39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for red_ruewei

Hi, I having problem to fix this problem. Already search for related thread, but cannot find a solution. The case is like this. I have 2 system that intergrate each other. Let assume as system A and B. User need to login from system A and can use system B …

Member Avatar for Manuz
Member Avatar for samsons17

hi all.. I just want to ask,is it correct,in a class that we have built,PHP will first execute the constructor function before the others?? to make it clear is this is example : [CODE] <?php class database { public function __construct() { $this->open_connection(); } public $connection; public function open_connection() { …

Member Avatar for samsons17
Member Avatar for renoua

Hello, I have this part of php code... [CODE] <?php $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->load("anna.xml"); $xp = new domxpath($dom); $unitid = $xp->query("/ead/archdesc/dsc/c01/did/unitid"); foreach ($unitid as $check) { print '<a href="#" onClick="displayResult2(' . $check->textContent . ')">' . $check->textContent . ' </a>'; // I presented the unitid's of a xml file and …

Member Avatar for renoua
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i have a php file that perform a query with the data that he receive form post information. what i need to do is detect from where the data is coming is is same domain or not and block when is not from the same domain. thanks a lot …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for bynor

Hello there, i got a problem uploading Mp3 files, i use this Form: [code=html]<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="carica" action="car1.php"><tr> <td><font color="#990000">Nome Canzone: </td><td><input type="text" name="use"></td></tr> <tr><td><font color="#990000">Nome Artista: </td><td><input type="text" name="art"></td> <tr> <td> <input name="uploaded" type="file" /></td><td><input type="submit" value="Caricare canzone" name="car"></td></tr> </form> [/code] and this Php : [code=php]$target = ""; $target …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for canterorist

Hi! i know you already experience to use this two cms software. I only want to know which of this two is the best. I have planned to create a site and then i am hesitate. I want your opinion or suggestions. please help me!

Member Avatar for nazar22
Member Avatar for keval_hack

hi, I am php programmer and i want to develop website in Gujrati (Indian Language). Can any one Help me how i can do this. thanks...

Member Avatar for nazar22
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

To all experts, I am trying create a page that allows users to view and reuse images returned from mysql. In the mysql database I have two columns "image_path" (which stores the path and name of an image stored in the file system) and "image_name" (a text name that the …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for maunica
Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for severman

hi all i want to show the user 2 forms together. mail and password(which means the user will have 2 submit buttons, one for the mail form and one for the password form). the purpose is to let the user change his mail/password but he wont have to change both …

Member Avatar for tarek71
Member Avatar for aMOEBa

Really I am a PHP beginner, I am working on this code and I need help, kinda stuck. I have a database with 3 fields(id, date and venue). This is simply what I want to do; I want my script to go into the database fetch the date and compare …

Member Avatar for aMOEBa
Member Avatar for joshke

At first, hello everybody! I want to make a php script which autofollow other users on twitter. The userinformation like the twitter username password or the search tearm will be saved in a database and read out. Here are is my code so far, but won't work correct: Autfollow.php [CODE] …

Member Avatar for joshke
Member Avatar for make11

Hi all, I'm sorry my bad english. If don't understanding something, please ask. I have a problem with my calendar. Can somebody tell me why I can't mark day cell in my calendar. Do I miss something what I can't see or is my code failed? My calendar is full …

Member Avatar for make11
Member Avatar for maunica

[CODE] <?php include('connect.php'); $type=$_POST['type']; $seat=$_POST['seat']; $no = $_POST[chkno];//number of checkbox checked $i=0; while($i<=$no) { $sql2="insert into bookinglist (type,seat) values('$type[i]','$seat[i]')"; $i++; } if (!mysql_query($sql2,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record added"; mysql_close($con); ?> [/CODE]

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for jbancrof

What I mean by this is when a person move over the main menu item that the menu shows the menu items with out clicking.. I guess like flash would.. Like the menu items above on this page.. ?

