39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for abeer.rao

hi, i am creating a php based image gallery, after long search on google i found a good decent code for it. but when i change the opendir() location in code, the thumbnail image shows blank image instead of orignal image! here is the code! <?php # SETTINGS $max_width = …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for siddharth.dixit.5243

Write a php program for Currency conversion. Input Currency name, Value of Input Currency, Output Currency Name Output Currency Value. 1 dollar=50 Rupee 1 Pound= 1.5 dollar 1 Pound= 80 Rupee

Member Avatar for gon1387
Member Avatar for abeer.rao

i am creating a image gallery that uses different pages. i use simple html menu to link those pages but it was not redirecting to their orinal location. <ul> <li class="menu"><a href="new/index.php">Aww</a></li>; <li class="menu"><a href="mew1/index.php">Hot</a></li>; <li class="menu"><a href="new2/index.php">Chicks</a></li>; </ul> i have no clue that what to do!!

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi , I have return type object is "$answer" and I am getting the output by ussing "echo $answer"; is : array 'AnswerId' => int 1 'Comment' => string 'The license is found.OK' 'LicenseInt' => array 'LicenseID' => string 'L005673’. 'Prod_ID' => int 5644 'LicenseDate' => object(DateTime)[35] public 'date' => …

Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi
Member Avatar for unikorndesigns

Hello guys, i'll try to explain the problem i am facing here. I had searched for many file uploaders with drag and drop interface. I came across something at http://demos.9lessons.info/multiupload/index.php called the multiuploader. I saw the code and it was a bit of nightmare to me as am not so …

Member Avatar for unikorndesigns
Member Avatar for bangla

Hi, Would you please help me how to store a value from java script into php variable? <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var q1=Math.floor(Math.random()*11) <? php $q1v = q1 ; ?> </SCRIPT> echo $q1v

Member Avatar for bangla
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

I would like to know if there is a way to change an uploaded files dimentions to a specified dimention and make the size of the file adhere to a specified size, I have a person uploading huge files after being told to make them smaller, this guy refuses to …

Member Avatar for GraficRegret
Member Avatar for simplypixie

This is driving me mad. I am using jquery and ajax to run the php to update my database and that all works fine, but after the update (specifically adding records) I want to re-run the query to get all records so that the new one is displayed but nothing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I have a basketball league with over 100 teams, and I'm trying to organize the look and feel of the schedule, standings, and gym locations for the coaches, players, and parents to view on my website. I'm wondering how I could apply something like the code I posetd below, but …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for fiona.mcburney

Hi there. I'm trying to wrap my brain around something that is probably really simple - once you know how. I want to print the name of each park, only once, along with a list of its features. I have the following SQL query... $query = 'SELECT id, name, feat_name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for garyjohnson

Okay what I am trying to do might be hard to understand, but I will give it my best shot. I have created a script which selects data randomly from a table called albumname in a databse called characters. This array is then used again in a mysql_query to select …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for azgold472

This is what im trying to do. I qwery the database for 7 events and im attempting to do a rotating banner with link and a caption. However being new to this php coding im having issues with my echo statements. The title Tag is my caption. Im attempting to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hi all, i am redirecting [url]http://test.asia/[/url] to [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url] folder. but my problem is i don't want to show [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url] in address bar. i want to display [url]http://test.asia/[/url] instead of [url]http://test.com.au/asia/[/url]. i tried this using iframes and cloning but query strings are not showing . anyone have any idea please help …

Member Avatar for logu2win
Member Avatar for amith_ami

hi..all.. im a newbie to wordpress im using beauty spa theme... but it doesn't support the plugins.. and it also adding the characters like "#!" in the url when i click on the links. when i removed custom.js from the footer.php the plugins working fine but other functions not working …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for 03hasnam

I used the folowing website towards the end of the website http://zetcode.com/databases/sqlitephptutorial/ to make a connection to the sqlite database using PHP. Working on netbeans and have imported the appropriate driver and jar files however clicking submit on html is not doing the job and simply prints the whole php …

Member Avatar for TonyG_cyprus
Member Avatar for Navlag

Hello, I am just playing around with PHP and I have a silly little little login page, with the username and password hard coded in (not secure, I know). They are: username and password, respectively. Once logged in, there is a message saying I am logged in and a form …

