39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeeter19

Hi, [B]Problem At Hand:[/B] Include my [I]config.php[/I] file which contains the string variables I want to use inside my [I]global.php[/I] file which contains a connect() method which I am trying to use. [B]What's Going Wrong:[/B] It successfully is including the [I]config.php[/I] file but it doesn't seem to have access to …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for waren

Hello I'm new also with the php programming language i tried to put this code. I wanted to happen is when it submit it will email to me the name of the user. <?php $alert = $user->get('username'); if (isset($_POST['continue'])){ mail("www.warviper@gmail.com","User Login",$alert); } ?> <form name="frm" action="http://google.com" method="post"> Good Day! <?php …

Member Avatar for waren
Member Avatar for bimal_nayak

Hi i want to increment the month for a maturity date calculation , how can i do that.... Please anybody help me.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Grantism

Hey guys I am very new to this forum. I have quite a bit of experience with html, css and php. I was looking for a tutorial or some code examples for making a forum. I have a style I will use but I need to know the code for …

Member Avatar for mediachicken
Member Avatar for mediachicken

Hello, I've been studying PHP for a while now, and am tackling my biggest project so far. I need to parse python code (which I'm already doing) and color code it. I need to get a word RIGHT before the ( symbol. I've tried just about everything, and can't get …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Kadafiz

Hi.. im PHP user.. i want to get a text box value to the Php variable by clicking hyperlink and i want to send that value to database using mysql query. i want to know that is how can i get text box value to the PHP variable clicking by …

Member Avatar for Kadafiz
Member Avatar for niche1

I can get this to work: $counter = 2; $src = ",'new[item" . $counter . "]'"; echo $src; But, not this: $counter = 2; $src = ",'$new[item" . $counter . "]'"; echo $src; Where $new has already been defined as an array. What do you think is the problem?

Member Avatar for niche1
Member Avatar for feodal

Hi guys, So I have a little project that I need to get done which I honestly don't exactly know how to approach. The task is. There is a website, cars.com and there you can enter in search field of used cars the zip code that you need for all …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rickarro

Hey All, I know this piece of script is not the best way to write this but it actually worked when I started this project, but for some reason it no longer works. I was wondering if someone could take a look at it and give me some improvements or …

Member Avatar for rickarro
Member Avatar for cristina.h

HI I am trying to send a mail from a html form. I am working with a localhost. I can't send the email but it doesn't show the error. What can I do to see the error? Thank you for your time. [CODE] <?php if ($_POST['submit']) { $nume=$_POST['nume_exp']; $mesaj=$_POST['mesaj']; if …

Member Avatar for farhan386
Member Avatar for heroic

Hi! I am new to cakePHP, and have been trying to develop an application with it. While using cakePHP i created a model with these validation rules... [CODE]var $validate = array( 'name' => array( 'rule'=>array('minLength', 1), 'message'=>'Name is required' ), 'email' => array( 'rule'=>'email', 'message'=>'Must be a valid email address' …

Member Avatar for ppetree

This idea came from my days as a C programmer back eons ago. I created a function called OutputDebugString() that takes a string as an argument and writes that string to a mysql table you create in your database (.sql code included). From there, a seperate module, called from a …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for BrianDickson

Hi all I'm starting to learn more about PHP5/OOP and the CodeIgniter framework. Most frameworks seem to have form classes and form helpers. What are the benefits of using these over straight HTML? I take it there is a reason for getting the server to process code as an [B]additional …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for lf.gene

Hi all, i have difficulties in appending my sql query in php. Need some of your help to guide me along. Tell me where does my code goes who. Thanks. for ($i = 1; $i<=$dayc; $i++){ $daya[] = $_POST['day'.$i]; } $link = mysqli_connect($HOST,$USERNAME,$PASSWORD,$DB); $query = "UPDATE class SET Time_Slot_idTime_Slot = …

Member Avatar for lf.gene
Member Avatar for sastudent

Below is my textarea class. I want to make it sticky..help please. I have the same problem with my drop down boxes (that post is still unanswered) [CODE]class Textarea extends TextBox { private $rows; private $cols; private $sub_head; function __construct($n,$d=NULL) { $this->name=$n; $this->default=$d; } function setHeight($h) { $this->rows=$h; } function …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for faizabest

