39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Trizocy

Hello there. I was wondering if anyone here could help me out of this problem :)? So how do you retrieve a cookie? I have try this : ----------------- (Cookie value = Computer and name user ) This is my what is inside my php $myhyperlink=www.google.com/ $linktosite=$myhyperlink 'search='.$_COOKIE["user"]; header('location:'.$linktosite); ------------------------ …

Member Avatar for gotboots
Member Avatar for Cyre

i have a dynamic table whose values came from the database. the user will select records from the table then save the result to another table. i have the following code: <?php echo "<form method='post' action='save_result.php'>"; $subjects="table1"; $connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" . realpath("data.mdb").";"; $conn=odbc_connect($connstr,'','') or die("connect error: …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for bobgodwin

I'd like to get a list of folders that don't contain certain files. I'm using this to list directories & files: [code=php]$path = "media"; $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path"); function list_dir($dir_handle,$path) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { $exclude = array(".","..","_player_thumbs","Thumbs.db"); $dir =$path.'/'.$file; if(is_dir($dir) && !in_array($file, …

Member Avatar for bobgodwin
Member Avatar for patrick1981

Hey fellows, I have three database tables AUCTIONS auction_id name description place date BIDDERS bidder_id firstname lastname email signupdate BIDS bid_id auction_id bidder_id biddate I want to create a drop down menu to select and display BIDDERS signed up for each AUCTIONS. I have coded the following in PHP to …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for Ctechnology24

can anybody help me how I can use four tables at the same time with different conditions to fetch records from my database? this is my sql code that im trying to modify because this is only for two tables: [CODE] <?php session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { include("database.php"); $username = $_SESSION['username']; …

Member Avatar for Ctechnology24
Member Avatar for sality63

I can't figure out while the table rows and columns are not display as intended. I have tried everything I could but no solution yet. I'm new to PHP/Mysql. What I actually wanted to see as the output is something like this: [ICODE][B]$days_of_week_rows['week_day'][/B] $period_rows['period'] $class_rows['class'] $time_rows['time'] $period_rows['period'] $class_rows['class'] $time_rows['time'] $period_rows['period'] …

Member Avatar for sality63
Member Avatar for rosekrans

Hello all, I'm want to do a PHP redirect within a <DIV>. Currently I have written the folowing code, that allows a database entry to be selected and be deleted. [CODE]<?php //This is from a file named delete.php $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $result=mysql_query($sql); if(isset($_POST['delete'])) { foreach($_POST['checkbox'] as $id){ mysql_query("DELETE from …

Member Avatar for rosekrans
Member Avatar for Dingo001

Let me say here at the start I am not a programmer, just interested.. I am trying to load a file to youtube on the first day of the month and set the file name as the lastmonth-thisyear.avi like March-2012.avi I have tried this but get an error: File to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for youvi

See am doing an android application,it has a web back end,am using wordpress,but how can i code web services in wordpress?suppose i need to fetch some contents from database and pass it as json to android phones.So where should i place the php script or how can i do this?Is …

Member Avatar for technoknol
Member Avatar for Dingo001

Hi I have a PHP error that only occurs when I have a new router attached. I will post the complete code here but it works fine on one router but not another. I have put the problem on a forum for Hardware people but have had no replies. To …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sammry

lastlogin is getting saved as time() in my mysql table and it is varchar mode. querying the database to send out emails to remind my users that they have not logged in from past 30 days SELECT * FROM members WHERE lastlogin = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) i tried with …

Member Avatar for sammry
Member Avatar for Resentful

This is something I can't find any data on. I've got two database. Database one has a list in it. Database 2 has a list in it as well. I am needing to delete all the entries from database 1 that database 2 also contains. So if database one had …

Member Avatar for Resentful
Member Avatar for kewl

im having problem with this 2 pages of code i have.the only problem is when im going to display it in another page called view.php added.php [CODE] <?php $type = $_POST['type']; $size = $_POST['size']; $quantity = $_POST['quantity']; $prize = $_POST['prize']; $file = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { include('sql.php'); if (!isset($file)){ echo …

