39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for amit.hak50

I want to calculate the form fields at the same time when user type the code : Here is the thing that I am looking for : field 1: number 1(user types) fields:number 2(user types) calculate fields(display data) In the calculate fields I want that when user types it display …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for carebear23

Hi I am having a problem with code i have created to delete a customer from my database, would be grateful if someone could tel me where i have gone wrong [CODE] <?php include ('db.php'); $cid=$_POST["cid"]; $cname=$_POST["cname"]; $cusadd1=$_POST["caddress"]; $cusadd2=$_POST["caddress1"]; $cusadd3=$_POST["caddress2"]; $ccounty=$_POST["county"]; $custpc=$_POST["cpostcode"]; $custele=$_POST["ctelephone"]; $cusemail=$_POST["cemail"]; print $cid; $str="delete from customer CustomerName='$cname',CustomerAddress='$cusadd1',CustomerAddress1='$cusadd2',CustomerAddress2='$cusadd3',County='$ccounty',CustomerPostCode='$custpc',CustomerTelNo='$custele',CustomerEmail='$cusemail' …

Member Avatar for svilla
Member Avatar for Sorcher

[B]Hello! I have tried this one for a while now but i cant get it to work... [B]i want the url:[/B] [url]http://example.com/article.php?read=NzQ=[/url] [B]to be...[/B] [url]http://example.com/article/NzQ=[/url] i tried this one:[/B] RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)-([a-z]+) http://example.com/article/index.php?read=$1 [NC] But no luck! :'(

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn

i m thinking of using image processing on the picture to compare two pics....but for that i think i have to use matlab.. can anyone tell me how to use matlab with PHP......

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hi people, I have a trouble displaying the files that are in my folder. Here, I try to display the name of the files and their description. I succeeded to display their description but not the files ! Please, help me [CODE]include('Cfg/config.inc.php'); mysql_connect($SERVER,$USER,$PWD)or die('Can not connect to the MySQL server …

Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I my admin area, where the administrator can create a new page, it is also possible to decide the position of the link. It is a menu in the left side of the screen, one link on top of the other, very simple nav. I have a dropdown list …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for samsambm

Hello, I have a website for musicians where all users can post their ads for free. I need a script that send an email for a member user when his ad is going to be expired (let say after 30 days). Any ideas ? Sammy.

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for xman7707

Hallo everyone, the Magento site at <URL SNIPPED> was working fine, until two days ago, I got the following error message: [CODE] SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host 'db795.1und1.de' (1) Trace: #0 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(96): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->_connect() #1 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(251): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect() #2 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(448): Varien_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql->_connect() #3 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php(238): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('SET NAMES utf8', Array) #4 /home/.sites/62/site1586/web/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php(333): Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract->query('SET NAMES …

Member Avatar for dan72ros

I am trying to create a PHP code for restaurants - I need the check boxes on the UI to allow for options for example the title would be "select up to three toppings" and there would be a list of checkboxes and the User can only check three also, …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ahsan1

I am having multi record delete problem. It shows an error about foreach loop. <?php if(isset($_REQUEST['action'])&&$_REQUEST['action']=="delete") { $value=$_REQUEST['check']; foreach($value as $ids) { $dquery="SELECT songname FROM songs WHERE id='$ids'"; $dresult=mysql_query($dquery); $drow=mysql_fetch_array($dresult); $songtodel=$drow['songname']; $path2="../upload/$songtodel"; if(is_file("../upload/$songtodel")) unlink($path2); $mdquery="DELETE FROM songs WHERE id='$ids'"; mysql_query($mdquery); } }

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for garevn

Hello erveryone. I am new in programming and i have the following problem i cant figure out! i want to make a search into my database. i have prepared my html-js-php files but it seems i have a php problem. When i search and i type whatever letter then i …

Member Avatar for garevn
Member Avatar for elibyy
Member Avatar for vssp

hai friends I need to count the files with in the selected folder. How to count the files ?? please help me. If any paossibel ple4ase send me sample code. Thanks vssp

Member Avatar for kyobul
Member Avatar for liamfriel

Hello all, I am trying to use more regex but I can't seem to get this to work. The aim is to check inputs for either [url, [link or <a href: [CODE] $islink = false; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if((preg_match("/[url|[link|<a href/i", $v)) > 0 ){ $islink = true; } …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for mrlol

Hi.. Good day.. thank you for viewing my thread.. i would like to ask my fellow frens in daniweb to help me to validate access in my assignment system... currently my database is like this: [CODE]Assignment_id | Assignment_name | Member | Remarks 1 test 1 John, Sue, Veronica ok ok …

Member Avatar for perfectweb
Member Avatar for daniel955

Hi I am experienced in ASP w/ C# but a beginner in PHP: How do I get the value of a unique index of a column of mySQL in PHP: [CODE=C#] try{ //do connect //insert data } catch(Exception ex){ if (ex.Message.IndexOf("Column_Name") >= 0) //<-- how do I do this in …

Member Avatar for perfectweb
Member Avatar for bigwhiteegg

how do I read a website's source code line by line and store it as string for modification??

