39,323 Topics
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Hi guys, I'm new here. I have a problem with connecting to my sql database. Everytime when I want to log in, I get this : Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in C:\xampp\htdocs\novi\funkcije.php on line 9 Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, boolean … | |
Hello! Currently I am working on a PHP project on my own that is slowly growing, before I really get it out there I want to begin working on some documentation. It's just that I'm unsure on how documentation is usually created, best practices on writing it, and how it … | |
hallo there, Its a very complicate problem and i wiil try to be as brief as i can. I hope you ll be able to understand my description. i ve coded a script that works perfect in my localhost. When i uploaded the files to a server some things just … | |
It is not easy to make the choice of a PHP framework. A lot goes into choosing the proper PHP framework especially if you want to use it on a long term basis. A wrong choice of PHP framework may lead to certain disadvantages, like, increased development time, the need … | |
I am working on an Assignment Problem, a part of Operation Research but the problem am facing is how to assign the task to the agents and then the anomaly where the algorithm has to repeat it self when it is not able to perform the assignment. | |
Hello, We are sending email using these settings: $config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com'; $config['smtp_port'] = 465; $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['mailtype'] = 'html'; $config['smtp_user'] = 'email@gmail.com'; $config['smtp_pass'] = 'password'; $config['smtp_timeout'] = 40; Thats ok it works. For few days. Later it stops sending. THen we go to gmail acount in web interface to … | |
Hi, I am using this SP, am getting both the result when using mysql workbench. CREATE PROCEDURE SP(IN _start INT,IN _end INT,INOUT _count INT) BEGIN SET _count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl); SET @qry = CONCAT('select * from tbl limit ', _start, ',', _end); PREPARE stmt FROM @qry; EXECUTE stmt; … | |
Hi, I've had a look through the forum(s), however, can't seem to find a solution to my issue (and I don't understand the PHP Manual). Basically, got a website linked to a database, trying to pull data from one table and display onto the website where appropriate. I have the … | |
require("conn.php"); $sql = "select * from pemohon where kp_baru='$kp';"; $result = mysql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if($row == TRUE) { echo $row['kp_baru']; // can display } else { echo "No KP tiada didalam pangkalan data."; // can't display } } | |
hya ive created a edit profile page for members to fill in and now i need that information to go to members profile page how do i do this ive tried several tutorials in youtube but get nowhere with them i dont need the register or login got that already … | |
I have a problem want to be solved. I have three pages. page1.php, page2.php page1.php has a form with two text field. one text field is for name and another is for number. there is a submit button and a "next" button too. using session I want show given name … | |
ok here is the login function from my class user which parent class is a Db connection file <?php require_once("DBConnection.php"); class User extends DBConnection { .... .... ... ... public function Login() { $sqlSelect = "select `UserName` from `user` where `UserName` = '$this->userName' and `Password` = '$this->password'"; $result = @mysql_query($sqlSelect, … | |
I have some functions that returns nothing or some value (obvious), and also having a little trouble with the if and closing, is there a good way to do this? I want to return the value after checking if any of the strings are not empty. Actually it is a … | |
Hi Friends, I have 5 checkboxes. What I want is..... I want to check 3 checkboxes so other 2 will be unchecked. After clicking the next button a table will appear and checked checkboxes will show in one column and unchecked will be another column. Can you give any idea … | |
I'm using the following code for my paging on my script <?php $pn = 0; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_product WHERE category = '$cat' ORDER BY id ASC "); $nr = mysql_num_rows($result); if (isset($_GET['pn'])) { // Get pn from URL vars if it is present $pn = $_GET['pn'];// filter … | |
I've got an upload script that generates some stuff in relation to uploads eg File foo.jpg uploaded succesfully<br /> File bar.tiff failed to upload! ... This is all part of a variable called `$message`. How could I pass this to another php script? Thanks for any help | |
G'day, I created my own simple blog with some posts in it, the posts are stored in a folder called "posts" and there in .MD format. I want to put a search engine on my blog when they search anything that looks similar to any blog.. it should show the … | |
Hi All I'm sure I'm missing something very small - and embarrassing! I'm being lazy - I could have entered the data manually, but wanted to automate it. I have a small csv file containing swimming meets, dates and locations along the following lines: May-13;;;; 17;other;Level 1 Program 1;Arboretum; 24;other;All … | |
Hello guys , how are you doing ? I want to create a unified search for many services I have, they are on multiple servers, and each one with its own database and contents. I've tried to connect to those database by using IP address but it refuse to connect … | |
I need to use javascript so that when the one radio button is selected nothing happens but if the other one is (for example, Cheque) it will then validate the field (Cheque Number).. | |
hii can any give me a php code that converts a csv file to an excel file | |
I am trying to make a jquery/php chat and i append data to the chat box, but then when the jquery loop trys to get the .last() data it gets the one before the appended data causing it to append the same data over and over again. hHow would i … | |
Hey everyone, So I did some more searching and I found a link that sort of helped me figure this thing out in a sense.. Here's the link https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3 . When I do all of what the site told me to do, it did give me a map but it … | |
Can someone have a look at some code for me? Here the problem. This is meant to delet an email address form a mysql table then alert the user this has been done. If the address does not exist then it alerts the user to that too. But even if … | |
I need to convert mysql class of one script to make a support for sqlite,but problem is sqlite dont have username/password thing nor database select as well,which means how some parts need to be removed.If i would convert to mssql one search and replace probaly would do the job.There is … | |
Hey all, i'm working on some code and i've got a little problem. $my_file = 'file.php'; $newline = "<?php $root = '"$mylocation"/'; ?>"; file_put_contents($my_file, $newline); As you can see i want to post a line into a file.. The problem is, this file will output: <?php = 'your location'; ?> … | |
I am a noob at web programming. I am currently writing a test forum. People will be able to create accounts and then login. But my problem is I dont know how a login script works. So I came up with this idea: 1): Every time an user creates an … | |
I am trying to create a file that with some values the user entered in the webpage. But my code doesnt create a file. And I have other code that is more or less similar that creates the file: Here is my code: <?php echo "<p> In order to create … | |
After finding out that php need to be run through a server and not as a normal .html file, I need to send an email to the "person" to make an appointment. Here is my code: <?php echo "<form method='post' action='mailform.php'> Email: <input name='email' type='text'><br> Subject: <input name='subject' type='text'><br> Message:<br> … | |
Okay so i have to make a signup form and i have pretty much everything finished but i keep getting this error **Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource**. I keep getting this error on my **$checkUserQuery** & **$checkEmailQuery** and don't know how to fix it. Any Suggestions? <?php … |
The End.