39,388 Topics
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Hello, Iam not an expert in PHP as I want to echo latest value from the table please help. My table name is : sym_fruit fileds name in the above tables are : id, fruitname, date each day i will add new fruit to this table so the latest fruit … | |
I have css animation for preloader. I need help to update content smoothly without redirecting page, using following functions $(window).on("popstate", function() { }); window.history.pushState({path: ""},"",""); Update link & content of next page after preloader progressbar animation ends `webkitTransitionEnd ` without redirecting to page. Need help to complete following functions function … | |
How i do remove duplicate questions from my excel file??? There are more then 150 questions in my excel file | |
$table = "<table>\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rounds); $i++) { $table .= "<tr><th>Week #: " . ($i + 1) . "</th><th>Match</th><th>Away</th><th>Referee</th></tr>\n";//table headers foreach ($rounds[$i] as $r ) {//iterate through an array $table .= "<tr> <td> Day :</td> <td> $r </td> <td>".$r["Away"]."</td><td> </td></tr>\n"; //i want to store values of … | |
heY guys :) recently I'm on web project which I use MySQL, bootstrap, PHP and Javascript. For this I have generated successfully dynamical forms using PHP. I'm using mysqli commands. I used dynamic forms if it not used I have to create hundred of html pages. So by doing this … | |
i want select then insert in php code but my code do nothing. public function deliverOrders($id_d){ $p=$this->db->prepare("select saldo from admins where name='".$_SESSION['name']."'"); $orders=$p->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); return $orders; if ($orders < 1000){ echo"<script>alert('you deposit less than 1000);</script>"; } else{ $q=$this->db->prepare("update orders_foods set status=1 where id=?"); if($q->execute([$id_d])){ echo"<script>window.location.href='index.php?page=orders'; alert('berhasil di kirim');</script>"; } else{ echo"<script>window.location.href='index.php?page=orders'; … | |
Sir I have these codes <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <style type="text/css"> .box{ margin:0 auto; width:30%; border:2px solid #CCC; height:auto; padding:10px; margin-top:50px; } </style> </head> <?php $my_continent=""; $my_country=""; $my_city=""; $my_zip=""; if(isset($_POST["submit"])){ $my_continent = $_POST['continent']; $my_country = $_POST['country']; $my_city = $_POST['city']; $my_zip = $_POST['zip']; } … | |
Hello Everyone, I need an information about how to join in query in MYSQL. | |
I have a simple MySQL database keyword search that is functional. However results for the search are not being returned if the keywords are not in the same order as entered in the database. For example searching for "dog cat mouse" will return a result, becuase this is the order … | |
Hello, I am planning to do my Thesis on SQLIA and now I am trying to understand something about SQLrand. SQLrand - a system for preventing SQLIA against web servers. The main intuition is that by using a randomized SQL query language, specific to a particular CGI application, it is … | |
Hello, Iam getting an fatal error " PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MysqlConnect " It was my connection file and the website was working from the past two years. Yesterday on of my friend said my website was down so that time i noticed this issue I got the … | |
I have a script for product Invoice which save details of sold product, but it do not update stock quantity when any product sale. Product quantity in stock remain the same which should decrease.. here is the code to save invoice details using for each loop : <?php function saveInvoice( … | |
I'm new to working with PHP and I am in need of some help. I am currently working on setting up a test using Dreamweaver so that users can log in, then go to the question page, and from there go to a page with a form to answer that … | |
Hello guys, I am looking to create a poll in WordPress using HTML code. I found many usufull into on the web, but i have a problem with undestanding how to put answer keys side-by-side? I imagine it to look somewhat like this : Far Cry 5 Yey! (button) Nay! … | |
Hi I am struggling with some code and was wondering any someone could please help me. My php skills are VERY limited and only get stuff done by reading forums like this and watching YouTube videos :-[. I am enjoying learning so that is why I am sticking with it … | |
Hello, just created a code for login using encrypted password method when user is registering at that time i made a passsword encryption script. But the main problem is that when it comes to verify login how do i veryfy the password as that password is saved as encrypted password … | |
