39,388 Topics
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lets say a news and events tab is clicked and it shows news...by clicking read more you may view the whole content of the news including the image present inside...is there a way to display the image on the news tab without clicking the read more button? | |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_person_master` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `last_name` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, `full_names` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Full first name and middle names', `nick_name` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Most people call you by this name', `identity_number` varchar(13) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'National identification number', `photo` varchar(255) DEFAULT … | |
Hi Please help me on the below issue, how can we can get the `<span id='newText'></span>` value in php. i am not able to get the value in php variable. <html> <head> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> function changeThis(){ var formInput = document.getElementById('theInput').value; document.getElementById('newText').innerHTML = formInput; } </script> You wrote: <span … | |
Hi...tried to send email notification in php but not successful. When i check my email there is no email notification received. Below is the coding. Once the user click notify button, an email notification supposed to be sent to responsible person...Please advise...Thanks a lot. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); $_SESSION['Targetid']; $_SESSION["Progressid"]; … | |
Hi, Everyone... I have a php script that writes text to an existing .png file. image 1 - I would like to write / add image 2 too image 1 I have the following script working for the correct score. // add correct score $x = 257; $y = 205; … ![]() | |
Hello all, I need help as the support team at rockettheme told me that this is out of their support area and its belong to joomla, but they were kind enough to tell me which file need to be adjusted All I need is to make the image linkable to … | |
array (size=10) 'item-_token' => string 'k4i2tQbZNuKnhV0vqbdBJ0XlwKzGLm09KA0pWa5n' (length=40) 'item-link' => array (size=3) 0 => string 'link 1' (length=6) 1 => string 'link 2' (length=6) 2 => string 'link 3' (length=6) 'item-shop_name' => array (size=3) 0 => string 'a' (length=1) 1 => string 'b' (length=1) 2 => string 'c' (length=1) 'item-color' => … | |
Hi All, Over the years I have smashed through God knows how many brick walls with `.htaccess`, and all I've learnt is don't even try to make it complicated as nothing is ever simple. I have therefore resorted in recent applications to using `mysite.com/index.php/category/sub-category/create/` etc. and PHP to get hold … | |
Just a quick question...S_SESSION['variablename'] only works on php files within the same folder? | |
in this query format i want to display the Memr_Name. how can i get the values from this query $qryStr = mysqli_prepare($connection, "SELECT Memr_Name, MEMBER.Memr_Id from MEMBER, VOLUNTEER ". " WHERE MEMBER.Memr_Id = VOLUNTEER.Memr_Id AND VOLUNTEER.Batch= ? ". " AND VOLUNTEER.Task_Id = 'COR_GNRL' AND ". " VOLUNTEER.Chapter_Id = ? ORDER … | |
Errors: 1. Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens' in C:\wamp\www\SICS\includes\submitcategory.php on line 75 2. PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: number of bound variables does not match number of tokens in C:\wamp\www\SICS\includes\submitcategory.php on line 75 <?php … | |
hi guys.. i have a problem.. what i want is..i have a form with 2 textfield. i want the value after we insert data into it..the data will insert into database in one column..but how to do it?sory for my bad english..:'( my code: <td bgcolor="#A4DDED"> <strong>DL</strong> <input name="NF1" type="text" … | |
HI Please help. how to solve this I am using the below code. insert is working fine. but i am having problem in edit session i edit page i can able to display both values from Database. If i am changing the textbox1 value i am not able to get … | |
Hi, I'm creating a game where users play daily & earn points. I wanted to record the scores of each user each day for a month. At first, I thought to create 31 columns within the table & store the score in the appropriate date field. But, I think it … | |
Hello, I am trying to input pictures in student profile yet it doesn't work yet. I wonder why? studentinfo.php <?php include('includes/koneksi.php'); $student_id = isset($_GET['student_id']) ? $_GET['student_id'] : ''; $group_id = isset($_POST['group_id']) ? $_POST['group_id'] : ''; $access_level_id = isset($_POST['access_level_id']) ? $_POST['access_level_id'] : ''; $stu_fname = isset($_POST['stu_fname']) ? $_POST['stu_fname'] : ''; $stu_lname … | |
I would like to capture the modification date from a log file on the client machine in order to warn users (technical on an internal website) that they have not run updates for a given subsystem. Is there a way to do this? I've done this sort of thing before, … | |
Hey guys, I would like to know how much would it normally charge to create a zomato.com clone. Its a restaurant reviewing site where foodies can review the restaurants, bars and cafes. Thanks in advance! :) Peace! | |
Hi everyone I have a script which contains contains mostly JavaScript. After various bits of user input, it ends up with an array which contains 6 times (hh:mm) and these can be access by times[0] thru times[5]. Obviously these variables would be available on a clients PC. Another PHP programmer … | |
Hi I have added a custom form validation in codeigniter. The callback function returns true/false & the value of validating field. // JavaScript Document class Test extends CI_Controller { /*custom validation function*/ function _checkdate() { $post = $this->session->userdata('post'); echo $fdate = $post['frmDt']; if (preg_match('/^[0-9-: ]*$/', $fdate)) { return true; } … | |
hello, after accessing users country name,,can i have a php snippet which will convert 20usd automatically to visitor currency ??? | |
Hello, I have a php page (category.php) that loads its content from the database when a link is clicked from another page. For example a a link that looks like this `<a href = "category.php?category=cars">Cars</a>` when clicked will pull all the items from the database under the cars category and … | |
All, I'm trying to obtain the values from an external JavaScript using PHP - In my index.php page I'm trying to obtain the value being passed in as such: `<input type="hidden" name="imgSrcOrig" id="imgSrcOrig" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['remote_sill']; ?>"/>`` However - in the JavaScript I need to pass into the hidden field … | |
Hi guys.. I have a page where I can add values and upload file. Example. I can add name age and upload a pdf file with it. After addingi can view in a table as a row where I can delete or edit the record. The uploaded file gets saved … | |
I redirected to download page (I used window.location() or window.location.href() or replace()), but after download happens it should again come back to same page. I tried using setTimeout, but in vain. Another thing I dont have a chance to write redirect in download.php. Is there any solution for this requirement. … | |
<?php echo "<table border='1' style='border-collapse: collapse;border-color: silver;'>"; echo "<td width='100' align='center'>date in</td><td width='100' align='center'>date out</td> <td width='100' align='center'>model</td> "; echo "</tr>"; include("proses/dbcon.php"); $date_in = $_POST['date_in']; $date_out = $_POST['date_out']; if(isset($submit)) { $sql = "select * from inventory where createdate >= '$date_in' and createdate <= '$date_out' "; } $result= mysql_query($sql); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { … | |
I have been working on this for some time now and i cant get it to work, idk if im missing something small which im sure is the case, but the strange part is it works on an older installation of apache, so maybe im using code thats no longer … | |
Hi there! I have a problem and i want you guys to help me. I have 1 table which has many fields. (mysql and im connected from microsoft visual studio..runs very well so there no problem with this). lets forget the fields that we dont want now.. i have 4 … | |
Hiya guys i have an assignment based on authentication mechanisms as follows. Just want to be pointed in the right direction to get it started. Description: The purpose of this assignment is to exercise your skills in networking infrastructure, authentication mechanisms and the use of role management. Your task in … ![]() | |
Greetings Sirs. Can somebody help me with this problem i'm stuck here on this problem for about 4 days no. What i wanted to do is this.. Add a device named "Project C" And Add a Location "000-0001" Add another Location "Jake" First Input: Assign the device to Location "000-0001" … |
The End.