39,326 Topics
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I want to assign a value to a variable in radi button. I tried a code like this <form method="post" action=""> <input type="submit" name="task" value="CONTINUE" onclick="$lax="5"> $task = $_POST['task']; switch( $task ) { case 'CONTINUE': echo $lax; i want the variable lax to get the value 5 while entering the … | |
Hi. I have URI Language Identifier on my website I did it according to directions on codeigniter WIKI. It works fine. But How Can I get name of controller because $this->uri->segment(2) = id and $this->uri->segment(1) = name of the metod. This is my routes.php $route['default_controller'] = "page"; $route['404_override'] = ''; … | |
i want 2 convert database table into pdf file and display on the web page using php code how do i do it can u give me any suggestion???? | |
how to upload photos with its description and when you clicked the photos it will appear the photos together its description that can be edited by an administrator in php code | |
i have a list and mysql table. my goal is to make the links active if there is a game in its section: this is my code: mysql_select_db("my_db", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gameChart"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo "<dl><dt>Writer's Forge</dt>"; if (!$row["secID"] == 1){ echo "<dd>Collaborated Poetry</dd>";} else { … | |
| Hi, The past few weeks, I been creating tables and I usually used **TEXT** but I realized if I have alot of data to type in. If I **echo** the data will it not **echo** if I don't have enough Space usage? I used Godaddy **Space Usage** Type Usage Data … |
I am sorry if repost I'm making a schedule of course and I am having problems how to apply ant algorithm in php (cakephp), the problem is where the ant algorithm is embedded I have a table - Classroom - Course - readiness - lecturer - schedule I have a … | |
I need a fresh set of eyes. I'm trying to redo a page from scratch, and simplify things. I've gotten a "beginner-stumping" error. And I'm a beginner, so that makes it harder. It's a page where the user makes a selection from a form with fields generated by a database. … | |
I need the code for inserting and deleting and updating a form in php by using of mysql in the back in this my table table vehicle veh_id veh_name model type color cost airbag speed | |
<?php mysql_connect('localhost','root','root'); mysql_select_db('project'); $dbname="project" require('fpdf.php'); //Connect to your database mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB"); //Create new pdf file $pdf=new FPDF(); //Open file $pdf->Open(); //Disable automatic page break //Add first page $pdf->AddPage(); //set initial y axis position per page $y_axis_initial = 25; $pdf->SetX(25); $pdf->Cell(30, 6, 'id', 1, … | |
Im getting a "Unknown database 'user_admin'" error and i dont see it here is my code $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["Username"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE UserName='$username'"; $result = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_affected_rows() == 0) { //All Checks Out: Create Databases $dbase = "user_" . $_POST["Username"]; mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $dbase",$con) or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbase, … | |
Hi > nice to be in DANIWEB > really i m stucked in collecting value from ajax > i have an html select option on onchange on account i have the list of the customers belongs to the account > the problem i cannot collect the value of customer choosen … | |
Hi I have a form with textarea. when user submit content through this text area. indent and paragraph is preserving in mysql. Even when I copy data from mysql via phpmyadmin, it also preserving indent and paragraph. But problem is that, when I get data from mysql via php script. … | |
Hi, I need a script that on click of a button. Delete a folder/file. So when I click the button the folder deletes and it is for a install file that I made. | |
Hi everybody, I have problem in meetnewpeopleid meetnewpeopleid value is null how can i getid? anybody plz help me class meetnewpeopleActions extends sfActions { public function executePlanpage(sfWebRequest $request) { $meetnewpeopleId = $request->getParameter("meetnewpeopleId"); var_dump($meetnewpeopleId); $meetnewpeople_obj= Doctrine_Query::create()->select('m.personal_id,m.photo,m.plantitle,m.country_id,m.zone_id,m.city,m.plantype,m.about_plan,m.date,m.what,m.where_go,m.time')->from('meetnewpeople m')->where("id = ?" ,$meetnewpeopleId) ; $meetnewpeople=Doctrine_Core::getTable("Meetnewpeople")->find($request->getParameter('meetnewpeopleId')); $result = $meetnewpeople_obj->fetchArray(); $this->meetnewpeoples = $result; var_dump($result); } } | |