Hello, I am looking for a new IDE. I am currently using netbeans to develop a website in php/mysql. I like a lot of things about netbeans, but I don't like that it doesn't come with built in compilers/debuggers. You have to manually go and add/link them on a language-by-language … | |
if($_REQUEST['subview']=="add") { $title = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['title']); $cat_id = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['category']); $area = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['area']); $bedroom = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['bedroom']); $bathroom = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['bathroom']); $garage = mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['garage']); $content=mysqli_real_escape_string($db->conn,$_POST['text']); $data = array("title"=>$title, "cat_id"=>$cat_id, "area"=>$area, "bedroom"=>$bedroom, "bathroom"=>$bathroom, "garage"=>$garage, "content"=>$content, "status"=>"active", "added_date"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) ); if($db->insert($data,'bk_property') == true) { $last_id = mysqli_insert_id($db->conn); if($_FILES['image']['name']!="") { $check = getimagesize($_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"]); if($check !== false) … | |
Hello,I need an SMS gateway like Twilio. I am testing it right now, but before investing in a commercial product I would like to map the better alternatives.Plivio was recommended for me, but Plivio PHP based configuration more difficult to integrate. Do you know any good International alternative to Twilio?In … | |
I am using codeigniter 2.1.2 on Win 8.1 and the following code is not working $this->load->library('image_lib'); $config['image_library'] = 'GD2'; $config['source_image'] = 'C:/xampp/htdocs/imgt/wall/wallpaper2.jpg'; $config['create_thumb'] = TRUE; $config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE; $config['width'] = 75; $config['height'] = 50; $this->load->library('image_lib', $config); var_dump( $this->image_lib->resize()); // this returns true What is the problem i checked GD is … | |
Hi, I am a legacay (cobol) developer and wants to learn how to build websites. For this I decided to do a little project for myself. The site would be a places/travel tracker kind. It would show a certain map (ex, London, Taiwan, Greenland). Then you can click on a … | |
how I can substract value from balance when i input value. when i add value , it will be added to balance. please see like example below: https://imgur.com/a/9EeviDi | |
I have db table called **subscription** and a column called **duration**. I want the column** duration** to be incremented by +1 in every 24 hours until it gets to 30 then stop. I would love the query to start execution if the column duration is = 1. | |
hello hope you all are going well, so my vacation is comming and i was wondering whta if i did a big project or small project, how hard is it to make my own multivendor website like amazon, i would like to do everything like the code in php, the … | |
In this query i want to display the unbooked rooms, but the booked rooms are displayed instead of the unbooked rooms... create table guest ( guest_id int auto_increment primary key unique not null, guest_lname varchar(50) not null, guest_fname varchar(50) not null, guest_email varchar(100) not null, guest_password varchar(50) not null, guest_address … | |
Hello everyone , well am using a script with javascript that gives me some values , that i decided storing in a var JSON : {"user_IP":"192.168.*.**","page_name":"Nous suivre","path_name":"/test/suiv.html","nbre_visites":"3"} //var s=JSON.stringify(cookieso); //document.getElementById("affichage").innerHTML = s; the thing , is that i wish i could store directly on my database : P.S i m … | |
Are there any scripts that can go through a collection of PHP files and detect multiple functions with the same name? | |
I am using `passport` in `laravel` for authenticating my users in APIs. I am able to authenticate different types of users from different tables and generating different token for them but the routes are not protected. For example. A user can access the routes like this Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth:api'], function … | |
I have been cracking my head on this mater in the past couple of days. I am faced with a situaton where i need to write a MySQL equivalent of PHP code to loop through sql select results. The Php code looks like this $query = "SELECT pubid, author FROM … ![]() | |
I have two tables like below tb1 Date Cr Dr 2018-04-29 100 50 2018-04-30 0 150 2018-05-01 250 100 2018-05-02 150 100 2018-06-10 300 250 2018-06-11 0 50 tb2 Date Cr 2018-05-01 350 2018-05-02 250 2018-06-10 300 2018-06-11 100 2018-06-15 200 2018-06-18 100 I need the following Result Apr May … ![]() |
The End.