39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for sumit007

hii everyone... i am working on a webpage as my class assgnmnt nd using php-mysql for that.. plz guide me how this thing can be done?? i want to add some thing in a table and if there is a table of same fields(columns) that i want then add in …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for MDanz

[code]<?php $tags = get_meta_tags('http://www.realgm.com/'); echo $tags['keywords']; echo $tags['description']; ?> [/code] i just used any website.. i can't get the meta tags though... what am i doing wrong? i get these error messages.. Warning: get_meta_tags() [function.get-meta-tags]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /home/ustackc1/public_html/menu.php on line 78 Warning: get_meta_tags([url]http://www.realgm.com/[/url]) …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for belper

Hello, I am developing a site with Dreamweaver CS3 and have a little knowledge of HTML. I need a solution for the following: Visitors can come to my site through a referrer for ex: [url]www.domain.com/?ref=cesar017[/url] The referrer’s information (cesar017) should be prefilled automatically in a form field on another page …

Member Avatar for belper
Member Avatar for ppetree

I need some help in architecting this process. Two goals are of the utmost importance: 1) Speed 2) Security. Here's the scenario: Domain A, Domain B, ... Domain Z sell a service to their customers on my behalf (keeping a commission). Once the transaction is processed (money collected from the …

Member Avatar for sumit007

Hi I m making web page and for that i am using mysql and php. In tha i enter data and that is to be stored in mysql database. I m having a problem in that. I want add, delete, previous, next, cancel and update button in that. But can't …

Member Avatar for sumit007
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I need to create a search engine that searchs through a database but the wild card doesn't work for me: [code] <?php include ('header.php'); $s = $_POST['search_term']; $by = $_POST['by']; if(!$s && $by) // Check that the details are entered correctly { echo '<p>You have not entered the required …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for dandixon

Can anyone recommend a course for a php beginner, ive been doing alot in html and a few bits of search and forms stuff in php which has all been self taught but i want to go on a course to confirm really that im doing stuff right can anyone …

Member Avatar for dandixon
Member Avatar for wayz1229

i need help with the code below.. the code does not get correct qid from table questions. let say i enter 2 qtitle, and each qtitle has 3 atitle.. but once the data entered in database.. the error is like below: (qid=1)qtitle1- (none of the atitle having qid1) (qid=2)qtitle2- atitle1, …

Member Avatar for shlomia
Member Avatar for anahita20

hello, plz help me by desighning a website about electronic musuem. there are links to make relations between parts in there. how to code in php such these links???

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my code - which displays different articles and produces articles as [url]http://www.mysite.com/testpage.php?test=1[/url] [CODE]<html> <body> <? $i=$_GET['day']; switch ($i) { case 1: include("2.php"); break; case 2: include("3.php"); break; case 3: include("4.php"); break; default: //echo "page not found!!!!"; } ?> <!-- <? if($_GET['day']==1){ ?> <?php include("2.php") ?> <? }else if($_GET['day']==2){ …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for Facte

Hi there everyone. I have a problem with some PHP. I have to make a xml feed that works in IE in UTF-8 format and I'm having major problems with £ signs and '. the poud signs are in the mySQL database in their £ format and cannot be changed. …

Member Avatar for joles
Member Avatar for wayz1229

I'm having problem with the script below. The [B]atitle[/B] getting the [B]qid[/B] from the last question inserted in the table. I need to have [B]atitle[/B] with the corresponding [B]qid[/B]. for example: qtitle (qid=1) - atitle (qid=1) - atitle (qid=1) qtitle (qid=2) - atitle (qid=2) - atitle (qid=2) can anyone please …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Hey Im trying to send an email with PHP. but Im using ajax to load all my pages So i dont want to disrupt that flow by having the page refresh when you hit submit..I just want it to be like loading and then echo Thank you or something. Here …

Member Avatar for imadbalcoh
Member Avatar for Ramesh S

Hi Guys, I am searching for Open Source Finance scripts such as Account Payable, Account Receivable, General Ledget etc in PHP. But I could n't find a good one. Is there any such open source scripts in PHP available over the web for download? If so, could you please give …

Member Avatar for iloveoct
Member Avatar for rouse

I am cycling through a return set and trying to capture the result in a concatenated string. I have verified that I get a valid return value and also verified the quantity in the return value. This works [code] while ( $i < $num) { $bone .= "<item> <record_num>" . …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for K0ns3rv

Hello guys. In this project i am involved with we want to list some columns from a sql database. We want to list them as a table which you can make changes to, but the first two should be edited through dropdown and and the other two which are dates …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for zhou1919

To create the registration account in my homepage, do I need to set up a database to store all usernames and passwords? If I do, how to set up the database on the unix server where my homepage is on?

