39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for jhonnatas

hi friends!i have database with "events" table,then the user clicks on the "events" link on the index page and it searchs in the database all the events loads a page with links to the events. example: january events ( a link to january events) february events (another link) if the …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Barrett1

[CODE]<?PHP $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages, comments WHERE messages.user_on='$user2' AND comments.msg_id_fk = messages.msg_id ORDER BY messages.msg_id, comments.com_id DESC") or die(mysql_error()); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Barrett1
Member Avatar for griffith

is it possible to order a query by another query by mysql_num_rows? if so, can someone please tell me thanks $query2 = doquery("SELECT id FROM table_name2 WHERE id='$thisid'"); $idcount = mysql_num_rows($query2); I tried this: $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER by mysql_num_rows($query2)"); AND $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM table_name …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for rameshreddy

hi to all, plz visit this page, [url]http://www.stubhub.com/new-york-yankees-tickets/yankees-vs-astros-6-11-2010-898499/[/url] and i need right side table values of all pages(means price, section, row, etc) i tried but i can't, i tried class_http.php too.........plz help me

Member Avatar for rameshreddy
Member Avatar for davidjennings

Hi All, I am trying to pass the value from drop down menu generated from the database and I am trying to pass the value from the first drop down selection to the next the value in red is the variable. I have tried the $category_id=$nt['category_id']; $category_id=$_GET['category_id']; but this does …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for dalip_007

hi can any one please tell me how can i increase sql packet size in xampp server? i am getting an error like "Mysql packet size is 1MB and it is lower than the size of the file GeoIPCountryWhois.csv which is 9MB. " Thanks

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for niths

Hi all, i had written a query [CODE]$sql3="select userid from projectassign where projectassign='$projectassign'"; mysql_error(); $result3=mysql_query($sql3); $num1=mysql_num_rows($result3); $i=0; while ($i < $num1) { $userid=mysql_result($result3,$i,"userid"); echo $userid; $i++; }[/CODE] so now i am getting some userid's. Now there are some checkboxes present in a table of users.Based on the query, userid's obtained …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for zia zia

Hello Guys... I'm a novice in both php/mysql. I'm creating an application and have many problems with it.I need help with some of the areas. First my application is a multiple forms based. The first page is that an admin logs into it by authenticating with mysql (This part I've …

Member Avatar for amac44
Member Avatar for cthoes

it would be really great if any one of you could help me out difference between the following to connection to database 1 $connection = DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database"); 2 $con=mysql_connect(servername,username,password);

Member Avatar for Designer_101
Member Avatar for lifeworks

Im building something that awkwardly resembles Facebook, to use as an intranet... and as such, the system allows you to organise meetings. In my attempt to make this thing useful, I thought it would be cool to email everyone thats invited to the meeting an 'Outlook meeting Request', which I …

Member Avatar for nquinlan
Member Avatar for Makall

I tried using the example at [URL="http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.asp"]http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_includes.asp[/URL] [CODE=menu.php]<a href="/default.php">Home</a> <a href="/tutorials.php">Tutorials</a> <a href="/references.php">References</a> <a href="/examples.php">Examples</a> <a href="/about.php">About Us</a> <a href="/contact.php">Contact Us</a> [/CODE] [CODE]<html> <body> <div class="leftmenu"> <?php include("menu.php"); ?> </div> <h1>Welcome to my home page.</h1> <p>Some text.</p> </body> </html> [/CODE] I tried this: [CODE] <div id="topbar"> <form method="post" action="parser.php"> <p>URL: …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for dalip_007

Hi all i am tracing ip addresses of all the site visitor using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; and its working fine, But i want to exclude all ip starting from 172.122.*.* . i want to put "if" condition but don't know how to track these first two figure. can anyone please tell me …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for Mongooseman

Last summer I took a job working on a small company's website. At first I just added some pages they wanted, but by the end of the summer, I rebuilt it from the ground up. The original version looked like something from the nineties, complete with scrolling text and a …

Member Avatar for Mongooseman
Member Avatar for maunica

please can any1 tell me what is the problem with this delete code?? [CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","username","pswd"); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("dbname", $con); $val=$_GET['teachers']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM teacher WHERE title='$val'"); mysql_close($con); ?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for Manuz
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