Member Avatar for bigwhiteegg
Member Avatar for Zaderzun

I'm 20 and still a bit fresh out of high school. I have basic html knowledge and basic knowledge of macromedia dreamweaver. I've heard of PHP and am curious about it. Is it better than HTML? If so I would like to know where I can start learning basic PHP …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for kofawais

dear i am facing problem in populating array in my code as when i poulate an array in add code it works and when i do same in the edit section it gives undefined index error so how to solve this when press add button to add fruits from the …

Member Avatar for kofawais
Member Avatar for CJdamaster

Hi there, Because of browser wars and whatnot, a lot of CSS3 components have to be written in many different syntaxes to work. E.g. -moz-box-shadow and -webkit-box-shadow (even though they're identical in format) So, my solution is to write simple flags in the CSS file which a PHP script will …

Member Avatar for TechySafi

[CODE] $threadquery=mysql_query("SELECT * from threads where topic_id='$id'"); while($getthreadrows=mysql_fetch_row($threadquery)) { echo "<div class=singlepost>".$getthreadrows[2]."</div>"; }[/CODE] You can see Its fetching each comment into a div. But I need to do one additional thing too. Each comment may have some reply comment. How to get em like simple thread style as we see …

Member Avatar for TechySafi
Member Avatar for Priyanka88

Hello ,I am newbie..I am trying to configure Apache2.2 server for running .php files,but while editing apache/conf/httpd file its saying "Access is denied"..Please help me out

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello guys. I'm developing a web application in which I have to connect to a mssql server which is connected through a proxy server. I have allowed data transfers for the MSSQLSERVER service, and allowed connections for port 1433. I've read that this is absolutely insecure, and it still gives …

Member Avatar for dottomm
Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost

Hi all, I am trying to work with Songkicks API to display the bands events from a list on my web page. I've queried the artists names and now want to get specific data from this link http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/search/artists.json?query={$songkick_artist}&apikey=MYKEYGOESHERE\ The output get this result: {"resultsPage":{"results":{"artist":[{"uri":"[COLOR="Green"]http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/200900-coheed-and-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner[/COLOR]","displayName":"Coheed and Cambria","id":200900,"onTourUntil":"2011-09-23","identifier":[{"href":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767.json","eventsHref":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767\/calendar.json","mbid":"ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767","setlistsHref":"http:\/\/api.songkick.com\/api\/3.0\/artists\/mbid:ae1b47d5-5128-431c-9d30-e08fd90e0767\/setlists.json"}]},{"uri":"http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/2060710-coheed-and-amp-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner","displayName":"Coheed &amp; Cambria","id":2060710,"onTourUntil":null,"identifier":[]},{"uri":"http:\/\/www.songkick.com\/artists\/3236471-coheed-und-cambria?utm_source=4361&utm_medium=partner","displayName":"Coheed Und Cambria","id":3236471,"onTourUntil":null,"identifier":[]}]},"totalEntries":3,"perPage":50,"page":1,"status":"ok"}} …

Member Avatar for phaedrusGhost
Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1

I have a method that someone helped me with. Not sure what it means [CODE]echo ( $info['Ans_Answer'.$i]) ? " checked" : "";[/CODE]

Member Avatar for xxreenaxx1
Member Avatar for carebear23

I am designing a website that connects to a database. I am using wampserver to connect to the website. In my customer add page I am trying to ask the website to generate an autonumber from the database. As my table in the database is set up as following: [CODE=SQL]CREATE …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hi, I'm using PhpMyAdmin 3.3.9 , on the tab Designer, I see the tables but I don't see the lines between them that mark the relations (like in sqlServer or Access) I defined the relations between the tables using the Relation View, so they exist..I even tried to creat relation …

Member Avatar for 54uydf
Member Avatar for OldDeveloper01

First of all i would like the paypal buttons to be hidden if their is no one logged. I am using $username to tell if someone is logged in. I have no idea how to tackle this right now, any pointers would be great. Thanks

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Inny

Hi there, I have set up a mailing form with captcha and it work great however in the form itself, it says action="mailer.php" . When its submitted, it tries to go a non existant page, aka [url]www.mywebsite.com.au/mailer.php[/url] My pages are php, can you help? I want it to work but …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am working on a job module where i have to fetch company name having more jobs. like abc 20 jobs def 30 jobs ghi 10 jobs jkl 40 jobs what i want to do, job order acc to job number like below jkl 40 jobs def 30 jobs …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn

The End.