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for trazan

[B]i am working with PHP i just want to know what is the framework like ZEND or CakePhp Is it Useful or i still devlop from scratch and i need to know which framework is the best & i need any vedio tutorial for it Thanks all[/B]

Member Avatar for trazan
Member Avatar for rouse

I found the following code in a tutorial on building a RSS feed. I can’t find a reference to the “<<<” on the PHP manual web site. Would someone point me to the documentation on this symbol. [code] <? $content = <<<CONTENT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>$chan_title</title> <link>$chan_link</link> …

Member Avatar for Froger93
Member Avatar for web3

My form worked, but when i put lastname(lname) field won't work [CODE]<?php include "connect.php"; echo "<h1>Register</h1>"; ?> <div style="color:#F00"> <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Zagreb'); date_default_timezone_get(); ini_get('timezone.default'); getenv('TZ'); $num = 0; $submit = $_POST['submit']; $fname = $_POST['fname']; $lname = $_POST['lname']; $username = $_POST['username']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; date_default_timezone_get(); $date = date("Y-m-d G:i:s"); …

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for phper

Hi! Does anyone know of a good tutorial for installing Ruby with Php, Apache and MySQL. I have tried InstantRails but i want to install it without using the instant option! Thanks.

Member Avatar for tiger86
Member Avatar for verbob

I am writing a script to add and edit listings in a realestate site. For some reason I can't get the variables from the url to recognize properly. heres the "problem" part of the script: [CODE] <?php require_once "../dbconnect.php"; // include the database information // if the 'mode' is set …

Member Avatar for verbob
Member Avatar for garcon1986

I have 2 pages right now. One is list.php, the other one is detail.php. The list.php is a table generated by mysql data. i add a column called "detail" at the end of each row. Everytime i click "detail", it redirects to detail.php and display a form according to the …

Member Avatar for garcon1986
Member Avatar for DemonGal711

Alright, I'm working on my own signature rotator. At the moment the image only updates when the page is refreshed, which I'm fine with for now. However, is it possible to force the script to grab a new image after X minutes if the page hasn't already been reloaded? I'd …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Noodles156

This code works fine if I replace the $s variable in the value being assigned to the $query variable with a valid site. The echo at the beginning of the foreach statement works correctly. Looking at the apache error log I see the following: [Mon Oct 26 16:16:36 2009] [error] …

Member Avatar for Noodles156
Member Avatar for garcon1986

Now i extract data from mysql database, and echo them in a table. In the last column of each row, i made a link. It link to the corresponding page according to the value of first column in the row. Now i can't get the solution and have some errors. …

Member Avatar for garcon1986
Member Avatar for itsrahulk

hi all, i am not able to print the message which i taken in session variable $_SESSION['msg'] ="* Property details saved successfully" i am posting all the values on the same page and redirected the header to get all the updated values back. but when i use unset($_SESSION['msg']) after echoing …

Member Avatar for itsrahulk
Member Avatar for wayz1229

i want to sort qtitle by numbers. anyone can help me with tat.. i tried to modify the code below, but i couldn't find the solution. please help me.. [CODE]<?php $query1 = "SELECT * FROM table1"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1); $i=1; $num_row=mysql_num_rows(result1;) while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) { $qid = $row1['qid']; $qtitle …

Member Avatar for wayz1229
Member Avatar for garcon1986

Hello everyone, I've searched a lot of time today for a solution, but not succeed! I want to insert value from the radio button and checkbox into mysql database. Here is my code: insert.php [CODE] <div id="form"> <form method="post" action="process.php"> <h1>BESOIN </h1> <br><br> <label>Sujet:</label><input type="text" name="sujet" />&nbsp;&nbsp; <label>Date: </label><input type="text" …

Member Avatar for garcon1986
Member Avatar for niche1

Please, what does "(!$var)" mean? I think it might mean "is $var null". Also, what's the PHP reference? Thanks.

Member Avatar for edwinhermann

The End.