Hi, I am beginner in PHP and MYSQL ... Before using mysql i have created database in text files.. Now I have to convert it into the table of mysql database.. The things i want to do is .. first open the specific folder and into that open the sub …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for bashaash

Hi everyone i have maked pop upp audio player play.php and the i want to my url adress to appear like this [CODE]http://www.mydomain.com/play.php?id=1[/CODE] now it appears this [CODE]http://www.mydomain.com/music.mp3[/CODE] and here the pop upp player Ex. play.php [CODE]<?php $mURL=$_REQUEST['id']; ?> <object id="p67" height=64 width=360 border="0" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/"> <param name="URL" value="http://www.mydomain.com/<?php …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for LalinM

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';' in /home/a1420653/public_html/processform.php on line 46 Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> <?php // include MySQL-processing classes require_once 'mysql.php'; try{ // connect to …

Member Avatar for silviuks
Member Avatar for kirtan_thakkar

Hi, I am beginner in PHP and MYSQL ... Before using mysql i have created database in text files.. Now I have to convert it into the table of mysql database.. The things i want to do is .. first open the specific folder and into that open the sub …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for davidjennings

I am trying to populate a dropdown list using <select><option> and on the selected option pass the values to another page. I have been trying a lot of things over the las two days and I have finally decided to go to the community for assistance. The data is displayed …

Member Avatar for davidjennings
Member Avatar for Elehas

I'm not sure how many users on here are familiar with Drupal. I have an issue with views. I have two view displays and am displaying each in a separate block. The problem is that each display is pulling information from the same content type and I want it to …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for digiplaystudios

Hi There, My website is a search engine and on the home page it has the 'total number of searches performed: 123,456' - This is running simply by counting the total number of tags (it counts the entries in a MySQL table). Is there any way of it automatically updating …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for keyroche

Hello! I am creating a database driven site that is a directory of businesses. I have a page that displays the categories and a table full of categories in the mysql database. I have a while statement get the categories that start with a certain letter and echo them on …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for rameshreddy

hi, iwant data from [url]http://www.stubhub.com/new-york-yankees-tickets/yankees-vs-astros-6-11-2010-898499/[/url] in that right side div of all pages data, how can i get, plz help me.. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for demodav

For all those people who were like me at one time doing the long process of $thing1 = $_GET['thing1']; $thing2 = $_GET['thing2']; ... $thing1 = $_REQUEST['thing1']; $thing2 = $_REQUEST['thing2']; ... $thing1 = $_POST['thing1']; $thing2 = $_POST['thing2']; ... $thing1 = $row['thing1']; $thing2 = $row['thing2']; ... etc. we probably all have done …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for scaiferw

This code does a nice job reading the members from my database and setting up a form with checkboxes for each member in one long single-column list. What I need to do is to write some sort of loop that sets out 3 or 4 columns and splits the names …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hi, anyone can help me with getting the check box value? this is my code. Thank you [CODE]<HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="<strong class="highlight">JavaScript</strong>"> function getSelectedCheckbox(buttonGroup) { // Go through all the check boxes. return an array of all the ones // that are selected (their position numbers). if no boxes were checked, …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rizza_f

Hello, I got problem to write code excerpt in my article. [quote] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'articles' ( 'id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'title' varchar(250) NOT NULL, 'body' text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; [/quote] [quote] INSERT INTO 'articles' ('id', 'title', 'body') VALUES (1, 'Lorem', 'Lorem Ipsum …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for freiheit

Hello all :) Me and a friend of mine we are working in a project at the moment. We populate our database each one with his own data but now we need to merge our tables. The database has the same name in both machines, and also table name. I …

Member Avatar for freiheit
Member Avatar for niths

Hi all, I am having a page where there is a drop down box for projects.Below that i had a list of users with check boxes. so wen i select a project in the drop down and assign some users to that project by checking on checkbox. so here is …

Member Avatar for scaiferw
Member Avatar for AntiNL

Hi, This is a reaction to a post([url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread1720.html[/url]) thats a bit old, and I wanted to ask something, but it suggested I'd better start a new post. I'm sorry if theres another post going about this, but I couldnt really find the search function (just joined). First of all I …

Member Avatar for AntiNL

The End.