sir,
i actually dont know where i have to start
please help me sir

Thank u

there are two ways through we can do paypal intergration
one is IPN(instance payment notification) and other is API.

u can find working classes of both above methods in



just go through it.
you have to create first sandbox account in paypal before
going to real environment

Iam not getting the code for payment gateway
can any one please sir

Thank u


First you need to decide which payment gate way to be used in your/clients web site..Then register with that website service..
then they will tel you the way to create gatway connection from our site to payment website...

if also you got the code for payment gateway , its no use, because we must have the permission from service provider..

Al the best...

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