39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I'm just looking for some graph makers for the data we have in our database. We would like to analyse the data taken out of the database and present it in a graph format to see who has got low/high ranks. Is there any free API that we …

Member Avatar for gabrielcastillo
Member Avatar for vinay7868

<?php connection check; select database; $sql="select * from category" mysql_query($sql); $prod_name=$_POST["prod_name"]; /*pls tell me what to pass in cat_id down i have to take the select tag's value property then what should i pass pls help me.........*/ $cat_id="What to write here...." sql1="insert into product(prod_name,cat_id) values('".$prod_name."','".$cat_id."'); $r=mysql_query($sql1); ?> <html> <form> <select …

Member Avatar for vinay7868
Member Avatar for jkulp4

Hi All, I am a newcomer to PHP and still learning. Any help with this problem would be appreciated. Please see the code below. Whenever I run this I get an error message: "Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in C:\wamp\www\selected.php on line 25" Can someone …

Member Avatar for phorce
Member Avatar for natehome

can any body tell me why this isnt working, thanks function getInfo() { $iniData = parse_ini_file( "jquery_msg_admin/data/php_browscap.ini", true ); foreach($iniData as &$row){ if(fnmatch($pattern,$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ foreach($iniData as $parent => $parentparameters){ if($parameters['Parent']==$parent){ foreach($iniData as $parentparent => $parentparentparameters){ if($parentparameters['Parent']==$parentparent){ $out = array_merge($parentparentparameters,$parentparameters,$parameters); } } } } break; } } return $out; }

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for waxdaddy

Building an application or site in PHP that uses the eBay API can at first be quite a daunting task, just trying to get your head around that vast selection of API's available to the budding developer for eBay can take a while in its self before you even write …

Member Avatar for waxdaddy
Member Avatar for rjony321

Hi, I have login logout problem.when i LOGED IN i want my login button change it logout.But its not beahave like this.here is my code please see and help with neccessary steps: <?php if(isset($_SESSION['user_active_status'])=='1') { ?> <div class="user_purpose"> <ul> <a href="index.php?page_select=page_logout124" style=" font-family: calibri; color: white;"><li class="user_log">Logout</li></a> // page_select : …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for 68thorby68

I'm constructing a very simple query, and want to display the results in a list, in date order, i.e. 2009-12-25 have lunch drink beer fall asleep 2009-12-26. have breakfast drink beer have lunch etc My table is also very simple, 1 column for date and 1 column for event. my …

Member Avatar for adrianazidu
Member Avatar for JameB

I have a form that takes in information from the user and saves the info and then displays it in the form field.. . . Form: <form method="post" action="/core/process2.php" name="step2_form" target="_blank"> <div class="float_left"> <table class="form_step2"> <tr class="form_step2"> <td class="form_step2 title"><p class="form_text">File Date</p></td> <td class="form_step2 input"><input type="text" class="box_form" name="file_date" value="<?php include($datadir."file_date.txt"); …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for smokewpn

Hello, i have one browser game script. After i got it installed, found error in parse. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/u522513027/public_html/conf.php on line 21 <? Error_Reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); $base_name="mysql.uhostall.com"; $base_user="u522513027_gamer"; $base_pass="metalcore"; $db_name="u522513027_gamer"; $GSM="0"; $break = "0"; $per = "0"; $supportmail = "support@test.ru"; ///эту …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for krupanand

Can any one help me in generating a webpage using php which should contain a form in a table of 4 columns and more than 50 rows with textboxes.. The data in the first 2 columns has to be retrieved from the database based on the attributes selected in the …

Member Avatar for krupanand
Member Avatar for aadil7

Hello everyone I have a website where I have a contact form and I am not getting the contact form sent to my email my website is www.rrwills.com I have attached the contact.php code below for you to examine. I personally scoured the code and could not figure out anything …

Member Avatar for aadil7
Member Avatar for trektrak

I have this code below... I would like to resize the image after uploading from mysql... is it possible... anyone can help me on this ? <?php include "file_constants.php"; // just so we know it is broken error_reporting(E_ALL); // some basic sanity checks if(isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { //connect to the …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for dourvas

hallo there. My english arent quite good so excuse me in advance i have a form. This form contains a select and some textareas. i get data from a database to fill in the select. This is the code: echo "<form method=post name=f1 action='bathmoi-ins.php'>"; $quer=mysql_query("SELECT member_id, lastname, firstname, fathersname FROM …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for talisien

Hello, Does anyone know how to connect to a ms sql server from a unix platform Below is the code i found. I've setup the slq server and allowed it to accept remote connection. Port 1433 is open for connection and firewall is configered to allow remote connection. The host …