Not sure if i should be using php or JavaScript however i have a form that uses the following checkboxes td>How do you get to work?</td> <td><input type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="Train" />Train <input type="checkbox" name="transport[]" value="Bus" />Bus <input type="checkbox" name="transport[]" value="Car" />Car <input type="checkbox" name="transport[]" value="Bicycle" />Bicycle <input type="checkbox" name="transport[]" value="Walk" … | |
I want to write friendly urls by changing **`fullnews.php?id=123`** to something like **fullnews.php/123/This-is-the-Headline** or **fullnews.php/This-is-the-Headline-123** "This is the Headline" is the headline of the news item as selected from the database, id is the id selected from the database, I want to attach the id to the headline in url … | |
I am trying to create a search form for my database where a user can search for a customer name and all of that customers addresses will be displayed. my structure looks like this Customer table + ID + First Name - Last name - Company Name Address Table + … | |
I was not sure how to name this topic, and I also couldn't think of a term to search for to find the answer, so I apologize now if the answer is already on here. I have a form and this is the code: [CODE]<form action="http://wwtele.com/cgi-sys/formmail.pl" method="post" name="Contact" dir="ltr" lang="en"> … | |
I want to automatically increase 15 minute interval to the cells once I enter in one cell in the Microsoft Excel (.xls)file. For Example: In cell D11 I enter manually 3:00(i.e format h:mm), then automatically data should come to other cells i.e(E11, F11, G11, H11, I11, J11, K11, L11, M11, … | |
Dear All, I have searched pdf viewer in the internet. I have found some library and I have tried the code, but it still occured error. Some library is work but it must be on the internet connection. I want to make the pdf viewer on my web in the … | |
Hello, I have to update product prices every 30sec which is like the sites [site1](http://www.coininvestdirect.com/en/) and [site2](http://www.bullionbypost.co.uk/ ). i am just confused how they did in above sites. i am new to magento. please any body sugguest me Thanks | |
Hi, I developed a website with PHP version 5.1.4 and MySQL - 5.0.22. I tested the web on my localhost and it worked perfectly well. However, when I uploaded the website, I could not have access to all have to all the data inserted in my database. I could not … | |
Alright. I don't know how to program in PHP. I don't currently want to know. All I want to know is if &= " and" then what = "or"? I'm on a site with a search. the search doesn't work completly. The admin has much more important things to do … | |
Hi all, I want to two drop downs ,one is product and on selection of product there will be an another drop down subproduct . Then on selecting sub product ,the content of that sub product will be displayed in ckeditor. When I update the ckeditor content will be updated … | |
Hi! I recently done marketing for wordpress based job and they said write a proposal to them. I don't have any experienced about writing proposal and any one know where can I find a copy to referenced. and I don't know much about calculation of the project price with working … | |
Hello friend, I have a registration form and a admin panel for that, In admin panel we can see the list of registered users. I can filter user details by search but i cannot export searched results to .xls or .csv format. kindly help me...!!! Thank you. | |
Hey guys. I'm trying to get an idea on how to code a certain table. The table has 6 cells: 3 columns and 2 rows. Each cell needs to be filled with information from a MySQL database. The columns are completely even. However, the second row is very uneven depending … | |
hi, i have this code to submit a login form: [CODE] <?php if(!isset($aid)){ ?> you must login:<br> <form name="form1" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>"> <input type="text" name="aid"><br> <input type="password" name="apass><br> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" Login "><br> </form> <?php } else{ ?> welcome etc... <?php } ?> [/CODE] this code was working fine until … | |
Hi, it's my first time using captcha with PHP, I think I'm pretty close. I can get it echo everything is right or whatever when the fields are filled in correctly and correct words are entered, but what I can't do is make it run the script from another file … |
The End.