I am sorry if repost
I'm making a schedule of course and I am having problems
how to apply ant algorithm in php (cakephp), the problem is where the ant algorithm is embedded
I have a table
- Classroom
- Course
- readiness
- lecturer
- schedule

I have a class of ants and ant algorithms (if I've made are correct)

what should i do
Help me please...

    class Ant{
        private $the_food;
        private $the_pheronome;
        private $startPoint;
        private $lastPoint;
        private $currentPoint;
        private $food_collected;
        private $food_storage;
        private $fitness_constraint;
        private $fitness_cost;

        public function __construct($food){
            $this->the_food = $food;
            $this->startPoint = rand(0, count($this->the_food));
            $this->currentPoint = $this->startPoint;
            $this->last_point = $this->startPoint;
            $this->food_collected = array();

        public function setPheronome($pheronome){
            $this->the_pheronome = $pheronome;

        function collectThatFood(){
            $eat = true;
            $eatCount = 0;
                $collect = false;
                    foreach($this->food_collected as $key){
                        if ($key == $this->currentPoint){
                            $collect = true;
                        $this->last_point = $this->currentPoint;
                        $eat = false;}

            function putTheFoodOnStorage(){
                foreach($this->food_collected as $food){
                        $size = $this->the_food[$food][2];
                    if($day > -1 && $time > -1){
                            [$time+$sizeCheck]= $food;

        function getEmptyStorage($size, $level = 0){
            $deepLevel = $level;
                if($deepLevel > 600){
                    return array(-1,-1);
            $randomSelectDaySlot = rand(0, count($this->food_storage));
            $randomSelectSlotTime = rand(0, count($this->food_storage[$randomSelectDaySlot]));
            $storageCanUse= true;

        for($sizeCheck=0; $sizeCheck<$size; $sizeCheck++){
                if(!isset($this->food_storage[$randomSelectDaySlot][$randomSelectSlotTime + $sizeCheck]) || $this->food_storage[$randomSelectDaySlot][$randomSelectSlotTime + $sizeCheck]!== "EMPTY"){
                    $storageCanUse = false;

            if ($storageCanUse===true){
                return array($randomSelectDaySlot,$randomSelectSlotTime);
                return $this->getEmptyStorage($size,$deepLevel);

        function set_storage($foodStore){
            $this->food_storage = $foodStore;

        function get_storage(){
            return $this->food_storage;

        function getTheFood(){
            return $this->food_collected;

        function set_constraint($fitnessConstValue){
            $this->fitness_constraint = $fitnessConstValue;


    class AntAlgorithm{
        private $ant_size;
        private $gen_limit;
        private $ant_food;
        private $ant_constraint;
        private $ant_colony;
        private $pheronome;
        private $food_storage;

            public function __construct(){
                $this->pheronome = new Pheronome();

            public function set_antCount($antCount = 1){
                $this->ant_size = $antCount;

            public function set_genLimit($genLimit = 1){
                $this->gen_limit = $genLimit;
                echo "Generasi di set " . $genLimit;

            public function set_food($arrFood = array()){
                $this->ant_food = $arrFood;

            public function set_storage($arrStorage = array()){
                $this->food_storage = $arrStorage;

            public function set_constraint($arrConstraint = array()){
                $this->ant_constraint = $arrConstraint;

            public function tellAntToCollectTheFood(){
                        foreach($this->ant_colony as $antId => $ant){
                            $this->food_storage[$gen][$antId] =

            public function getCollectedFood(){
                return $this->food_storage;

            private function orderTheAnt(){
                    $myAnt = new Ant($this->ant_food);
                    $this->ant_colony[] = $myAnt;

            public function fitnessCount(){
                foreach($this->food_storage as $gen => $antResult){
                    foreach($antResult as $antId => $food_result){
                        foreach($food_result as $dayId => $timeResult){
                            foreach($timeResult as $timeId);

Is that a game that you're designing for a course or something? In your description, you've said that you're making a schedule of course. But the code looks like it is more about a game. Am I Right?

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