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23 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for alfroadgoerge

[QUOTE=alfroadgoerge;1114041]please help me.... guys..... i want to know how to make a calculator in turbo c. thanks....[/QUOTE] try this code. [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void box(int x, int xx, int y, int yy); void box(int x, int xx, int y, int yy) { int xs,ys,i,j; xs=xx-x; ys=yy-y; for(i=1; i<xs; i++){gotoxy(x+i,y);printf("%c",205); …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! I don't know if I am in the right place to post my problem. My apology. Well I have a problem regarding on my computer. Everytime I turn it on, white vertical bars shows and it takes more than 30 minutes to load. Very slow to start up. …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! I am a student and still a noob in PHP. Well, I'm trying to figure out what is the best method for a log in page system that provide the ability for an Administrator to log in using the same log in form for normal users but get …

Member Avatar for DarkMonarch
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! I need your help. So I am currently working on my school project for web based voting system and I'm having a hard time to figure it out how to pass value 1 of multiple selected radio buttons to database. Here's my code so far: Here is my …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! I am a student and I am currently working for online voting system for my school. I am having a hard time how to prevent users/students from multiple votes. Could please give me some example that users can only vote once using their ID number? I have a …

Member Avatar for titosd
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! Guys I really need your help. I'm still a noob and a student. So I made a table for electoral officials and also I made a link where user can see the information of the certain candidates in mouseover box. But I'm still trying to figure out how …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! :) Could you please help me? I am still a noob and I'm having a hard time about displaying selected values from mysql database into popup window? This is my code where user can see the table of the electoral officials: -----CUT----- <div id="page"> <div id="blanket" style="display:none;"></div> <div …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello. :) So I am creating a grading system where users can compute student's grades on selected ID Number. The problem is after clicking the COMPUTE button, an "Error!" message display. So far I can save the grades in database but I can't compute it. I'm sorry I'm new to …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi everyone! I am sorry I'm new to PHP and MySQL. So, I am creating a form for user to update their details and compute student's grade but the updating part doesn't work. Here is code: [B]COMPUTE.PHP[/B] [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Compute Grade</title> </head> <body> …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

So I'm trying to create a PHP and MySQL program where users can add, update, delete, view and search records. But the problem is I can't update records whenever I click update button. Here's my code --> [CODE] <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Update Record</title> </head> …

Member Avatar for rajeevphp2011
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi everyone! So, I'm trying to create a program which users can add, update, delete, view, and search records but I am having a hard time about updating records in my database. In my Update form, I've got 1 dropdown menu or option that contains ID number and when I …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello everyone! :) I'm sorry I'm new to this stuff. So I'm trying to create a simple system information and I am attempting to populate a listview control and I get a Run-time error '380': Invalid property value. I hope you can help me and I hope it made sense. …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Sorry I'm new to these stuff but I am having a hard time about this. So I'll trying to create a php and mysql program which can view records from database server. In my form I have 2 dropdown list and 2 submit button, the first one the the list …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hello, I'm almost completely useless at C, and as part of a project I've got to conjure up a programme, and I'm just hoping someone can give me push to get it started. I want to make a programme where the user can draw a CIRCLE, SQUARE, LINE and POLYGON …

Member Avatar for jhamelberja@yah
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi!, I'm newbie here on daniweb.. and i dont know if i'm in a right place to post this problem. lol. *sorry for my english* anyway, will you please help me about Turbo C? My teacher gve us a sample problem and he starts it with this code : [code]#include<conio.h> …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help to my Turbo C program.. I need to create a program that will ask the "Starting X:", "Starting Y:", Ending X:", and Ending Y:" on different shapes.. this is how the program should be: [CODE]SQUARE: starting X: starting Y: ending X: ending Y: CIRCLE: Starting X: …

Member Avatar for Top9ne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help to my Turbo C program.. I need to create a program that will ask the "Starting X:", "Starting Y:", Ending X:", and Ending Y:" on different shapes.. this is how the program should be: [CODE]SQUARE: starting X: starting Y: ending X: ending Y: CIRCLE: Starting X: …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help to my c++ program. I created a program that is much like the "Who wants to be a Millionaire" television show. It has questions and the right answers and three lifelines. How can I possibly do eliminate a lifeline after being used.? this is the program …

Member Avatar for aianne
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help to my c++ program. I created a program that is much like the "Who wants to be a Millionaire" television show. It has questions and the right answers and three lifelines. How can I possibly do eliminate a lifeline after being used.? this is the program …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help for my c++. This is the code: [CODE]#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void box(int x, int xx, int y, int yy); void box(int x, int xx, int y, int yy) { int xs,ys,i,j; xs=xx-x; ys=yy-y; for(i=1; i<xs; i++){gotoxy(x+i,y);cout<<"Í"; gotoxy(x+i,yy);cout<<"Í"; } for(j=1; j<ys; j++){gotoxy(x,y+j);cout<<"º"; } for(j=1; j<ys; j++){gotoxy(xx,y+j);cout<<"º"; } {gotoxy(x,y);cout<<"É"; …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help! I need to create a program in c++ that ask a question, there is a multiple choice, display if your answer is wrong or correct. Like the gameshow "Who wants to be a millionaire" and included "LIFELINE" I tried and it runs but when I chose …

Member Avatar for tetron
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need help for my homework in c++. My professor wants us to write a program that ask a question and there is a multiple choice and the answer. like the gameshow "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Please give me some example.. (^_^) thank you so much!

Member Avatar for Tigran
Member Avatar for aianne

Hi! I need your help!! My teacher wants us to create flowchart with this code from turbo c : [CODE=c]#include<stdio.h> main() { int grade; clrscr(); printf("Enter Grade:"); scanf("%d",&grade); if(grade<=74 && grade>=70) printf("Sorry, You Failed!"); else if(grade>=75 && grade<=100) printf("Congratulations! You Passed!"); else if(grade>=101 && grade>=101) printf("Invalid Grade"); else if(grade<=69&&grade<=69) printf("Invalid …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC

The End.