39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeeter19

I have 2 variables that should be global within its own file. I am attempting to access their set information from a function within that file but I receive nothing but an error. When I hardcode in the information into the function instead of retrieving from the variables, it works …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sainiweb

<?php session_start(); /*if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: index.php"); }*/ include ("include/header.php"); include ("include/dbc.php"); //require_once "Spreadsheet/Excel/Writer.php"; //define('FPDF_FONTPATH','./fpdf/font/'); //require('./fpdf/fpdf.php'); //require ('pdf.php'); $rowsPerPage = 10; $pageNum = 1; if(isset($_GET['page'])) { $pageNum = $_GET['page']; } $offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $rowsPerPage; $_SESSION['From']=$_REQUEST['From']; $_SESSION['To']=$_REQUEST['To']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM daily_material_record LIMIT $offset,$rowsPerPage"; $result = mysql_query($sql); …

Member Avatar for leeZA1

I have a problem, if someone can help great!! Every time the form is submitted to delete the stabletitle it says successful even when the title entered is not in the database, if its not in the database it should say unsucessful, can someone see what is wrong with my …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Linlin

Hello! I have more or less zero knowledge about coding in PHP. The most I've done is includes, to help me maintaining my sites more efficiently. I hope I will not offend anyone with this question. Anyhow, towards my issue. I have one table containing several fields, with information such …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for wahdude316

If I'm not posting this right please excuse me I'm new to this board. I'm trying to edit my htaccess file, so that I can hide my affiliate links. I copied the code from an internet marketing forum. <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteRule greensmoke.html [url]http://www.greensmoke.com/13745.html[/url] [R=301,L] </ifmodule> <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine …

Member Avatar for agiletechnosys

Agile Technosys provide Web Development service for prospective client, to help them to reach their customer with the help of internet. Website helps us to serve our desired client base in a targeted manner. Web Design and Web Development become the integral part of our marketing and advertisement phase. While …

Member Avatar for niths

i am not getting the value in $sql2. so can anyone please.... thank u [CODE]$sql2="select allocatedmemory from projects where projectname='$projectassign'"; mysql_error(); $data1=mysql_query($sql2); echo '$data1';[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for througheye

Hello, I want to make my php based script's url search engin friendly,as i know nothing about .htaccess, can anyone one hints me about the code in the .htaccess file. [url][/url] ignore the actual url is index?default&base=one&script=comment where "one" is the folder name and comment is the script on …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for whitestream6

This is my XML code: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <library> <episodes> <episode> <eptitle>Police Stop!</eptitle> <epno></epno> <desc>Dangerous driving caught on camera.</desc> </episode> <episode> <eptitle>Police Stop! 2</eptitle> <epno></epno> <desc>Dangerous driving caught on camera. Including a pursuit through the Midlands.</desc> </episode> <episode> <eptitle>Police Stop! 3</eptitle> <epno></epno> <desc>Featuring footage of dangerous driving on our roads, …

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for jasper77

Hello! I am missing something... I am using phpmailer-fe to collect the information from a form and send it to me in an e-mail. This is the first time I'm using the phpmailer scripts and they seem straightforward. The form seems to process and sends the viewer to a success …

Member Avatar for arraystechnosys

Arrays Technosys is training institute in pune which provides technical courses related to computer and IT training.Arrays also providing live projects and performs placement activities which gives 100% job garuntee. The various courses offered at Arrays Technosys have been formulated by highly experienced professionals in the niche domains. The course …

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Member Avatar for keval_hack

Alright, I do little experience with programming with HTML/PHP The thing I need is an script that will log the visiting persons IP address AND his country of origin in any way; so the admin (me) can see it and confirm he/she has done whatever I want him to do. …

Member Avatar for keval_hack
Member Avatar for frugalfreeloade

Hi, I've been searching for hours for an answer to this. I have a coupon saving website and I'm trying to allow people to print off a shopping list by checking checkboxes that once submitted will send you to a basic white page with just those item selected displayed so …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for Syakoban

Hi, I'm trying to get an "app" created to run a com port on my local machine to control some electromechanical equipment. The issue is connecting to the local machine from a phone or laptop using WiFi and pulling up a "web page" (in PHP???) that can then communicate to …

