39,388 Topics
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I want to calculate the form fields at the same time when user type the code : Here is the thing that I am looking for : field 1: number 1(user types) fields:number 2(user types) calculate fields(display data) In the calculate fields I want that when user types it display … | |
Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE] <?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' … | |
[B]Hello! I have tried this one for a while now but i cant get it to work... [B]i want the url:[/B] [url]http://example.com/article.php?read=NzQ=[/url] [B]to be...[/B] [url]http://example.com/article/NzQ=[/url] i tried this one:[/B] RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)-([a-z]+) http://example.com/article/index.php?read=$1 [NC] But no luck! :'( | |
i m thinking of using image processing on the picture to compare two pics....but for that i think i have to use matlab.. can anyone tell me how to use matlab with PHP...... | |
![]() | Hi people, I have a trouble displaying the files that are in my folder. Here, I try to display the name of the files and their description. I succeeded to display their description but not the files ! Please, help me [CODE]include('Cfg/config.inc.php'); mysql_connect($SERVER,$USER,$PWD)or die('Can not connect to the MySQL server … |
Hi, I my admin area, where the administrator can create a new page, it is also possible to decide the position of the link. It is a menu in the left side of the screen, one link on top of the other, very simple nav. I have a dropdown list … ![]() | |
Hello, I have a website for musicians where all users can post their ads for free. I need a script that send an email for a member user when his ad is going to be expired (let say after 30 days). Any ideas ? Sammy. | |
Hallo everyone, the Magento site at <URL SNIPPED> was working fine, until two days ago, I got the following error message: [CODE] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host 'db795.1und1.de' (1) Trace: #0 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(96): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect() #1 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(251): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect() #2 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(448): Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect() #3 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php(238): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SET NAMES utf8', Array) #4 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(333): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SET NAMES … | |
I am trying to create a PHP code for restaurants - I need the check boxes on the UI to allow for options for example the title would be "select up to three toppings" and there would be a list of checkboxes and the User can only check three also, … | |
I am having multi record delete problem. It shows an error about foreach loop. <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])&&$_REQUEST['action']=="delete") { $value=$_REQUEST['check']; foreach($value as $ids) { $dquery="SELECT songname FROM songs WHERE id='$ids'"; $dresult=mysql_query($dquery); $drow=mysql_fetch_array($dresult); $songtodel=$drow['songname']; $path2="../upload/$songtodel"; if(is_file("../upload/$songtodel")) unlink($path2); $mdquery="DELETE FROM songs WHERE id='$ids'"; mysql_query($mdquery); } } | |
Hello erveryone. I am new in programming and i have the following problem i cant figure out! i want to make a search into my database. i have prepared my html-js-php files but it seems i have a php problem. When i search and i type whatever letter then i … | |
hai friends I need to count the files with in the selected folder. How to count the files ?? please help me. If any paossibel ple4ase send me sample code. Thanks vssp | |
Hello all, I am trying to use more regex but I can't seem to get this to work. The aim is to check inputs for either [url, [link or <a href: [CODE] $islink = false; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if((preg_match("/[url|[link|<a href/i", $v)) > 0 ){ $islink = true; } … | |
Hi.. Good day.. thank you for viewing my thread.. i would like to ask my fellow frens in daniweb to help me to validate access in my assignment system... currently my database is like this: [CODE]Assignment_id | Assignment_name | Member | Remarks 1 test 1 John, Sue, Veronica ok ok … | |
Hi I am experienced in ASP w/ C# but a beginner in PHP: How do I get the value of a unique index of a column of mySQL in PHP: [CODE=C#] try{ //do connect //insert data } catch(Exception ex){ if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Column_Name") >= 0) //<-- how do I do this in … | |
how do I read a website's source code line by line and store it as string for modification?? | |
I'm 20 and still a bit fresh out of high school. I have basic html knowledge and basic knowledge of macromedia dreamweaver. I've heard of PHP and am curious about it. Is it better than HTML? If so I would like to know where I can start learning basic PHP … | |
dear i am facing problem in populating array in my code as when i poulate an array in add code it works and when i do same in the edit section it gives undefined index error so how to solve this when press add button to add fruits from the … | |
Hi there, Because of browser wars and whatnot, a lot of CSS3 components have to be written in many different syntaxes to work. E.g. -moz-box-shadow and -webkit-box-shadow (even though they're identical in format) So, my solution is to write simple flags in the CSS file which a PHP script will … | |
![]() | [CODE] $threadquery=mysql_query("SELECT * from threads where topic_id='$id'"); while($getthreadrows=mysql_fetch_row($threadquery)) { echo "<div class=singlepost>".$getthreadrows[2]."</div>"; }[/CODE] You can see Its fetching each comment into a div. But I need to do one additional thing too. Each comment may have some reply comment. How to get em like simple thread style as we see … ![]() |
Hello ,I am newbie..I am trying to configure Apache2.2 server for running .php files,but while editing apache/conf/httpd file its saying "Access is denied"..Please help me out | |
Hello guys. I'm developing a web application in which I have to connect to a mssql server which is connected through a proxy server. I have allowed data transfers for the MSSQLSERVER service, and allowed connections for port 1433. I've read that this is absolutely insecure, and it still gives … | |
Hi all, I am trying to work with Songkicks API to display the bands events from a list on my web page. I've queried the artists names and now want to get specific data from this link http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/artists.json?query={$songkick_artist}&apikey=MYKEYGOESHERE\ The output get this result: {"resultsPage":{"results":{"artist":[{"uri":"[COLOR="Green"]http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/200900-coheed-and-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner[/COLOR]","displayName":"Coheed and Cambria","id":200900,"onTourUntil":"2011-09-23","identifier":[{"href":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767.json","eventsHref":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767\/calendar.json","mbid":"ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767","setlistsHref":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767\/setlists.json"}]},{"uri":"http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/2060710-coheed-and-amp-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner","displayName":"Coheed & Cambria","id":2060710,"onTourUntil":null,"identifier":[]},{"uri":"http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/3236471-coheed-und-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner","displayName":"Coheed Und Cambria","id":3236471,"onTourUntil":null,"identifier":[]}]},"totalEntries":3,"perPage":50,"page":1,"status":"ok"}} … | |
I have a method that someone helped me with. Not sure what it means [CODE]echo ( $info['Ans_Answer'.$i]) ? " checked" : "";[/CODE] | |
I am designing a website that connects to a database. I am using wampserver to connect to the website. In my customer add page I am trying to ask the website to generate an autonumber from the database. As my table in the database is set up as following: [CODE=SQL]CREATE … | |
Hi, I'm using PhpMyAdmin 3.3.9 , on the tab Designer, I see the tables but I don't see the lines between them that mark the relations (like in sqlServer or Access) I defined the relations between the tables using the Relation View, so they exist..I even tried to creat relation … | |
![]() | First of all i would like the paypal buttons to be hidden if their is no one logged. I am using $username to tell if someone is logged in. I have no idea how to tackle this right now, any pointers would be great. Thanks |
Hi there, I have set up a mailing form with captcha and it work great however in the form itself, it says action="mailer.php" . When its submitted, it tries to go a non existant page, aka [url]www.mywebsite.com.au/mailer.php[/url] My pages are php, can you help? I want it to work but … ![]() | |
Hi, I am working on a job module where i have to fetch company name having more jobs. like abc 20 jobs def 30 jobs ghi 10 jobs jkl 40 jobs what i want to do, job order acc to job number like below jkl 40 jobs def 30 jobs … |
The End.