39,388 Topics
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Hello I have made a php file upload for the visitors of my site to upload small videos too, now I want the users that are logged into their account to have the videos they upload be linked to their user id, so anyone vewing the small video can know … | |
<head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title>Upload photo 1</title> <form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p> Photo name: </p> <input type="text" name="Name"/> <p> Category : ---> Choose Between Animals, Cars , Landscapes , People </p> <input type="text" name="Category"/> <p> Creator </p> <input type="text" name="Creator"/> <p> Upload your photo : <input type="file" name="photo"> … | |
Please could someone tell me the best way to wrtite this in PHP i am validating gender in a text box i do not want to use radio button. at present my code is like this but not working if(preg_match("/gender/i",$field)) { if(!preg_match("/^M,F $/",$value)) { $errors[] = "$value is not a … ![]() | |
I have a xampp database user log in with username and password, but i want to send each user an ID after registration and this ID should auto increment in my database. at the moment i can only achieve this if i include a field on the registration form, but … ![]() | |
Hi, Please can someone tell me how to upload images to my database table images. I would like to be able to link to these images eventually from a link on my webpage. I would need to be able to upload more than one image at a time. ![]() | |
I'm making a B2B portal that can see just loggedin business customers that I add to base, I finished almost all, but there is one problem. When customer add some goods to his cart, goes to checkout and confirm his order he will have a link to invoice.php?ids=156 and that … | |
Hi, I am Developing one website.There is textrea box where i need to fetch the datafrom database and need display it in textarea box using java script.The text contains special charectars like single quotes and double quotes. how to escape quotes please help me am using **mysql_real_escape_string();**but the query results … | |
Hi People, Got an issue with css in php. Actually I'm trying to create and send a html email. My front-end form consists of To(textbox where recipients email address will be entered) and then I've embedded ckeditor in place of Textarea where I will be typing the message... Now this … | |
Hello guys, do you have an idea how to add rows in php? Like datagridview in which you can add rows when you want to. Any idea what should I do? Thank You. | |
I just launched my first website I fully wrote myself in php/mysql - [www.TomPaineToday.com](http://www.TomPaineToday.com). After testing it on my own computer for a while, I decided I might as well launch it and see what problems I run into. The first issue I came across was that my link redirect … | |
Hello guys, i want to populate a textbox based on the selected index of a combobox. For example, the textbox will only be displayed if the selected index is "5". But the problem is, i generate a series of comboboxes through a loop which is based on the number of … | |
I am really in mess as I am unable to solve problem with Smarty Multi Dimension array. Below is the way I want to execute Smarty. First of all I will list all customers. Than I want list of all items purchased by that customer. I have two tables inside … | |
how can i let image overwriting when uploading? and if uploading an image titeld different how can i make it to change to specific file tite?im trying to make an image replacement to change images on the web page like for example logo. how can i make the file name … | |
i have tow tables, posts and sections, i want to get the last 10 posts WHERE section = 1, but use the 10 results in different places, i make a function function sectionposts($section_id){ mysql_set_charset('utf8'); $maxpost1 ="SELECT max(id) from posts WHERE section_id = $section_id ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 10"; $maxpost10 … | |
<?php include("connection.php"); $sql="UPDATE detail SET 'user_name'='".$_POST['user_name']."','password'='".$_POST['password']."' WHERE 'id'='".$_GET['id']."'"; $result=mysql_query($sql); mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <html> <head> <title>login</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="index.php?id=<?php $_GET['id']; ?>"> id:<input type="text" name="id" value="<?php echo $_POST['id']; ?>" /><br/> user_name:<input type="text" name="user_name" value="<?php echo $_POST['user_name']; ?>" /><br/> password:<input type="password" name="password" value="<?php echo $_POST['password']; ?>"/><br/> <input type="submit" value="submit" /> </form> </body> … ![]() | |
Hi everybody, I created form.the form fields records are saved in database.if select <div id="privacy_create" > this field add some datas in another table [PrivacyProfilePlanpeople] i have no issue.but records store only in first table. privacyprofileplanpeople table no records are added. what is the problem. anybody plz help me. public … ![]() | |
I am getting Copying issue with my code, when i use only one single url it works but if i get multi url from explode function and call them it gives me an error please help me i have a problem in my copy() function let me show my code. … | |
I am having trouble with this page: <?php session_start(); // LOGIN PAGE... include('/mods/core/core_login.php'); // SQL stuff. mysql_connect('SQL host','Username','Password'); mysql_select_db('DB_NAME'); $ci = rand(1, 10); if ($ci == "1"){ $img = "http://images.awsomechat.comuv.com/cap_1.png"; // URL of image. $ans = "LoIs DDiO"; // Answer to image. }elseif ($ci == "2"){ $img = "http://images.domain.com/cap_2.png"; // … | |
I have got a parse error inside my php script, involving T_String error on line 22 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'toys' (T_STRING) in C:\xampp\htdocs\registrationform.php on line 22 <?php $toys = array('digicam' => 'Digital Camera', 'mp3' => 'MP3 Player', 'wlan' => 'Wireless LAN'); $errors = array(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') … | |
Warning: include(funck.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\search\index.php on line 2 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'funck.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\search\index.php on line 2 help plz what i have to change | |
I just launched my first website I fully wrote myself in php/mysql - [www.TomPaineToday.com](http://www.TomPaineToday.com). After testing it on my own computer for a while, I decided I might as well launch it and see what problems I run into. The first issue I came across was that my link redirect … | |
hi i have 30 pages with the same design, the text appears always in the same div so i have 30 different texts with the same div id. Is it possible to include all the text in an external php file not database and call them to appear one by … ![]() | |
how can we make Function in php this is the line to be read = 'i am going to [USA]' only required the USA to be print nothing else Please help ![]() | |
i wonder if it is possible to fetch images using [PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser](http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/) and obtain it in a specific URL. Suppose it fetched a Image in a variable like $img = 'http://www.example.com/some_image_address.JPEG'; Now is it possible to get this image in my own domain path, like $new_img = … ![]() | |
i have been given an assignment, to find frequencies of all words in a large text file. I have tried a program which finds the same in a sample string. Done by taking that string in an array. But in case of a text file spanning many pages with thousands … | |
hello guys.. im new in creating websites.. my problem is how to auto update the dropdownlist then the combobox is change/click? example: i have 2 combobox which **cbo1** contains the list of genre of songs like *pop, opm, love songs* etc. and **cbo2** contains the list of *artists/singers etc* about … ![]() | |
Any problem with this codes?The button not working at all if i put few actions inside the function,if i just put one (document.) action inside the function,it works. <script type="text/javascript"> function fnSubmit (){ var form1Content = document.getElementById("form1").innerHTML; var form2Content = document.getElementById("form3").innerHTML; document.getElementById("toSubmit").innerHTML=form1Content+form2Content; document.forms.toSubmit.submit(); } </script> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Insert" onclick="fnSubmit()"/> | |
![]() | Hi I been doing some research on **PHP Frameworks**. I want to know what other Daniweb members used as **PHP Frameworks**? I'm still new to understand how it works but would like to know which one will suit my skills, so I can built on ... to move forward to … ![]() |
hi, i need some simple ideas for my graduation project, i'll use PHP to develope it, hope you'll help me. redgards. | |
Hello, I have all my php documents in one folder to handle my form creating, and i have all my html files in one directory as well. but in my php code i want when a user click on the hyperlink in php page it shoud yake the user to … ![]() |
The End.