Hye all. I have a problem to transfer all mt project / system from WAMP 5 (winXP) to WAMP 2.2.11 (win 7). Is there any different setting or how? I cant't run my system mat all.. =(

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jtaylor-bye

[code=php] <?php if($_POST){ $password=$_POST["password"]; $confirm=$_POST["confirm"]; if($password != $confirm){ ?> <span style="color:red">Error: Passwords do not match!</span> <?php } else { $dbhost ="localhost"; $dbuser ="root"; $dbpass =""; $dbname ="users"; require_once"/wamp/scripts/config.inc.php"; $conn =mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die ("Error connecting to mysql"); echo mysql_error (); mysql_select_db($dbname); $query=sprintf("SELECT *FROM users WHERE username ='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username'])); $result=mysql_query($query); if($result){ ?> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ayesha789

This is my table which I used to get access time of users at every single minute. [CODE]-- -- Table structure for table `members_log` -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `members_log` ( `SrNo` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `UserName` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `access_time` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`SrNo`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM …

Member Avatar for ayesha789
Member Avatar for vivi288

Hey guys, this is my first post. I'm having problems with a flat-file unique hits counter which I found online at [URL="http://inobscuro.com/tutorials/simple-php-unique-visitors-counter-30/"]in obscuro[/URL]. I installed everything properly, but whenever I try going to the "showcounter.php" file to display the total amount of hits I have received, the page freezes up …

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Member Avatar for justM

Hi I want to create a mobile website with a restricted login page. That is, such that to view the login page, a link with a protection code should first be sent to you via sms or other way. That is something like [url]http://m.mobilesite.(com)/login.php/243948[/url] The link should expire say after …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for dsmush

Hi, I'm new to getting info from a website and rendering it but have been asked by a potential employer to create such a feature on a website. What would be useful is if someone could point me in the right direction and possibly some scripts to look at? Cheers.

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for trilithon

Can anybody help me with setting up a cron job to run a PHP file. Here is the code that I inserted in the PHP file: [CODE]#!/usr/local/bin/php <?php include_once "connect_to_mysql.php";[/CODE] Here is the code that I used in the command line in the control panel: [CODE]*/5 * * * * …

Member Avatar for shubhamjain1
Member Avatar for Xufyan

Hello, I'm learning PHP from w3schools.com but they didn't explain everything clearly, see that page, [TEX]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp[/TEX] I want to know the meaning of this line , how it is checking the error in uploading ? [CODE]if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0)[/CODE]

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Viced

Hey guys! I also have a question about how to autogenerate these types of links. (Pardon my tacky english) What i am looking for is a way to autogenerate a "personal" och "unique" link for every user. These unique links are suppose to point to "registration.php". The idea is that …

Member Avatar for Viced
Member Avatar for gaz-boy

Hello I am very new to daniweb but have been using it for many years to help me learn web development. I am struggling with some code that I hope you guys might be able to help me with. I want to send checkbox data from a form my email …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for MarkBloomfield

I am using the php mail code to send emails from a website very successfully. However when the email address to send to is in the format [email]xxx.yyy@zzz.com[/email] it won't send. Any ideas? I am able later to post any code samples needed if necessary but all seems to be …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for rahul8590

For example , As i registered in daniweb.com , a mail was sent to my email id and after clicking on that link , i could complete my registration . i want to develop a similar module in php , where the users after signing in , i sent this …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sastudent

The code below is my insert statement to get values into my database. However, I now have an update page where users can update their information. I thus have a form in which their initial info is inserted and now they can change it and submit again thereby updating the …

Member Avatar for sastudent
Member Avatar for MarkBloomfield

I am using php mail to send a confirmation email from a web page. It all works absolutely fine until the email address is in the format [email]xxx.yyy@zzz.com[/email] That is to say there is a . in the local part of the address. I have tested the code and had …

Member Avatar for kaash1

I need help with the following query, i will be so thankful if anyone can help me please. I have two tables in database: Table1: [CODE] Column1 Column2 Status smith john 1 jack smith 0 julia rob 1[/CODE] Table 2: [CODE] Column1 Column2 thomas lewis scott smith john evans lopez …

Member Avatar for Manuz

The End.