39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for cristian.stilpeanu.3

Hi, i have a problem of some days. I'm working to a website but when I installed it I have a very noticeable error page, I wrote: "Notice: Notice: Undefined index: user_name in C:\xampp\htdocs\index.php on line 118" How can I get rid of this writing. Thank you! It is a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sunil429

Hi, I am trying to fetch paypal status and notification to my databse but i am unable to do that..plz help me out...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for code739

echo prev($result_row).'prev-'; echo curent($result_row).'cure-'; echo next($result_row); hi fellas as what you see above i print them all actually they were inside a foreach loop wahat i expect i they will print all but the firstline is the only one which appear what i observed is only one line out of …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for chandbasha

Hi All, I have an array which is like this Array ( [0] => Array ( [cat] => 17 [sub] => 143 [prod] => Contest : Apple Iphone 4SContest :Pay & get a chance to win ) [1] => Array ( [cat] => 17 [sub] => 143 [prod] => Contest …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for bLuEmEzzy

Is it possible to make a datagridview in php? Wherein you can add, edit, delete records. Please Help me.. Thank You God bless you all :)

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for iamthwee

How's it going guys... Just got another interview lined up for a web interview within a school. I've not been given any idea of what to expect. I thinking I'm probably going to be writing/maintaining their website using a pre-existing CMS -joomola (From a quick preview) Understanding a web portal …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have created a php file upload so users at my site can upload files and i have also creaated a php script so users can log in and make accounts, I want my users to be able to log in and be able to see the previous videos they …

Member Avatar for Agarsia
Member Avatar for Sahana@123

hi,i wrote a program for html using php, nd stored the file as filename.php. it has store in my computer as filename.php.txt. now i want to see the result of my program, please help me to see my result in internet. here i also used mysql also.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

This is really hard to explain but I am going to try me best, I have an html page which displays a video player named brosweplayer.html, the code is this, <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <meta charset="utf-8"/> </head> <body> <video src="$name" controls="controls"> </body> </html> Now, I also have …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for MDanz

I just installed wamp, so i can test my website offline. Now i get numerous Undefined index or Undefined variable errors, which i know how to fix. Now logging in works online but with wamp it doesn't work. The code isn't wrong. I imported the database online to offline. I've …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for anitg

I have no issues with the query in the below code. But the second code is throwing the error You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Working code …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for Hypalink

Hi guys, I´m attempting to write a simple "get quote" script, but need some advice about best practice. I want to structure it as follows, lets say a customer wants 1,2,3,4 or 5 apples - I want the quote to be $1. If the customer wants 6,7,8,9 or 10 apples …

Member Avatar for Hypalink
Member Avatar for daniel36

Can anybody tell me maximum lenth of paypal custom variable used in paypal button or paypal payment form?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Stardemos

<?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "sermail_demos", "demos")or die("sem conecчуo ao servidor"); $db = mysql_select_db("sermail_sermail")or die("Base de dados nуo foi encontrada"); $b=1; $c=2000; $sql2a = 'INSERT INTO content_type_image ( vid, nid, field_stock_value) VALUES'; for ($i=197; $i<2000; $i++) { $sql2a .= '('.$i.','.$i.','.$b.')'; } mysql_query($sql2a) or die(mysql_error()); echo $sql2a; ?> i cant finf out …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for opawix

if (@$_GET['action'] == "Edit Record") { print "<font color=black size=14><center>Edit Student Records</center></font><br>"; $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM students"); $rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($rows != 0) { print "<form>"; print "<font color=black><center><b>Select Student:</b><center></font><br>"; print "<select name=idnum>"; for ($i=0; $i< $rows; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); print "<option value=$row[0]>$row[1] $row[3] $row[2]"; …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for daniel36

i am having a string in a variable similar to $school="bal bharti vidhya mandir"; i want to change this string into 'bal-bharti-vidhya-mandir'.Is it possible?I also need its reverse in my project.

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for alvin.decker

Hey! I am an experienced programmer (php, javascript, mysql, some ajax) who is looking for an experienced and competent graphic and/or web designer with whom to create a text-based RPG. I will assume the financial risk and the programming responsibilities. I need someone to make the banners, logos, icons, and …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I am trying to join two database tables, the tables are set up like this, This is table fgusers3, which stores my users login information. id_user name email phone_number username password confirmcode 1 Bob bob@email 000000 bob1 bobby 12345 This is table videos, which stores my users video upload information. …

Member Avatar for garyjohnson
Member Avatar for bulbul.sust.9

what is built in function in php ? and whts the difference of it with user defined functions? i think isset, unset, gettype,settype, strlen, strpos etc are built in function and when we write a function like this > function name{} that is user defined ? im little bit confused …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for showman13

Good Morning, I am working on a script that requires multiple embedded function calls that could go up to 5 levels deep My Question is this... I need to be able to use the accumulating variables from function D outside of all the functions to display data. if I have …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I have the following code being used to insert some data into a MySql database, all the error checks etc. are done before and those are fine, and the code returns connected successfully but nothing is put into the database, nor does the database check for duplicate usernames, because …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, my website svnnews.in is hacked yesterday. Now its showing some hackers messages. I need my website back.Need suggestion to make my website hack free.

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Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for Angle90

Hello Everyone, I need your help please, using htaccess, I like to know how to deny access to an index.php file from all visitors except me. I have tried the following; <files index.php> order allow,deny deny from all </files> That works denying all access to that file. I would like …

Member Avatar for Angle90
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I am trying to write a password reset script. An email with a link is sent to the user, and then if the username and a 32 character string in the link match the info in the database they can change the password for that account. Here is what …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for andyy121

hi i wont to change the activatet value of user log in in database example:when i log in in the page the value must change from 0 to 1 any idea

Member Avatar for andyy121
Member Avatar for devianleong

Currently all the images got no extension after I upload and mysql store the images with no extension too. Any solution? This is the code: <?php if(!empty($_POST['Name'])){ if(!empty($_POST['SellPrice'])){ if(!empty($_POST['RentPrice'])){ if(!empty($_POST['Quantity'])){ if(!empty($_POST['CostPrice'])){ $name = $_POST["Name"]; $SellPrice = $_POST["SellPrice"]; $RentPrice = $_POST["RentPrice"]; $Quantity = $_POST["Quantity"]; $CostPrice = $_POST["CostPrice"]; $Category = $_POST["Category"]; $name …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dante123

Hi I have a menu that is included in all my pages. When the menu item is clicked it opens a new page and the clicked item changes his color to magenta this, is perfect. Each Item has a submenu the problem starts when i open one of the submenu …

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

I have found the program ffmpeg and have been looking into it, and I can see that you can use php to convert the videos that are being uploaded but I want to know where I need to start with this program to get it working.

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Here is a basic join code for two database tables, I want it to compare the two tables with a users email, it would have to be the current user logged on. How do i do so with php? SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name1 INNER JOIN table_name2 ON table_name1.column_name=table_name2.column_name

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The End.