Member Avatar for kewl
Member Avatar for zeeshanmughal

Is this possible to pass the php variable to the url? my code is: [CODE] <?php $array1 = array("iphone", "ipad","iMac"); for($test = 0; $test <= 2; $test++) { echo '<a href="https://www.google.com?$array1[$test]">Click me</a><br />'; } ?> [/CODE] How do i do that when i click on the link it will show …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for zeeya

Hi!!! i'm final year student in computer science and have chosen virtual classroom systems to be done as a project for my final year.. i would like to know the enhancements and the new features that could be added to the project so that i could try to add them …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for gopi17

Heyy guys, need some help here...the thing i'm suppose to do is, update a value for a single row, but currently its updating the value for all the row... [CODE] <?php session_start(); $host="localhost"; // Host name $username=""; // Mysql username $password=""; // Mysql password $db_name="test"; // Database name $tbl_name="testing3"; // …

Member Avatar for gopi17
Member Avatar for zacharysr

Does anyone know how to use youtube's api? I downloaded it from [URL="http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/articles/php_client_lib.html#php-path-installation"]here[/URL] But i cant figure out how to use a form to send a link to it and get back the name, keywords, html, description and thumbnail link..... Does anyone know how to get this info from youtube …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for bavenbabu

Can i get a simple php code for knowing the usage of model view controller(MVC) in php.It should also highlight comments also..Any help would be appreciated

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for qasim baig

hello, I have a problem with my code please help me,I am using sand box form { <form action="<?php echo $paypal_url; ?>" method="post" name="frmPayPal1"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="GB"> <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="item_number" value=""> <input …

Member Avatar for qasim baig
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, i have an array like this one [CODE]Array ( Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 12 [name] => praveen ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 14 [name] => pandu ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 16 [name] => phani ) [/CODE] and i have …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hadiyaz

Hi, I'm using joomla.. I need to generate user name with ID. like: (different names for male-female, standart-member,gold-member,platinium-member) John567,John568,John569.... Jane345,Jane346,Jane347.... SilverJohn567,GoldJohn568,

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for pjh1985

Hi, I am building a web form which contains several groups of checkboxes with many items in each. I want to store these values in a database so they can be retrieved and updated when needed. What would be the best way to store the information from a checkbox group …

Member Avatar for pjh1985
Member Avatar for Trizocy

Greetings ;) Well i need some help here. I got a site and people click on link on my site Example! the link is www .mysite.com/redirect.php/url=www.google.com/search.php?word=computer&pages=195&country=us&ip= So when somebody click on it they will beredirect to my redirect.php file for a check at link. ----------------------------- <?php $url = $_GET['url']; $myPostbackUrl=$url; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for extjac

Hello, is there any way to show what the size of the records is? I mean, i have a database that almost 500Mb and I want to see what records are causing it.

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for klemme

Hi, I think by now I have the right syntax for joining 3 tables, but please correct me if it is wrong. The tables I am joining a as follows: PRODUKTER (GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION) VARE_TYPE (SHIRTS, JEANS ETC) SIZES (PRODUCT SIZES) What I want to do is to let the …

Member Avatar for klemme
Member Avatar for abdulraqeeb33

Warning: odbc_connect() [function.odbc-connect]: SQL error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified, SQL state IM002 in SQLConnect in C:\xampp\htdocs\xampp\display.php on line 5 Connection Failed: php is working fine, ran other simple php scripts... but this is the error when i connect to a ms …

Member Avatar for abhinav24291
Member Avatar for bflack

Hello, I am creating a site (for practice). It is a site that works like the '9gag.com' where users can see images stored on the page. So far, I have successfully retrieved and posted image files from the server but I wanted to put on a limit on how many …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kitschkath

Hello, I don't know if I am violating any rules, I am currently making an online teacher's evaluation system for my final laboratory project in Web Development course. I think I already got the logic (though still a mess) of the part where the values of the radio button is …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Chub97

I have spent the last few days trying to optimize my site for the uploading of large video files. I have changed all the php.ini settings way over the time that it would take to upload the videos but nothing seems to work. It gets to about 30% and then …

Member Avatar for amit prm
Member Avatar for david_r

I am trying to pull some data from a report that is simple called an API link. I am not familiar with the data format. Hopefully, I can find out the format and see if someone has already developed some PHP code to access and manipulate this. I thought it …

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The End.