39,388 Topics
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Hello friends, I am the beginner of php developer and i have the Directory module project. i have form of directory module with state , city and business type. while i submit the form then display the result in pagination wise and also fetch the data with pagination wise. So … | |
I uploaded the files into my hosting server and im getting this error when i want to open my site what is the problem ? Im using `index.php` but i think that should not be the problem ? | |
This my form `<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST" > <table> <tr> <td>Name :</td> <td><input type="text" placeholder="Name" id="text3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Chose File : <input type="file" name="image" /></td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="2000000"/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" value="upload"/></td> </tr> </table> </form> ` code to upload image <?php include ("koneksi.php"); // error_reporting(E_ALL … | |
I am trying to insert data on my database, but when i do, it says UNDEFINED INDEX HTML code here <form action="insert.php" autocomplete="on"> <h1> Sign up </h1> <p> <label for="username">Your username</label> <input id="username" name="username" type="text" /> </p> <p> <label for="emails" > Your email</label> <input id="emails" name="emails" type="email" /> </p> <p> … | |
I am having trouble with unserialize method does not seem to work for my codeigniter project. What is the best method to unserialize with codeigniter php. I get a error A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: unserialize(): Error at offset 67 of 139 bytes Filename: extension/model_module.php Line Number: … | |
<div class="heading1"> <h3>Search by keyword</h3> </div> <div class="items"> <div class="item"> <form method="post"> <input type="text" class="css-input" name="search_key" id="search_key" placeholder="Search here"> <input type="submit" name="search" id="search" class="myButton" value="search" > </form> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> </div> This is my search keyword code: If I give any keyword it should search and display the particular … | |
Hi Friends i am trying to upload the photos in my dynamic place through my script. my path will be specified below [B]$uploaddir = ../gallery/categoryname/name/[/B] when i was trying to upload the photo is not moved in the above path. unfortunatelly is it moved to [B]../gallery/[/B] Please help me to … | |
hi all, i want to send sms to mobile phones from web site . is there any solution for this ....... give me idea!!!!!!!!....... | |
-Suppose I have a table "User_Gender" with fields "idGender,Gender_Name" that has Genders stored in it as Male and Female. -And I have a Select Input Field on My say html.php: <select name="Gender_Selector" onchange="document.forms[0].submit();"> <!-- USER GENDER FROM DATABASE IS CALLED HERE--> <?php $System->Genders();?> <!-- USER GENDER FROM DATABASE ENDS HERE--> … | |
-I have some codes written in native mysql and so I've been working on changing Myself to mysqli (I managed the procedural way and so I decided to Move forward with OOP ways) and came accross the use of Prepare Function. -Now the problem is I have a page where … | |
I’m trying to make a form, but it can’t be loaded in view. I’m using Bootstrap.My controller code is: <?php class Boot extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } function index() { $this->load->helper('form'); $this->load->library('form_validation'); // $data['form_css'] = array('class' => 'form-control'); $this->load->view('bootview'); $this->load->view('forma'); } } My view is: <html> … | |
I am working on an app that will allow user to split the cost of a service among themselves. a) is there any working example of this / code that I can look at? in php ![]() | |
Good day! I just want to ask a little help on how to redirect the user to the previous page after 5 seconds? Thank you! | |
Hi, I am new to yii and php and i want to deleveop a database design for school exam time table and maintain the time table for school management. How can I procced the same? Please help me? :( ![]() | |
Hello, I am using mailgun api for sending and receiving emails. The Outgoing mails contains html links/anchors in it.Now one of my clients requirement is to detect whether this email was opened, which link was clicked. ex: If mail contains link called "www.google.com". User opens the email in any email … | |
How to exploade in update query with update into database | |
how to pass id from one table to another table in php, can anyone tell me with example | |
Dajia hao, daniwebians! Just a quick question, is it possible to focus on a textbox on an externally loaded website? My goal is to load an external website, focus on a textfield, auto fill it with the current date, then submit it to then run my newly created scraper tool … | |
I have a table made up of time slots, when the user clicks maybe one or two and presses submit, i would like the date selected and the time slots chosen to be saved in to my sql. I am working on the query but a little stuck in regards … | |
$sql = "select u.Id, u.username, u.email, (NOW()-u.authenticationTime) as authenticateTimeDifference, u.IP, f.providerId, f.requestId, f.status, u.port from friends f left join users u on u.Id = if ( f.providerId = ".$userId.", f.requestId, f.providerId ) where (f.providerId = ".$userId." and f.status=".USER_APPROVED.") or f.requestId = ".$userId." ORDER BY u.username ASC"; I don´t understand the … | |
I was hoping i could get some help in regards to a time slot calendar i am working on. I have created a calendar in php. I need a key for the calendar which shows what days are: Available to be book Partially booked Fully booked Closed All on a … | |
how to display selected value of dropdownlist in textbox in magento? rly fast | |
Hi there i want to create a news item that posts to my database (this works fine) but i want to be able to upload an image in the same form and submit the file path to the news table where all the other content is placed. Here is my … | |
Our teacher tells us to add a crawl functionality that will get information from other databases online... is this legal, cause i think it's not | |
The error is on this line according to the browser console Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onclick' of nullcal.php:26 (anonymous function) When the a date is clicked other than in the january, april, novemeber the form doesnt opens. the code on like 26 is from the console browser is document.getElementById('trigger0').onclick … | |
Hello i im confuzed with this problem, i have converted the php code into the right format `MySQLi` and i get this wierd error `Notice: Array to string conversion in C:\xampp\htdocs\Training\core.php on line 25` So i dont know where is the problem in the `login.php` or `core.php` look at the … | |
i upload a file in php and read its contents.now i want to scan the file line by line and want to store some information in database.. can anybody help me plz.. |
The End.