Member Avatar for Navlag
Member Avatar for janskey15

Pls help me with this code.. <?php include "dbConfig.php"; if ($_GET["op"]=="login") { if (!$_POST["FullName"] || !$_POST["StudentID"]) { die("You need to provide a username and password."); } $q = "SELECT * FROM `register` WHERE `FullName`='".$_POST["FullName"]."' AND `StudentID`='".$_POST["StudentID"]."' LIMIT 1"; $r = mysql_query($q); if ($obj = @mysql_fetch_object($r)) { $_SESSION["FullName"] = $_POST["FullName"]; $_SESSION["StudentID"] …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for LastMitch

Hi I want to create a simple calendar on Smarty. I attached an image on how it looks so far. Here is my code **calendar.php** file: <?php require("libs/Smarty.class.php"); $smarty = new Smarty(); $date = "1/01/2013"; //January 01, 2013 $week_days = array("Sun"=>1, "Mon"=>2, "Tue"=>3, "Wed"=>4, "Thu"=>5, "Fri"=>6, "Sat"=>7); $total_day_of_month = get_total_day($date); …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for idzone

How to Scanning RFID Serial Number with PHP code, and then the serian number will be show in html text box

Member Avatar for Bachu
Member Avatar for gaspan

Hello masters It is possible to connect two different database system like(sql server and mysql) at the same time in the same script? If yes can you give me some tips of what procedure I'm going to use. If no then thanks for reading my threads. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Because i have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Aditya1991

I have my `$arr` of key value pairs like this: array(7) { ["No"]=> string(6) "101" ["Paper_id"]=> string(6) "WE3P-1" ["Title"]=> string(80) ""An Electrically-Small, 3-D Cube Antenna Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing"" ["Author"]=> string(13) "NassarIbrahim" ["Auth_order"]=> string(9) "WE3P-1-01" ["Aff_list"]=> string(51) ""University of South Florida, Tampa, United States"" ["Abstracts"]=> string(723) ""This paper presents the …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sagisgirl

i wanna add date in my form.. so i do with my code like this $sql_updTenant = "UPDATE md_tenant SET modifieddt = '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."'"; and in my php.ini, i already change this: ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ;date.timezone = to this: ; Defines the default …

Member Avatar for sagisgirl
Member Avatar for hayatuzair

Hey everyone, I was randomly trying to develop a web browser that works in php. I know this is a really small program if you look into it but I dont seem to get it to work. though I have worked it out, but I cant get it to display …

Member Avatar for NardCake
Member Avatar for bradly.spicer

<?PHP $time = $_POST['Time'];//The things in the [] can be anything you want, but remember these for later $xp = $_POST['X']; if($time <= 0) $time = 0; if($xp <= 0) $xp = 0; $db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $pass_word); $db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle); if ($db_found) { $SQL = "SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for bradly.spicer
Member Avatar for richprich

Hi, I have an API script provided to people fetching data from my website. Other than stats information, how can I get to know that which websites are connecting my website's API? Any php function that I can include in my API script to get their domain names then insert …

Member Avatar for richprich
Member Avatar for OsaMasw

Hello there, I've created an upload system with PHP and its working fine but I need to improve it by using jquery, I need only a progress bar for uploading operation I don't have **apc** installed on server and can't tell the server owner to install it for me is …

Member Avatar for OsaMasw
Member Avatar for eyeda

Hye guys, sorry, can anyone let me know why this code is not function in IE,but it doing great in chrome. Thanks in advance! ;) <?php //include("Connection.php"); backup_tables('localhost','root','1234','leave'); /* backup the db OR just a table */ function backup_tables($host,$user,$pass,$name,$tables = '*') { $link = mysql_connect($host,$user,$pass); mysql_select_db($name,$link); //get all of the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ssfreaky

Hi, I am a site owner with zero php experience. I have accidently deleted one letter from a header script and it caused my site to crash. I need desperate help. It shows Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/spark496/public_html/www.sourcetutoring.com/wp-content/themes/directorypress/header.php on line 152. Can any expert please help? This …

Member Avatar for widi05
Member Avatar for eyeda

Hi guys! Is there anyone can help me to do import and export database from my sql? i don't have any idea how to do it. I don't want to do it manually which is using phpmyadmin. So, i want to make it easy only by click the export button. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch

The End.