Member Avatar for talisien
Member Avatar for thirumal.balu.3

im sending jquery date value and database cannot update the current format so i need php date conversion pls anyone suggest me

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for laxmanm1

I want to assign a value to a variable in radi button. I tried a code like this <form method="post" action=""> <input type="submit" name="task" value="CONTINUE" onclick="$lax="5"> $task = $_POST['task']; switch( $task ) { case 'CONTINUE': echo $lax; i want the variable lax to get the value 5 while entering the …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for PatrikDendis

Hi. I have URI Language Identifier on my website I did it according to directions on codeigniter WIKI. It works fine. But How Can I get name of controller because $this->uri->segment(2) = id and $this->uri->segment(1) = name of the metod. This is my routes.php $route['default_controller'] = "page"; $route['404_override'] = ''; …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for shehnaz1991

i want 2 convert database table into pdf file and display on the web page using php code how do i do it can u give me any suggestion????

Member Avatar for menukadevinda
Member Avatar for daisy.m.consolacion

how to upload photos with its description and when you clicked the photos it will appear the photos together its description that can be edited by an administrator in php code

Member Avatar for daisy.m.consolacion
Member Avatar for da(code)da

i have a list and mysql table. my goal is to make the links active if there is a game in its section: this is my code: mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gameChart"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "<dl><dt>Writer's Forge</dt>"; if (!$row["secID"] == 1){ echo "<dd>Collaborated Poetry</dd>";} else { …

Member Avatar for coreyavis
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi, The past few weeks, I been creating tables and I usually used **TEXT** but I realized if I have alot of data to type in. If I **echo** the data will it not **echo** if I don't have enough Space usage? I used Godaddy **Space Usage** Type Usage Data …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Zhedeng08

I am sorry if repost I'm making a schedule of course and I am having problems how to apply ant algorithm in php (cakephp), the problem is where the ant algorithm is embedded I have a table - Classroom - Course - readiness - lecturer - schedule I have a …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I need a fresh set of eyes. I'm trying to redo a page from scratch, and simplify things. I've gotten a "beginner-stumping" error. And I'm a beginner, so that makes it harder. It's a page where the user makes a selection from a form with fields generated by a database. …

Member Avatar for turpentyne
Member Avatar for combat.mz

I need the code for inserting and deleting and updating a form in php by using of mysql in the back in this my table table vehicle veh_id veh_name model type color cost airbag speed

Member Avatar for vinay7868
Member Avatar for shehnaz1991

<?php mysql_connect('localhost','root','root'); mysql_select_db('project'); $dbname="project" require('fpdf.php'); //Connect to your database mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); //Create new pdf file $pdf=new FPDF(); //Open file $pdf->Open(); //Disable automatic page break //Add first page $pdf->AddPage(); //set initial y axis position per page $y_axis_initial = 25; $pdf->SetX(25); $pdf->Cell(30, 6, 'id', 1, …

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for da(code)da

Im getting a "Unknown database 'user_admin'" error and i dont see it here is my code $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["Username"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE UserName='$username'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { //All Checks Out: Create Databases $dbase = "user_" . $_POST["Username"]; mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $dbase",$con) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbase, …

Member Avatar for nunomartinsinet
Member Avatar for asaidi

Hi > nice to be in DANIWEB > really i m stucked in collecting value from ajax > i have an html select option on onchange on account i have the list of the customers belongs to the account > the problem i cannot collect the value of customer choosen …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for arctushar

Hi I have a form with textarea. when user submit content through this text area. indent and paragraph is preserving in mysql. Even when I copy data from mysql via phpmyadmin, it also preserving indent and paragraph. But problem is that, when I get data from mysql via php script. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for BadManSam

Hi, I need a script that on click of a button. Delete a folder/file. So when I click the button the folder deletes and it is for a install file that I made.

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for vijayram

Hi everybody, I have problem in meetnewpeopleid meetnewpeopleid value is null how can i getid? anybody plz help me class meetnewpeopleActions extends sfActions { public function executePlanpage(sfWebRequest $request) { $meetnewpeopleId = $request->getParameter("meetnewpeopleId"); var_dump($meetnewpeopleId); $meetnewpeople_obj= Doctrine_Query::create()->select('m.personal_id,m.photo,m.plantitle,m.country_id,m.zone_id,m.city,m.plantype,m.about_plan,m.date,m.what,m.where_go,m.time')->from('meetnewpeople m')->where("id = ?" ,$meetnewpeopleId) ; $meetnewpeople=Doctrine_Core::getTable("Meetnewpeople")->find($request->getParameter('meetnewpeopleId')); $result = $meetnewpeople_obj->fetchArray(); $this->meetnewpeoples = $result; var_dump($result); } }

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The End.