39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Headshot_Harry

Hi all, I have a terribly frustrating issue I'm trying to solve and wondered if anyone would be able to help? I have a simple HTML / CSS website hosted on my webserver. This website has a basic web contact form that allows a user to fill in their details …

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for dhirst1

Hi all ive some ajax posting to the same php file to submit the post data to the database, the form data is posting, it just isnt following on to the database :/ way it currently works is that ive a form that submits the form to the PHP then …

Member Avatar for dhirst1
Member Avatar for muhammad.waleed.9699

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Untitled Page</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <h2>Student Clearance Information</h2> <form action="students_clearance.php" method="post" name="form1"> <table> <tr> <td> Department Id:</td> <td> <select id="Select1" name="department" > <option>Select Department</option> <option value="IIT"> IIT </option> <option "IMS"> IMS </option> <option "BSChe"> BSChe </option> …

Member Avatar for ainosilva
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I'm trying to figure out how to `<input> $radius` and `echo $pi` without using a **DB**. This is a simple example how this calculate `$pi` which you can run and see how it works: <?php $pi = "3.1415927"; $radius = 8; echo $pi * ($radius * $radius); ?> The …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for pritaeas

Below is a documented code example showing how to use the [MySQL functions](http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysql.php) to connect and query your database (and check for errors). Please note that using the MySQL extension is **NOT RECOMMENDED**. This extension is no longer maintained and will be deprecated soon. If you want your scripts to …

Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I have a problem in making a query to make virtual columns in my query. I want to make a query that makes virtual column. for example I have a table with columns a,b and c and I want to make a query something like this SELECT a as …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for natehome

hi, i'm working with php short hand for the first time and i'm trying to edit this code: <?=($c->is_admin == 'Yes')?'<a href="msg_update.php" input type="submit" class="button" value="protected page">Update Home Page Message</a>' : ' <p> This is not the page you were looking for. </p> ' ?> i want to do something …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for code739

Hi guys, Could somebody help me in decrimenting the letters cause code like below exists $let = 'A'; for($x=1;$x<256;$x++){ echo $let++.'-'; } //output: A-B-C-D-E....... i just wonder how about decrimenting it like $let--; but it didnt work does anayone has the idea on how to generate $let-- thanks,

Member Avatar for singhboy
Member Avatar for alpha2006

Hi, I am looking for a PHP script that can take an ip address and return the country where that ip address belongs to. If you know or have been using such a script, please let me know. Thanks

Member Avatar for chrislim2888
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Afternoon... I have an email function that I have been using for a long time to send mail to our membership. But now I need to be able to send a .pdf as an attachment to them. I expect that it should be a pretty simple process, but no …

Member Avatar for pratziyer
Member Avatar for BadManSam

Hi, I want to create a log file so when someone logs in or when someone gets their password wrong or someone tries to log in to the admin account and gets it wrong, like ip address. date|Time etc The script I am using is this one http://angry-frog.com/downloads-page/ PHP Login …

Member Avatar for retrax57
Member Avatar for hitesh.shah.397

`Inline Code Example Here`hello everyone, i am working on a project , in this as all other project we have a login required so i designed a login panel but when i run the project the textboxes of username and password are having its value as "admin",i tried a lot …

Member Avatar for hitesh.shah.397
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

some one told em that php doesn't support sending and recieving email via localhost even if i have internet connetion ? is it true ? or if not then what is the solution ? thanks

Member Avatar for ome2012
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

i have a table in Mysql's database, tblStudents, which has 1,000 stdents, from different departments, e.g 500 from IIT, 300 from IMS, 100 from Medical, 100 from Engineering. and on fornt end in, i have 2 dropdown boxes, one drpdwnDown box is filled with values, IMS, IIT, MEDICAL, ENGINEERING. now …

Member Avatar for slyme
Member Avatar for Goldfinch

I'm trying to get php to return the name of a directory like this: http://www.foobar.com/example.php where example.php returns the name of the current directory as "" or "/" and http://www.foobar.com/example_folder/example.php where php reutrns the name of the current directory as "example_folder" or "/example _folder" I found that getcwd() returns the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for HunainHafeez