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for greatunknown

To get to the brunt of it, I have a link list on the left sidebar of my site, each link is just a recordset table value and I used a repeating region to repeat down. Therefore the list of links is essentially a list of recordset table values from …

Member Avatar for blackhole
Member Avatar for julzk

Hey all, I have a php query to calculate numbers and fix them. Say I have the following set of numbers: 2.38 3.4 3.45 10.3 8.1 5.07 4.8 I want all the numbers to be aligned, so the numbers that are 3.4, 8.1, 4.8 etc should have an attached 0 …

Member Avatar for julzk
Member Avatar for lbrown1179

Hello, I'm the volunteer webmaster for my church and tried to integrate a WordPress blog into my CSS-HTML site. It was going well following the tutorial at [url]http://www.burnseo.com/blog/2009/10/integrate-wordpress-into-existing-website-tutorial/[/url] until I edited the index.php file with the tutorial's code shown below. Then I got syntax errors in the browser, starting with …

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Member Avatar for SerjSagan

I am planning to use preg_replace to remove some unwanted stuff from dynamic string $mystring: <ul><li><a href="http://www.url.com/wiki/How_to_fix_erection_problems_after_prostate_surgery&amp;diff=335&amp;oldid=prev">How to fix erection problems after prostate surgery</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.url.com/wiki/Wikipenis:Community_Portal&amp;diff=334&amp;oldid=prev">Wikipenis:Community Portal</a></li> </ul> This string is generated from an RSS reader. (The url has obviously been replaced to make sure no one thinks this is …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for iqra123

hii i am trying to write code for Login but its not working.. i have used this code for my another loginpage there its working dont knw y its not on working on my new page. when ever i click on Login button it goes in else statement that open …

Member Avatar for iqra123
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

Ok here's the situation; I have these tables setup in MySQL; [B]Table name[/B] - Users UserID - INT Primary key Auto increment Email - VARCHAR Password - VARCHAR Firstname - VARCHAR [B]Table name[/B] - WallPosts PostID - INT Primary key Auto increment UserID - INT Foreign key Email - VARCHAR …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for naju
Member Avatar for yasir.se
Member Avatar for sam1

Hi, is there any source or tutorial i can use to build a voice chat application, it is just for test purpose want to build my skills on php. i searched google and came up with using ajaz and zend framework. but i want your opinion on this ? thanks

Member Avatar for MDanz

it should display in the textarea "car1>>car2" instead it displays "car1&gt;&gt;car2" try this code... it doesn't work. put your mouseover "test". [code]<?php $sumz= "car1>>car2"; $textsearch = array('&amp;lt;','&amp;gt;'); $textreplace = array ('<','>'); $textareatext = "$sumz"; echo "<div style='display:none;' id='1'>".str_replace($textsearch,$textreplace,htmlentities($textareatext))."</div>"; echo "<table><tr><td onmouseover='Test(1);'>test </td></tr></table>"; echo "<br /><br /><textarea name='reply' id='reply' style='color: #000000; …

Member Avatar for MDanz
Member Avatar for eliolum

hey guys am also doing online voting wanted to be help with codes for voters login am doing online voting system for our university

Member Avatar for jen06
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hello everyone, I used session and the id of the selected checkbox are passed to another page currently. now I do another query based on the ID of the selected checkbox. I want to display the fields from the selected result in columns like this [url]http://www.bluenile.co.uk/diamond_co...OMPARISON_STEP[/url] I did this [CODE] …

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for vilasdhobale

I have developed PHP application having Visitor management system i would like to match information (Visitor profile names ) from orkut application to my application ? If i suppose type a visitor name on my application form, so that at the same time it should get existing orkut profiles autolisted …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for wish02

I have a drop down menu and i'm also using an iframe. how do i get the value of the drop down selected value if the url doesn't change at all? it is always the main page's url that is shown. HELP!:) thanks!

Member Avatar for wish02

The End.