Hey all,
This website is a directory and the problem is authenticating users to edit a server, even after they've logged in. The idea is to stop any SQL mix-ups due to my weak code (I'm learning PHP).
When they click 'Edit' next to the server after logging in they are directed to "update-server.php?server=$server_id".
When they arrive at "update-server.php" this code runs:
//This session value is created at login
$username = $_SESSION['valid'];
//This is written to the URL
$server_id = $_GET['server'];
//See if a server exists with this ID and Username
$query_server = "SELECT id FROM servers WHERE id='".$server_id."' AND `administrator`='".$username."'";
// If a row is found where id and username match show form
if ($auth_check == 1) {
//Take user back to their account
header('location: account.php');
Now heres the problem. I've purposely added servers under the account that don't below to me and servers that do. However they both send me back to account.php?
Any ideas? :)
Thanks in advance!