I am working in php along with Mysql in backend, why this query is giving error : You have some problem in mysql syntax, check manual, this is that query: $Userid= $_SESSION['userid']; echo $Userid; $Dep = "select departmentName from department where userid='$Userid' "; $qry ="select registrationNo,name,fatherName,cnic,gender,discipline,department,admissionSession,email,password,address,domicile,contactNo,status,currentEmployer,designation,salaryInfo,totalExperience,lastOrganizationname,organizationAdd,organizationPhno,organizationEmail,Remarks from students where registrationNo='$RegNo' …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for Hypalink

Hi guys, im trying to find out the best way to set a unique session variable. Normally I would use a "username", but this project does not need a login script or users table. Whats the best way to create a unique session so that I can echo out the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for ronak.patel.946

I know little bit of php-mysql and web programming. For my project work, i made one login module, it contains two pages but it has some errors. I use WAMP for project, whenever i feed data and press login it does not go to profile.php page and session does not …

Member Avatar for jstfsklh211
Member Avatar for sammry

i have 2 tables as follow sales (table1) sales_id, userid(buyerid), product id, productname, orderid, status users (table2) userid, username, pass Now, I need to display the top customer who makes regular purchase on my shopping site. How can I achieve this? I tried as SELECT A.(*), B.username FROM sales A, …

Member Avatar for sammry
Member Avatar for eburlea

Good day, I've created a webpage on localhost using php. I have a local network with 3 computers at home. I can access the webpage only from one computer (http://localhost/mywebpage/). What changes should I make in phpmyadmin to be able to access the webpage from all computers? Is it possible? …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for varun004

I want to create a loca site in which i want to take user photo graph from there web cam how can i do this in php please suggest me.....

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'M trying to learn php and I use Mint Linux as my OS. I don't know if php is installed or not. I went to synaptic package manager and input php, I got back a big list of php-xyz packages and I dont' know which one to get. Any suggestions?

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I have a log in script that if successful starts a session. When you enter the correct info it days that you are logged in, but when you try to acces a restricted file it says that you are not logged in. If you then log in again it …

Member Avatar for gilgil2
Member Avatar for daniel36

my text is to show on webpage is- Comment ça marche Tu es bloqué par une question, ou par un exercice de mathématique, ou par un chapitre de chimie que tu n’arrives pas à comprendre ? But my website is not showing some french charachter of this type of text …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for sarah49

hi everyone. I have just started to program in php. I tried to develop a php code to retrieve data from a form and insert into a table created in Mysql. Here is my php code. This code gets executed when the user submits the form. <html> <body> <?php $con …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for vthakor115
Member Avatar for David2012

Hi Everyone! My question is on Pagination (as it is called). I have a php program that accesses a database and shows the result list with HTML. Well, if my result list is quite long how do i code so that only say 10 rows show per page. I know …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for vizz

How to detect end of video and redirect to another page using php for dynamic url? I have, <video autoplay> <source src=videos/poke.avi type='video/mp4; codecs="theora, vorbis, avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40"' > <p>Your browser doesn’t support video.</p> </video> I want to do this, video.onended = { // do stuff (redirect to show content) }

Member Avatar for vizz
Member Avatar for bratbo

I want to make include file with a function, which among other things creates a link to the page itself, with an querystring variable added, how can i get the name of the current php file thus avoiding to have it as a string constant that has to be changed …

Member Avatar for ishan1211
Member Avatar for anuradha.joshi10

Hello, I have got the following array string through URL. http://www.xmeniafitnessclub.com/1024768/enquiry.php?fname=hgg&sex=female&facility=weightloss&facility=weightgain&facility=yoga&facility=danceclass&phone=363636&email=anuradha.jo1shi%40cognizant.com&feedback=%0D%0Ayuy&submit=Submit I need to seprate out following values.. I am trying this array but with no luck.. # **&facility=weightloss&facility=weightgain&facility=yoga&facility=danceclass** # HTML code for same is - <tr> <td><label>Facility *:</label> </td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="facility" value="gym"/> Gym<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="facility" …

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The End.