39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for pranay1995

Hi all; i need a php code to make a user profile page for my website i need this code ASAP: below are the variables being used: Name, Age, Mobilenuber, Address, Username and Password (MD5 encrypted). All suggestions are welcome but please help me.

Member Avatar for pranay1995
Member Avatar for rajilakshmi

I am using the linux OS to create an web application using PHP. In this I want to upload a file and move to a folder.I want to move the file up to the size of 25 MB. I used the code ini_set('max_upload_filesize', '25M'); But its not working. Is there …

Member Avatar for effu
Member Avatar for pranay1995

hi all: i am trying to use this code to login to members area but everytime i try to login with a registered user it redirects to the registration page please help. below is the code: <?php session_start(); $uname="root"; $pword=""; $host="localhost"; $database="spl"; $Username=$_POST['Username']; $Password = MD5($_POST['Password']); $_SESSION['Username']=$Username; mysql_connect("$host", "$uname", "$pword")or …

Member Avatar for pranay1995
Member Avatar for jj007

Hi I have used Curl to obtain a webpage (stored in a variable called $result). Within this webpage I just want to obtain specific content that is within a certain DIV tag. Here is the part of the page that contains the DIV tag that I am interested in: <div …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Navlag

Here is some code (snippet) from a function I have that takes a users "user_name" and "password" as parameters. There is an if else statement that triggers along the way, basically, if there is a value $v, then it look ups the users user_name and password in a table and …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hey, I was wondering if someone would be able to tell me how I can let a user fill out a form and it would create a page with that information for other people to see (Sort of like a forum). I currently have no code for this but I …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hi, How could I generate a new number/ID for a new line in my database? Tell me if I'm not clear enough. Thanks

Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14
Member Avatar for websols180

hi; i am facing this trouble in paginatoin " Notice: Undefined index: start in F:\wamp\www\Cybertraders\demo_paging1.php on line 16 " $page_name="demo_paging1.php"; $start=$_GET['start']; > the upper line is line 16 if(strlen($start) > 0 and !is_numeric($start)){ echo "Data Error"; exit; }

Member Avatar for websols180
Member Avatar for furianera

Hello everyone, i read all the discussion about "web scraping" here in DaniWeb forum but i didn't found a solution to my problem. I have to extract "title" and "content" of news from a website. I wrote (after reading a lot of "tutorial") these lines: $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load('http://www.php.net'); …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for Lynne Good

<select name="header"> foreach(options_typography_get_google_fonts() as $face2) { echo '<option id="fontface2"'; echo 'name="fontface2"'; echo 'value="'; echo $face2; echo '"/>'; echo $face2; echo '</option>'; echo '<br />'; } ?> </select> I have stored the chosen value from the drop down list into a session. What I am trying to accomplish is "selecting" the …

Member Avatar for Lynne Good
Member Avatar for prisacariualex

Hello everyones. I have a problem: I created the code to update a database. Everything work( no error message0 but when I go to see the table in the place where needed to be the updated information is nothing(""). Please help! The file who update the information(ap1i_moc.php) <?php // Conectare …

Member Avatar for prisacariualex
Member Avatar for vanessia_1999

Hi, I have not touch flash in years and decided to brush up on it once more. I notice I have forgotten a lot of things. I created the look that I want in flash but I am having problem what to do next once a person hit the submit …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for ditty

Hi I have created a mail id for my website as info@domainname.com. I want to get all the mails to info in to my personal mail id in gmail directly. I heard i can achieve this functionality by changing the mx records. Can anybody help me to change it properly. …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for kshahnazari

I have a simple question about regular expression and Im new to php so sry about my bad questions , what is the meaning of ^ and $ in regular expression and please give examples that if we dont put them it will go wrong . thank you

Member Avatar for kshahnazari
Member Avatar for phpHelp

Hey guyz, I am here again with a PHP issue... I need to upload an image and create a thumbnail for the same. Yeah it's so simple. But the difficult part is that the user will create the thumbnail (not crop) by his own choice. Please help.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for chira9na9pal
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Yeah, basically if you're using PDO for dbs, and you're using a framework which uses MVC, how would you change the code? I was assuming you would just use the classes in the MVC but then you wouldn't be using the benefits of PDO? Does that make sense?

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for nathanpacker

Hey, I've got a simple little table that has only 3 fields. ID (primary key, auto-increment), cat_name, and cat_num. I need to know how to get my php script to go into that table, and increase the value in cat_num by one on every row. So for instance, here is …

Member Avatar for tgmsocal
Member Avatar for griselndria

please if u can help me i have created a log in on dreamweaver and i had created one intranet in one company coz i have on study project to do i have created emploeys with their datas and created a log in form on dreamweaver but the problem is: …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for Sanchixx

Hello, I have a comment system that i wrote in PHP when i have used linebreak: `$area = wordwrap($area, 62,"<br>",1);` to auto break after 67 charectars so my comments don't go over a css box but when i write in uppercase; since the letters are larger it overflows. How can …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kshahnazari

Im so so new to php and sry for my begginer question . <?php $Sal = "HI"; if (preg_match("[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]",$Sal)) echo "hi"; ?> this is my code , why doesent the preg_match run and echo "hi"? thank you

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hey everyone, I'm learning how to use cakePHP framework. I'm just wondering that how one gets so familiar with a bunch of API's quickly. Do people memorise them at all? I ain't going to because I don't see the point in memorising some things that I even won't need to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14

Hello, I have created a website with register, login and logout features where the user information is stored in a mysql database. I have already setup a profile page where the user can edit his/her profile but I need to know how I can make it so any member can …

Member Avatar for Yorkiebar14
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hey all, This website is a directory and the problem is authenticating users to edit a server, even after they've logged in. The idea is to stop any SQL mix-ups due to my weak code (I'm learning PHP). When they click 'Edit' next to the server after logging in they …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for mark.claxton.7

Hi everyone, I am hoping someone here can help me with a problem I am currently facing. I have a website which I have developed with a web host. I also have a domain name which I have set up to mask the URL of my website. However I need …

Member Avatar for ainosilva
Member Avatar for Dan_iweb

Hi, I have this script, it attempts to place JSON data into a MySQL database. The problem is it duplicates records, this does not happen when the “news_added” field is not NULL. That’s the only thing I can see different. I would like the script to update a record, replacing …

Member Avatar for Dan_iweb
Member Avatar for mindfrost82

I have the following part of code in a PHP file and I want to know if there's a way to make the URL open in a new window instead of the same window. It might be a dumb or easy question, but I'm not too familiar with PHP [code=php] …

Member Avatar for 2lessons
Member Avatar for Naimathullah

I need to display picture name when i move mouseover the picture using onmouseover. Please let me know what I need to add either to javascript or to PHP. <style> #contactdiv { position: absolute; left: 100px; top: 100px; width: 100px: height: 20px; padding: 5px; background-color: red; visibility: hidden; } </style> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for eulo

hi all. I have some problem. I want to make Delete multiple rows in mysql with check box. so I did it below. but delete doesn't work. could you tell me where is wrong ? <?php include'conn.php'; mysql_select_db("auction")or die("cannot select DB"); $sql="SELECT * FROM family"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $count=mysql_num_rows($result); ?> <table width="400" …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for lizetta

Hey guys I have a mysql database that has an events table. The events table consists of the fields Title, Date, Place and description. I am trying to display the table on the browser using php coding. it should list important events first according to the date. so as follows …

Member Avatar for simplypixie

The End.