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Member Avatar for kayblack

Hi guys, I'm trying to create a php script that'll send information gathered from a form and send it as an html email with the info arranged in tables. Can't seem to get it to work. Here's the message part of the script (containing the table): [CODE]$to="o.oloyede@feeslimited.net"; $message=" <table width="500" …

Member Avatar for cjohnweb
Member Avatar for sallecpt

Hey guys. First of all, its been 2 days, and already 2:30am in the morning. I've eaten a steel fork, jumped over the moon, broke an arm, and cant get it to work. Will somebody please assist me in this; The end result sound simple, and maybe it is, but …

Member Avatar for sallecpt
Member Avatar for TrinitySamuels

Hello! Well, for those experts there, how do you guys master PHP Programming Language? I can't seem to find any good courses in colleges / uni that offers a subject on "PHP Language" ... So, how do you guys managed to learn it? Via books and e-books?.

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for michael_r

hi every one this is my first post in any forum i have got an error while inserting a row to mysql this is my code: $query = "INSERT INTO flight(date,from,to,depart_time_hr,depart_time_min,arr_time_hr,arr_time_min) VALUES('$_POST[date]','$_POST[from2]','$_POST[to2]','$_POST[hours1]','$_POST[minutes1]','$_POST[hours2]','$_POST[minutes2]')"; the error shown is: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds …

Member Avatar for michael_r
Member Avatar for mrcniceguy

i`m having this problem after whenever include or require is Used. help please i dont know how to solve this. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare validateemail() (previously declared in C:\wamp\www\kislat\functions\functions.php:3) in C:\wamp\www\kislat\functions\functions.php on line 26 [code=php] <?php session_start(); require "config.php"; $user=$_SESSION['user']; $id=$_SESSION['id']; if(!session_is_registered('user')){ header("Location: checklogin.php"); exit; } define('INCLUDE_CHECK',1); require"functions/functions.php"; require"includes/functions.php"; //$user=$_POST['user']; …

Member Avatar for mrcniceguy
Member Avatar for dan_ord

Hi everyone, having a real headache over arrays at the moment. Had a search through the forums but can't find what im after so i'll begin here. I'm in the process of setting up a shopping cart. I'm pretty much there with it all, however there is one thing which …

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for toleen

hello i am a very biggner in php but i have to do a homework about student regstration module there is 4 groups and 32 student ,each groupe should have 8 students when a student would be register in a groupe should i check if he is alredy exist in …

Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Im not sure the correct syntax to solve this problem. I have 3 arrays: A=(3, 4, 5) B=(1, 3, 5) C=(5, 3, 2) I'd like to loop through first element of each array and find the largest int, move to the 2nd element of each array and again find the …

Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber
Member Avatar for dragos13

I have an array named &data. I want to create a new array from $data,from x to y position.I tried to make it with for but I don't know how.Pls help.Tnx while($info1=mysql_fetch_assoc($x)) { $data[]= $info1['umiditate']; } for($i=3 ;$i<=5 ;$i++) { $data2=$data[$i]; }

Member Avatar for johny_d
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello... i have 6 tables in database. now i am deleting product in product table. then how to delete all rows which is in another tables on this product id in single step.

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Member Avatar for JERRYBOY78

Hello everyone, i working on a website and i wanna grab data from a table in my database . specifically the last 4 rows that are entered as the database is updated automatically by users. i wanna be able to display each row separately in different div tags. i'm getting …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for sam023

Hello Friends.. i m inserting near about 20000 in db at a time.. i jst want to know how can i get the number of inserted rows and time taken to done that..!!! Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for niths

Hi all, how can i send the value selected by radio button to the next page. thank u.

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for sleign

hey guys - I'm sort of new to php5 and mysql5 but I'm pretty decent in php4 and mysql4 and thus far I've not seen that many differences. I am, however, new to SSL technology. I am building a site for a friend and am working on the login processing …

Member Avatar for preetg

hi everyone........... i want to send sms from my wesite to moblie phone.....i dont knw how i do it?nd i dont have any guidance of experts.............. plz guide how can i do this....... i read tutorial for this .....now i knw i need http protocol but how ?????????:-/:icon_question:

Member Avatar for uniqueseo
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, i had a table 'files'. in which fileid,filename,uploadeddate,uploadedby,size are columns. now i need to display the occupied space under the table. means i hav to sum all the values in size. i had done it on line 38. but wat i need is tat sum value i should …

Member Avatar for Encrypted

The End.